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Treasured Thoughts Poetry DJ French

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Poetry By Others DJ French

{Arranged In Alphabetical Order}

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Sue Anne Aguilera William W Chadsey Joan Clifton Costner
DJ French Marian Jones Agatha Lai
Vickie Lambdin Joyce C Lock Martha Duke Manley
Carol D Meeks Tammy S Pearlie Duncan Walker

Biography of DJ French

DJ French

My name is Donna Jean and I'm from the south where everyone calls you by both names so people started callimg me DJ. I am 47 years old, soon to be 48, had 2 sons 1 yr and 1 day apart. My oldest son, Shane was shot and killed almost 8 yrs ago at the age of 22. For 2 years, I almost lost my mind even though I was a devount christian and had been for many years. But when I came thru his death victorious, I knew that nothing satan could ever throw at me could defeat me for even in death, I still win cause I will be going home to be with the Lord, Shane and all the ones that have gone on to be with Him in that glorious home above. I miss Shane and think about him every day but I know where he is and that I will be with him again.

My family has a very heridetery disease of the heart, CAD. 28 members of my family, on both sides have had open heart surgery or have died from this disease. Even my 5 year old grandson has already had 2 heart procedures and they were planning open heart for him several months ago. But PTL! God answered my prayer and they said it wasn't necessary at this time.

My entire testimony can be read on my web pages, where I add as I can. I had a 5 way open heart bypass at 38, 6 heart attacks since, 12 stints, etc.The doctors say that nothing more can be done for my heart but I told them that I knew the Great Healer Himself and He could do anything!

I am co founder of several christian groups on yahoo and We started Lighthouse 4 Jesus over a year ago and have added a womens branch, youth group, bible study, etc. The Lord is really blessing us. We have a weekly prayer praise and fellowship meeting. God sent me some awesome dedicated women of God to help with these groups. We have had the opportunity to all meet in person in June, 2002, even our moderator from New Zealand! It was an awesome experience and we are trying to plan another meeting ,if it be Gods Will. There are 5 of us and we have become so close over the net, phone calls, snail mail, etc. I praise God for these wonderful sisters and their encouragement and support.

I have 3 grandchildren, 2 boys and a girl, Colton, Brylan and Breanna. Colton is Shane's son and the other 2 are my son, Shawn's. I lived in Calif. for almost 20 years before moving back home to Arkansas about 10 years ago. I started writing poetry very young in life. This was the way I shared my thoughts. Shane also wrote poetry and many of his poems are also on my web pages, on his memory page. I believe that this is a way that the Lord has given me to share about Him, His mercy and love.

I am an excellent speller, believe it or not, lol! I make quite a few typos due to a massive stroke that I had several years ago, But the doctors said that I would never use my left arm again. I was typing with it 4 days after I came home from the hospital. So if a few mistakes in typing is one of the few things, I can deal with this.

The Lord has been opening alot of doors through my poetry. I share on a poetry forum. She read my poem that I had posted here and contacted me about sharing with them.

I have been pretty sick for several months now but I believe that God is going to heal me. I have to stay at my mom's during the bad spells with my heart and there is no computer there so I get so behind in everything. But with these special sisters that the Lord has given me, when one of us fall short, one of the others are right behind to pick up.

TY for the invitation and opportunity to share my poems with all of you. GBU, DJ


~Lord I Thank You~
By DJ French ©

Lord, I thank you, I praise you for each and every day,
that You give me,
Help me to become a better servant of yours, to help others find the way.
I have been through trials and valleys not even questioned why?
Though I know its all in Your Great Plan,
that we will know by and by.

I love the time I spend with You,on bended knees in prayer,
Thank You for Your presence, letting me know You're always there.
Thank You for the spiritual gifts that You have bestowed on me,
Athough I'm so unworthy, help me to be all that I can be.
Teach me to have an open heart and always to obey,
Lord, I depend on You to give me the words to say.
Your unconditional love is so awesome, sometimes we feel so unloved,
Thank You for giving us that special touch as only you can, from above.

I long to look upon your face, and be reunitd with my family and friends that have gone on,
I know they kneel beside You, now, as You sit upon the throne.
Lord, help me to be an encouragement to others, trying to find their way,
Lead and guide me Lord, in every word I say.
Lord, I believe in my complete healing still,
But what im asking is to always be in Your Perfect will.

Lord, I pray that others can see you in me, as I go through this life,
Help me to give encouragement to those facing strife.

Your precious blood, You shed for all,
Upon that cross, with a crown of thorns,
You bore such humilation, as they shouted out with scorn.
Open eyes and hearts Lord, help all to understand,
That You gave your life for each and every man.
You walked upon this earth as a human, knowing all along your fate,
We know that You are preparing a place for us and there our loved ones wait.

Lord, I know that I sometimes fail and fall short,
unworthy of the price you paid, as You drew Your last breath at Calvary,
Your blood flowing freely for all, on that cross made from a tree.
Lord, thank you for Your kindness, love, mercy and grace,
I will fight the fight, stand firm for You, win the last race.
I Come To You
By DJ French © 2002

Lord, I come to You on bended knees just to praise Your name.
I praise You daily for since You came into my heart, my life has completely changed.
You have blessed me so much. Many times I cry out to You asking for answers to prayer,
and You are always faithful to assure me that You are always there.

