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My Defense of the Rebel Flag
Below is a letter written by J.S., a 16 year old Louisiana resident, that is certainly worth reading!
I have heard people whine and cry that the Confederate flag represents hate, racism, bigotry,
and slavery. It has been equated with hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan. It has been
compared with such hate symbols as swastikas. Those who know better, realize that these
views of the Confederate flag project the idiocy on this subjuect by those with these views.
Research on the subject can change such bad views. I suggest research be done before
someone goes shooting off their mouth about something he or she doesn't understand.
Whithout the true knowledge of the Confederate States of America, one must go on lies and
misunderstanding of the Klan. I do not see any other heritage that is spit on so often and as
widely as this in America. Some think that since we do not fly Nazi flags in the name of
heritage, we should not fly Confederate flags. The Nazi party committed horrid acts of
genocide, but the Confederates fought for more states' rights. How can some insinuate that
something like genocide is of equal stature with something like fighting for more states' rights?
Misuse of the Confederate flag by the Ku Klux Klan has reduced it to its low stature. Oh, in
case no one noticed, the Klan flies the American flag as well. Oh yeah! Then the slavery
thing. I understand that slavery was worng and I do not approve of it whatsoever. Slavery
was not the major issue of the Civil War. It just happened to be "the straw that broke the
camels back." At one point, "President Lincoln stated that the war was not to abolish slavery.
Even the noble Ulysses S. Grant owned a few slaves. Just under 20% of southerners owned
slaves. Those who did only 5 or fewer. While we are the sucject of racism, I feel compelled to
query as to why it is worng to use the term "White power!," but no one gives "Black power!"
a second thought. I, for one, an very offended by the term "Black power!" It is an outright
expression of Black supremacy. If this is allowed, why can't I say "White power?" My skin may
be shite, but my blood is red, just like that of a black person. Sometimes I feel that if humans
had the minds of dogs, we would all be truely equal. A woman's article was printed in my
local newspaper, the Lake Charles American Press, on Sunday, February 13, 2000. She
writes, "Robert E. Lee surrendered his sword at Appomattox. Men fly flags when they win.
What other defeated warriors fly their flags?" I believe that I can provide her with an answer.
The USA. I suppose she thinks that the USA won the Vietnam War. Reality check! We lost!
Unless I have completely lost my mind, everyday I stand and praise the great and beautiful
"Stars and Stripes." I don't believe that I am praising Vietnamese flag. Hopefully, she does
not mean to remove the American flag. I know that the Confederate States of America lost,
but I enjoy expressing my heritage. So, do not brand my as a racist or a bigot. In my blood
line, I cantrace my backgrounds to England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Germany, China, Japan,
the Philippines, and probably others I do not know. I am not affiliated with any hate group of any
kind, nor do I condone their actions. I have friends of many different races and ethnic
backgrounds, including blacks. In fact, until the 9th grade I went to schools that are more than
90% black. I will not deny it. I am in possession of a Confederate flag. I fly it proudly, not
out of hate, but out of love for my Southern heritage. The flag can be removed from our eyes, but
not from our minds or our hearts. Mark this, as long as I am alive, the noble Confederate
flag will fly!
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