My Concert Review

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We were in traffic waiting to get into the Charlotte Colliseum. There were 3 of my other friends, me, and a mother all squished inside a little car, but we didn't care, because we were WAY too excited. We had our car painted up with Backstreet Boys spirit. We would pass by car's screaming we loved the Backstreet Boys, or whichever one we loved the most (AJ!). Well when we finally got into the parking lot after paying a 5 dollar parking fee, we jumped out of the car singing Backstreet Boy's songs. We didn't feel out of place, because there was BSB music blasting from EVERYWHERE. Finally we made our way to the colliseum building and told where we were to meet my friends' mother. We walked in with our ticket in hand soooo excited. They were scanned (at this concert, they don't take the ticket stub, they just scan it, so if you care, you have a full suvenier!). We walked in and were handed paper's saying we could send off for BSB pictures taken from our concert (b/c you're not suppose to take camera's but sooo many people i'm not saying i took one *wink *wink).

We decided to get something to eat real fast, because like idiots, we were gonna eat something before we got to the colliseum at the local McDonald's but it was SLAMMED we decided to get a hotdog to hold us over till after the concert. We ate quickly and made our way to the seats assigned to us. They kinda sucked, but I was happy to be there anyways. It was around 7:00 and the concert was set to begin at 7:30. Me and my other friend sat and waited while my two other friends walked around. There were girls around everywhere screaming so high pitched that my ears were's not that cool to do that by the way, cause it gets really annoying to do that in someone's ears.

Every single time the lights around the stage would change color's, all the girls would start screaming, cause they thought the Backstreet Boy's were finally coming out. Well 7:30 rolled around and everyone was siked...then 7:45, then 8:00..soon BSB chants were heard all over. FINALLY around 8:15 came and we saw the Boys come out of the floor riding on the space boards. THE COLLISEUM SHOOK WITH SCREAMS. It was soooo loud. The boy's made their way to the stage and unhooked. Then they made their way around the circle, doing their salute's to each side of the round (well more of square kinda circle thing.

Soon they started singing with Larger than Life. Everyone was singing along. Then they introduced themselves. It seemed like Brian got the most cheers, but thats ok, cause I still love my A.J.. After a few more songs, they were dancing, and it was a move where all the guys were to fall down and whenever Nick did, his shoe accidently FLEW off and landed accross stage, I about DIED laughing. But then to top THAT off whenever Nick was standing behind AJ they were standing singing and stuffed animals started flying, and Nick dodged one, but then stood back up and some kind of duck or something smacked him right in the face, but he was laughing about it.

After that happened they all went up on harnesses, and one of the dancers handed AJ a stuffed animal which he threw out over the crowd. They all were going crazy on their own harnesses. Howie was doing flips non stop, and Kevin looked like he was running or something. The rest of the Backstreet Boys I couldn't see. But they did dance off's between the female dancer's, they introduced each band member...and a special of them is a go gurl! Anyways, I thought the funniest part of the band into was Howie RAPPING!!!! I know, you won't beleive it 'till you see it! The did so many other things, but I was paying so much attention to AJ I kinda missed some things, but I regret NOTHING.

Whenever the Perfect Fan is played, five mothers, and five daughters are brought up on stage, and each guy get's his own. Then whenever it gets near the end, each guy get's down on one knee and sings to the girl, and their mother. It was sooo sweet. And girls let me tell you, before this song was up, Kevin's pants were about to fall down. He told everyone over the microphone that his "drawer's are about to fall down". So that got the crowd even more wound up. They also had little ladder like things that they climbed on and did their own little thing on...don't ask me where they got the idea for that.

Before the song Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely came on, they told about how it was the last song written by Dennis Pop. I tried to show my repect and didn't scream during this part, but no one else picked up on that drift. You could tell it kinda brought the guys down to sing the song, but they did it and it turned out so beautiful. I forget which song the do this after, but all the dancer's (BTW Fatima Robinson is a dancer) and the Backstreet Boys all take bows together and then go back DOWN into the stage...well most people though it's over...BUT they still hadn't played I Want It That Way , so I kinda stayed put. Then OF COURSE, they rose up on the platform and sang the song, and the crowd sang parts. Then they did kinda an encore chorus part of it. THEN they left off stage and the lights came on, so you really knew it was over.

Well me and my friends decided we wanted to go down to where the bottom bottom floor was (like where the stage was).So we made our way down while the stage hands came and started sweeping (confettii is let out..I GOT SOME, LOL) and I look over seeing a bright light, and it's a CAMERA. MTV IS THERE!!! I tried to make my way over there but a security gaurd of course stopped me, so we had to go back up into the seats. We turn and go to the railing and as the MTV broadcaster, Chris, walks by some girls shout his name and he looks over and waves. Then this woman makes us leave saying the Backstreet Boys were already on there way to the airport....yeah right! But we walk back to the lobby to wait for our friends mom and two of my friends have a chorus thing where they have to do a song, and they dance too, so they were like reheasing for it in the lobby in front of all these people. The bad thing was it was Baby (one more time), I know ugh..but oh well. We were having a good time. Her mom finally came like 45 MINUTES later and we walked to the car.

So were were walking back singing I want It That Way and this woman was handing out pictures of this new group based in Charlotte called Platinum . So if they ever get famous like BSB, you know where you heard them from first. But we got in the car and cranked up Millineum which was on in EVERY car. We passed all these people and everyone was screaming things like BSB rules. So after we left the lot, we went to Arby's got the food (of course encountering MORE BSB fans) and went back to the hotel (which was nothing BUT BSB FANS). We talked to all these people we'd never met before. Everyone was cool though. So we finally ate, went to bed and got up and ate breakfast. Then we left. So that was my CONCERT kinda got more than you asked for from this story, but hey, I'm a writer I had to make it interesting! I hope you get to see BSB, and if not, maybe this helped you out a little.

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