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"Dedicated to the Preservation of Southern Heritage"

North Carolina Chapter

NC Chapter of SPA

Please be patient while Southern Heritage rally pictures load.

Pictures are much clearer when enlarged.

***If you have Southern Heritage Pictures from NC that you'd like on here send them to and I'll put them online ASAP***

Memorial service in Badin, NC
Confederate soldier re-enactors at the memorial service in Badin, NC. H.K. Edgerton is in the backgound with a "Heritage Not Hate" sign. The other two men beside him were also speakers, one from the SCV. (July of 2000) Click to enlarge.

Marching protesters at Alcoa
Protesters marching in front of Alcoa in Badin, NC. After several months, Alcoa finally agreed to let employees park in the company lot with Confederate emblems on personal vechicles. (July of 2000) Click to enlarge.

Memorial service in Badin, NC
H.K Edgerton standing outside Badin Baptist Church's graveyard in Badin, NC holding the Rebel Flag. (July of 2000) Click to enlarge.

Memorial service in Badin, NC
Confederate memorial service at Badin Baptist Church. (July of 2000) Click to enlarge.

Wife of Confederate soldier's grave
This is me(Lindsay) and my brother(Tyler) at the wife(Eliza) of Noah Shaver's(Confederate soldier) grave. Noah is my great great great great great great(6) grandfather. (July of 2000) Click to enlarge.

This is me (Lindsay) at one of the Alcoa Rallies in Badin, NC. August of 2000.

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October 1, 2000

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