I seem to always come to You with so many needs,
But Lord, this time, I just want to tell You how much You mean to me.
I know that you have made me a walking miracle and I give all the glory to You,
I ask that you lead and guide me in every way, in all I say and do.

Lord, help me to be an encouragement to others facing strife,
Thank You, precious Father, for the gift of eternal life.
I love You and worship You, I feel my heart could burst,
I pray that I never fail to always place You first.

Lord, You have blessed me with so many precious sisters, children of yours, Our Savior and friend,
These ties that you have bound us with are so strong and knows no end.
Thru all the times I felt overpowered and questioned it too much to bear,
Lord, please forgive me for ever doubting Your precious love and care.

I have been down in the valley and walked thru the shadow of death,
But You wrapped me in Your arms, gave me blessed assurance, peace and rest.
Lord, only You know my heart and all the hurt and pain,
But You lifted me up thru all, back on the mountaintop again.

On the days that I wake up, missing my precious loved ones who have gone on to glory,
You dry each and every tear for You know my story.
I praise You, Almighty God on high, for everything You do,
Teach me to take my needs to the cross and leave them there with You.

You know my triumphs, You know my failures and all things yet to come,
Lord, I ask for strength to endure them all, for victory You have promised the ones,
who obey You and give our hearts to You, with You all things are possible,
You will carry us when we cant walk alone,
Our Lord and Savior, who is seated on the throne.
I love you Lord

He Paid the Ultimate Price
DJ French ©

I know the pain and hurt of giving up my son,
It never goes away in your mind from dusk til dawn,
I know Im not the only one who has given up their own,
The most precious son ever taken is now upon the Throne.

He could have called 10,000 angels to save Him that day,
But he knew why He was there,He wasnt sent to stay.
He paid the ultimate price for us all that anyone could ever pay,
How can anyone that knows Him turn his heart away?

He gave His life for all that we might eternally live,
And He doesnt ask for much in return,only that we give,
Him our heart,mind and soul,
Always have a praise on our lips for those that do not know,
of the joy and comfort he can give them,of the peace and love they will feel,
He's not just a spirit,He is here for real.

We need to tell all that we meet about Our Savior Jesus Christ,
About how He gave His life for us, the ultimate sacrifice.
He doesnt promise that all will be perfect when we are born again,
But He does promise we'll never be alone,but always there with him.
He doesnt say its easy or promise no stress or strife,
But He does promise us blessed eternal life.
A christian will still have problems and trials and tests,
But with His Love and Mercy,He promises us the best.
He promises to never put more on us than we can bear,
although sometimes it seems we've had more than our share.
But there is nothing easier than giving your life to Him,
Just confess your sins and ask Him to come in.

Its hard to just let go and leave our problem with Him, never pick them up again,
But just be confident that they are being taken care of,in the only capable hands,
He knows our hearts,our mind,our needs
He will never leave us,we must always let Him lead.
He will take care of each and every need,
Just give all to Him and and with all your heart believe.

He loves us more than we could ever comprehend,
His love for all is so awesome,it has no end.
So leave your cares at the foot of the cross,
and ask Him to give you the words to say to witness to the lost.
We praise You Lord for Your Mercy and love,
Our Savior,Our Jesus,Our Lord up above.
Thank You Lord
By DJ French ©

Lord, I come to You with so many requests,
asking for Your touch,
I want to always praise You,
while to Your hand, I clutch.
I can't live one day without You.
first and foremost in my life.
I thank You for Your unconditional love
thru all the pain and stife.
You paid the ultimate price for all,
each and every one,
I pray that in all things,
that Your Will be done.
I know that sometimes we ask for things,
that we don't really need,
Help us to understand
as our spirits You feed.

You came to earth a lowly man,
born of the virgin Mary,
Knowing Your fate was to die for us,
our sins You thus carried.
You came, taught and left Your Word,
To minister to all, eternally to be heard.
For 33 years You walked on earth,
Yet knowing Your death was prophesied before Your birth.
The apostles You chose,
were not even Godly ones,
You looked beyond what they were,
and saw who they would become.
You taught, You healed, You walked among mankind,
You healed the sick, cast out demons,
and opened the eyes of the blind.

Lord, I pray that You open the eyes
of all the ones that are lost,
Showing them that the debt for their sins
were paid in full by Your death, the ultimate cost.
You left Your Word for all
to tell them of Your mercy and grace,
Keep us always focused on You,
to not rush ahead in haste.

We know that one day, very soon,
You are coming back to take us home,
Where on streets of gold, our feet will forever roam.
The anticipation of being with You,
for all eternity,
Our minds can't begin to comprehend,
how long that will be.

