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Treasured Thoughts Poetry Joyce C Lock

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Poetry By Others Joyce C Lock

{Arranged In Alphabetical Order}

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Sue Anne Aguilera William W Chadsey Joan Clifton Costner
DJ French Marian Jones Agatha Lai
Vickie Lambdin Joyce C Lock Martha Duke Manley
Carol D Meeks Tammy S Pearlie Duncan Walker

Biography of Joyce C Lock

Joyce C Lock

Having grown up amidst Preachers, Evangelists, Missionaries, Church Planting, etc.: author Joyce C. Lock has been actively involved in church work most of her life ... with a huge variety of church related positions and experiences; still serving the Lord full time in whatever capacity He calls her to next. A homemaker, mother of two, and grandmother of eight ... she is also a published poet. Joyce has written advertisements for Christian ministries, created and authored the religion column, "Christianity Made Simple" for Peru Daily Tribune, and continues to write inspirational articles for area newspapers. In addition, she founded and maintains the email ministry "Heavenly Inspirations". Joyce's writings encourage us in our relationship with God.

Heaven's Gate
By Joyce C Lock ©

Perhaps the greatest of all miracles of healing
is when we reach our eternal destination ...
where the only tears are of those left behind.

May we embrace and comfort each other in our time of loss.
But, may our lasting memory be a Spiritual celebration -
envisioning our loved one, walking through Heaven's gate.

Were they able to speak today,
I suspect our loved one would say,
"In deepest sympathy ... to those on the other side."
In Loving Memory
By Joyce C Lock©

To have loved one, then lost,
is still better than to have never been so blessed.

To have been enriched by one's cheerfulness,
their memory lingers on.

Their hopes and ideals in the crevices of your mind,
their wisdom is there when you need it.

Whatever was good and noble within your loved one,
they still live through you.

May their life have had purpose and meaning
by keeping their good seed alive.

Only then can we truly say,
"In Loving Memory."
A Time For Every Season
By Joyce C Lock ©

There's a time for every season,
sorrowing when death gives its' call,
a reality of living that eventually come to all.

But unless one dies to themselves,
it's a life never lived; a life with selfishness,
a heart that never learned to give.

The things we held on to, we thought we couldn't live without;
were the very lies Satan fed us,
to keep us trapped in death's cloud.
Your Best Friend
By Joyce C Lock ©

When you've lost everything that your whole life you did win,
And there's no way you can begin to pick up again;

There's only one way to take control of your life
And be victorious over all of the strife.

Give your heart to Jesus. Just give your whole life to Him.
All He ever wanted was to be your best friend.
None Considered
By Joyce C Lock ©

When I observe Heaven, the work of the Master's hands;
The foundation and the wall - the measure of a man,
The pearly gates (devotion being ever so real),
His lovely jewels and glass that's crystal clear,
Walking down streets paved in pure gold;
None considered what Heaven is to the LORD.
God Still Comforts His Own
By Joyce C Lock ©

If angels can speak great words from above,
And fly with wings of God's given love ...

If chariots can ride over dark clouds,
And instruments can sing praises out loud ...

If sparrows can stand on the housetop alone,
Then God still comforts His own.
By Joyce C Lock ©

As I look to the heavens
And gaze at the clear blue skies,
I know there is a Savior
With love in His wondrous eyes.

If you look close, you'll see Him.
His arms are opened so wide,
Greeting new comers
To their home on the other side.



Updated 1/25/2007

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