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Ok you know who you guy's are. Meredeth (my advitisor) gurl thanks so much for the help. This is kinda my first time getting the page to actually work. I hope you do make a story, cause I'd love to host it. And thanks for all the great pictures (of AJ lol) but whenever i get the help I will put them on the page ok? And thanks for the concert helps to have two opinions. We had a blast Friday didn't we? The police and security suck huh? They didn't let us do anything...hehehe..peace Carolinians ROCK don't we!!!(sorry for mispelling your name earlier, i never said i was bright!)

Ok now to my bud. Carrie, what up girl. We love our guys D and AJ don't we? LOL, remember, whenever we turn 18 we're gonna be roomates in Orlando, right? =) I know you can't wait till your concert. I'm SOOO sure you'll love it. I wish I could go, but oh well. Maybe next year, right? Anyways, thankyou soooo much for helping me on my page. I'm sure yours will turn out so much better than mine. I hope you like the picure i sent though, cause i think it'll be a perfect picture for it. But we love our men. Oh gurl you won't beleive it..HOWIE RAPPED at the concert I was at. LOL, it was soooo adorable. I guess i'll end this now. U ROCK, peace!

Yo Carrie gurl, I gotta add more about you now cause u'r helping me upload so here's the rest. Thanks so much for the help, w/o you i don't know how this page'd look right now. Thanks, and i hope u get your site lookin good. PEACE

"See Ya'll In The Movies!!!!"

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