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"Dedicated to the Preservation of Southern Heritage"

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SPA News

The Southern Telegraph, which is the SPA's newsletter is posted on this page and the National page. Please read to get the lastest information on the SPA and the South.



Let it be it known, we are not with any hate group. In fact most Southern folks resent and loath these bigots. They insult us by using our honored battle flags. To a true Southerner they are our enemy. Any action we "SPA" take will be peaceful, legal and with honor.

We, the Southern people for the last few years have become the scrape goats for every ill of this country. Our heritage and culture called sinful, flags and icons called racist. The real South is dying a slow death. The proof is the fact most can not see what is happening...or do not care??

Many of us are tired of being the pun for talk show host, being classed as Southern idiots by the media and being called racist for loving and caring about our heritage, flags and heroes! We are Americans too and should have the same rights as any American! When did it become sinful to be born of the South?

This attack on our heritage by the naacp and other hate groups is moving race relations back 50 years! We of The SPA are peace loving people, we denounce any and all that teach hate in any form. We are pledged to support ALL peoples in defense of their heritage and culture.........Of course our primary goal is the defense, restoration, and preservation of our noble Southern Heritage, flags, heroes and icons.

November 23rd. is The Southern Preservation's official SOUTH OUT for the year 2001.

The day after Thanksgiving is the busiest retail day of the year. The SPA ask that all Southron refrain from buying "anything for 24 hours" this date. The impact could really make a dent in sales! We keep saying we need to do something for our Southron heritage. This can be done in a very simple legal way. Let us hit em' where it hurts, their pocket books!

Please post on your website...Inform all Southron mail list, web sites, SCV and all others about this SOUTH OUT! Heritage groups and others need to inform their local news media about SOUTH OUT. Spread the word!!! Let us show these people we're here to stay and enough is enough!

Please support this effort for our Dixie!

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