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North Carolina T.R.E.C. Competition

T.R.E.C. stands for Equestrian Trail Riding and Trekking Techniques Competition. TREC is designed to encourage the development of the skills necessary for the horse and rider to be safe and effective while riding in the countryside.
There are Four Phases:
Orienteering or POR (Saturday) 240 Max Points
Mastery of Gaits or CP (Sun Morning) 60 Max Points
Cross Country Trials Course or PTV (Sun afternoon) 160 Max Points
Equipment Inspection & Turn Out (Friday/Saturday) 10 Max Points

Orienteering or P.O.R.

The Orienteering Phase is also known as Optimum Speed and Orienteering Course or P.O.R. It is the first phase and it usually starts early Saturday during a two-day competition.

Scoring This phase carries 240 points out of a total of 470 points. Points are lost for: