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"Dedicated to the Preservation of Southern Heritage"

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Southern Poetry

Some of these poems are authored by SPA members and are noted.

She will

Not noticing the early signs of aggression,
She smiled her shining rays of beauty on our lives.
Slowly it withered into what it has become today.
Why? Many ask, few know.
Strongly she cries out to me.
She clutches my heart screaming,"Save me!"
"I am only one person, so what can I do?"
She tells me to do everything in her power to save her.
I will not let her down, she will rise like never before.
She will receive ten fold of what she has given me.
Our past is too delicate to let it slip and fall.
I will not let it be true because she deserves it.
All that depise her will soon become silent forever.
As she rises, their mouths shall drop.
Ah, what beauty she is. Smiling once again.
I guided her and I won!
She thanks me again and again.
But future generations thank me more
because they got to see the beauty in her that I see.

By SPA Recruiting Officer Lindsay Lewis of NC

Ask not of their posterity, "Why did these soldiers fight?"
The judgeing of a soldiers heart is reserved as Heaven's right.
Ask of us instead, "Why you this homage pay,
To the heros of your fallen cause, who died in tattered gray?"
That is something we may answer, with hearts swelled up with pride.
"For duty as they saw it, they strove, they dared, they died"
But one request they asked of us as their sunset time drew nigh...
"Forget me not my Southern son, nor remember me thru lies".
So I ask you kindly. I beg you understand.
Why I strive, to keep alive, his memroy in this land.

By SPA Member Jamie "PoBoy" Roberts of LA

Do you hear our beloved Dixie call?

"Get up my Southren, stand proud,stand tall!"
Her calling echoes through our great land,
for the day we glorify her, hand in hand.

Remember the war, the battles, the toil,
our forefathers victories on Union soil,
They fought for her with absolute pride,
something we all have for Dixie inside.

Hold onto her hand and never let go,
our pride and our wisdom will make her grow,
into that beautiful land our forefathers knew,
they fought for our Dixie, now I ask, will you?

By SPA Member Jennifer "Lilred" Dunfee of Old Virginia

"We Southron are people to whom the past is forever speaking. We listen to it because we cannot help ourselves, for the past speaks to us with many voices.

Far out of that dark nowhere which is the time before we were born, men who were flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone went through fire and storm to break a path to the future and form a true government, by the people, and for the people.

We are part of the future they died for; they are part of the past that brought the future. What they did--the lives they lived, the sacrifices they made, the stories they told and the songs they sang and, finally, the deaths they died--make up a part of our own experience. We cannot cut ourselves off from it. It is as real to us as something that happened last week. It is a basic part of our "Southern Heritage"as Americans"

(Author unknown)

Fight on

with a cry and a yell
the man did fall
beat over the head
with his own flag pole

from the right
from the left
Confederates did come
but a little to late to save the day

their flag had fallen
on the ground soggy with blood
blood of those fighting, alone

by hundreds and thousands
the flag was raised
in honor of heritage
they did cry

not believed
not all people even cared
'slavery,slavery it does stand for'
the cry from the ignorant did arise

together they stood
together they fought
for heritage
for ancestores past

united at last
for the common cause
the Confederate heritage
for the Confederate past

it will not be forgotten
it will not be lost
as lonsg as even one does fight

fight on
fight on
the battle has only begun
the war is not yet over

do not stop
do not quit
fight on

Authored by: SPA member Michael Clark AKA MadMike

Southern Cross

See her shudder in the twilight breeze,
That old flag one seldom sees.

When home was in the heart she flew proud and brave,
Now, only in memory of men in their graves.

All memory of Her glory gone,
In only a few hearts the flame burns on.

Once a symbol of honor and glory,
Today the memory is no longer hallow.

A day of memory once did we claim,
To honor the struggle, to honor the name.

Seldom observed for fear of derision,
Total defeat, total submission.

In the hills and vales where brave soldiers tread,
Sleep now only the ranks of the dead.

To those with battle blood gory,
We give no robings of glory.

With love and honor their stand was made,
With purest heart the great price paid.

Grand Sires with silver locks and boys still children,
No beasts from Hell, no black hearted villains.

Mortal men like us - of flesh and blood,
Men who lived - men who loved.

Side by side they stood, they fought, they died;
Defending freedom with honor and pride.

What tribute is paid those noble souls?
“Reject them as evil” we are told.

“They deserve no peace, no rest of honored dead”,
“Award no laurels for your hero’s heads”.

Unjust shame for the price they paid,
That home and freedom might be saved.

War saw many days upon the field,
In every home the cost to feel.

The Horsemen Four rode with canon's thunder,
‘Till all who stood was trod asunder.

Hard they rode upon the land,
Countless graves in witness stand.

The people gave all and when it was gone,
They suffered together - together as one.

Proud we were - and should be today.
Proud of those who wore the gray.

The flame burns on in the hearts of some,
Who remember the past and honor won.

The nation’s honor they made our due,
Pride in their pattern of red, white and blue.

Hearts cold as stone are turned our way,
“Let every trace be cleared” they are heard to say.

Late comers all, who love not this land,
No roots, no graves, just shifting sand.

The best interest of the people they claim to show,
The best interest of a people they don’t even know.

The best interest of themselves is what I see,
To break the bond between you and me.

The bond of blood mixed on many field,
The bond of pride - our right to feel.

The bond of place - this blessed earth,
The bond of honor - the bond of worth.

I cherish the pride made our due,
Pride in our own red, white and blue.

If only to ourselves we would be true,
A heritage of pride would come shining through.

Authored by SPA member Lee

Fighting the Good Fight

out of time
not to be forgot
the fighting is not done
the day is not through

The war rages on still
in the hearts
the minds
the souls
of Southern proud

not standing down
not letting the flag fall
the fight continues
the fight must go on

let not the soldiers
be forgot
let not their battles
be in vain

for the war has begun again
the battles are being fought
not in the field
but in the court

we fight still
while we have breath
someone will always fight on
someone will always fight the good fight

Authored by: SPA member Michael Clark AKA MadMike

The Grey Riders

Out of the sunrise, at the dawn of the day;
Thunder of hoof beats, coming our way.
A sight such as this, we had to behold,
Not in a lifetime, is what we were told.

Off in the distance, come now what may;
Like out of the past, these riders in grey.
It never could happen, nor should it be;
Yet we beheld, and now we could see.

Horsemen they rode, on stallions of light;
In glory and honour, from out of the night.
They passed us so bravely, as never before;
We couldn't help wonder, what was instore.

They rode with the wind, with little to say;
These riders of Dixie, at the coming of day.
Now we were seeing, in galloping stride;
Power and glory, of our Southern Pirde.

See the grey riders, come like a cloud;
Their gallant legions, make us so proud.
If ever we need them, this is the day;
Ride like the wind, and into the fray.

Heavenly father, grant us the might;
Roll back our foe, in panic and flight.
God in your wisdom, permit us the way;
send us our soldiers, The Riders In Grey.

Authored by: Thomas E. Guinn

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