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John Deere's Intolerance

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John Deere's Intolerance

Letter written by concerned Virginian

Dear Armando Ferrer, Bonnie Heddy, and John Deere management,

I am a private citizen but I will also do my best to spread the word that John Deere is a discriminatory employer which discriminates against Southerners and free speech.

The firing of a skilled mechanic, merely due to a small emblem of ancestry and heritage displayed on his toolbox, is unconscionable. It goes against everything that America stands for -- free expression, pride in actual diversity (that means from all sides), and uniting through our different experiences. I am disgusted with the John Deere company for this action, and another where an employee was terminated for whistling the classic tune "Dixie".

As one who holds a Master's Degree in Political Science and has studied American history at length, I can assure you that nothing about the Confederate battle flag has anything to do with any negative connotation, particularly slavery. The battle flag, which certain groups have chosen to adopt as a publicity issue when their coffers were running low, was actually adopted after the War for Southern Independence had already well begun, and was merely a means to distinguish the Yankee and Confederate forces over the smoke of battle. Indeed, the irony of your action -- making a political statement out of the flag -- is that it in fact had no political affiliation whatsoever.

The fact that Mr. VanDerHoff's employment was terminated is thus not only outrageous and discriminatory on its face, but is quite stupid, historically speaking.

In addition, I fear it will prove to be an unwise move for your company. You may well have begun a tempest which will hurt your public image and economic standing more than you were aware. To cite a personal example, my own family was planning on buying a mower, and now will make sure to buy from one of your competitors. We had bought from your company before, believing you to be a fair, traditional, and nonradical company which made good products. Yet there are many companies which make such products.

No one wants this situation to escalate, and thus I am pleading with you on behalf of this man and your own fortunes to rescind your ill-considered and mean-spirited decision. Should the situation be resolved amicably and fairly, Southerners will again stick with John Deere. But you should be aware that Southern heritage forces are a growing force in the marketplace, who are learning to unite and win battles against those who are prejudiced. Intolerance will be announced, those who practice it will be exposed, and the market will react accordingly.

Please reconsider.

David Smalley

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