Help us to stay focused completely on You,
til that glorious day,
When we will be with You and our loved ones,
who have gone on ahead,
We know that they are now with You,
only their earthly bodies are dead.
They are waiting for us to join them,
as they pour out songs of praise,
Keep us strong, keep us safe,
remind us to always pray.

We love You Lord. with all our hearts
and thank You for carrying us
when we we're too tired to walk alone,
Praise You Lord, we know that You await us
to join You around the throne.
Where we'll abide forever,
no more tears, no more sorrow, or death,
We pray that You give us strength and wisdom
to minister to those that long to be with You,
in that blessed place of sweet rest.
Lord, we pray, that our lost loves ones
accept You as their Savior, their all,
Let us feel Your Presence.
catch us when we start to fall.
Thank You Jesus, for the price You paid,
A crown of gold now rests
where the crown of thorns, they laid.
You have promised us a mansion in heaven,
and we know that's where we will be,
When our hearts stop beating
and from this place we'll leave.

Happy Birthday
Shane Short 1992 ©

For 40 years you have struggled
to survive thru it all,
with your family and friends,
with a tender heart, whose love knows no end.

Caring for us with each and every passing day.
Showering us with love and affection in each and every way.
Now we are grown, you made us two fine young men.
We thank you for the happiness, all the smiles and grins,

Thank you for a childhood that could have been no better,
Giving us everything we wanted, your desires didn't matter.
Nothing can ever tear you away from the ones you love.
I can only close my eyes
and thank the Lord for sending you from up above.

Sometimes our words and actions cause each other pain,
But always we forgive and forget
and the sun chases away all the rain.

My love for you will never die,
in any way, shape or form.
Happy Birthday, I love you Mom.

Signed your first born, with love, Ronald "Shane" Short

I was born on Feb 10.1955 1 month early. My due date was March 10.Shane left this world on the day that i was due. He wrote me a poem on my 40th birthday,1 month before his death and I want to share this, GB, DJ
Demon Crank
By Shane Short 1992 ©

There is a demon running wild within my veins,
like a wild stallion,he has no reins,
Nothing can stop him, let him go, line it up, let it roll.
I know you've met him, he is your buzz,
Forget the past, the way it was.
Do we turn our backs and live like skanks?
You know this demon, his name is crank.
Life changes, nothings the same,
Lucifers the one who runs this game.
A shot in the dark, no one wins,
our brothers and sisters still play with sin.
He is there, can't you see?
I think that drug has been controlling me.
He has the straw and the razor too,
Have you met him, has he come for you?
A wicked man or wicked thoughts,
Do we let him in to hide our faults?
Hes not the answer, only a retreat,
A haven from lifes troubles we meet.
The demon crank just sits there waiting,
Do a line, you're his for the taking.
His only voice is in the wire,
Dont believe the demon, he is a liar.
Telling you what you want to hear,
While he watches your eyes cloud over with fear,
Making your stomach twist and turn
Enjoying the pain as your soul burns.
Is this the way it ends
Our lives are over before they begin?
Children of the night, souls of fire,
Living everyday by his deadly wire.

There was a time in Shanes life when we lived in Calif that he dated a girl that was on crank. He tried this and asked to get away from the state to get thru this. We came to Ark for several weeks, Shane wrote this poem after this experience and there is over 50,000 copies of this going thru rehab centers all over the world. I do have the copywrite on this. DJ

Lord I Praise You
By DJ French ©

Lord,as I open my eyes in the morning,just before the first sunlight, I praise You for keeping me safe with you another night. Each minute is such a precious gift,and I pray that You lead and guide me thru each day, Thank You for allowing me to be a servant of Yours, giving me the right words to say. You are my Savior,my Father,my friend. I will give you all the praise and glory til the end.

Lord,if I can just touch one person,encourage and plant one seed, that will start to sprout and grow,nurturing,tending,help us to others feed, Of Your Word, Your promises, Your unconditional love, Thank You Lord for these gifts from above. If I can touch just one heart and win that soul for You, Then it will all be worth everything we do. I love You Lord, I worship and adore, I pray that You will bless me with spiritual gifts, my heart cries out for more.

Lord, I want to always be in Your perfect Will, The awesome moving of the Holy Spirit, as it begins to fill. There is nothing that compares to this, so powerful, so real. Lord, I ask Your guidance in every area of my life, Teach me to be forgiving and to make any sacrifice. I know that we will all abide with You, one day very soon, No one knows the hour, morning, night or noon. Oh what singing and shouting there will be, When our Jesus, we shall see. Signs of healing and Your awesome wonderous power, Handling us with tender hands, like a fragile, delicate flower.

Help me to always in my life,place You before all, For only with You,I can walk proud and stand tall. Let others see a glimpse of You in me, Put a desire in them, to fall down on their knees. And accept You, the One who shed Your precious blood, For all, so that we might live throughout eternity. In the wonderful mansion that You have promised these. We will live forever, basking in Your light, Where the sun will forever shine, never more a night.

I love You so much, mere words cant begin to describe, Forever in You, I shall abide.

Posted By DJ French © on 1/24/2003, 2:14 pm



Updated 1/25/2007

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