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Treasured Thoughts Poetry Tammy S

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Poetry By Others Tammy S

{Arranged In Alphabetical Order}

I'm sure you will enjoy scrolling through these wonderful poetry pages by others.

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Sue Anne Aguilera William W Chadsey Joan Clifton Costner
DJ French Marian Jones Agatha Lai
Vickie Lambdin Joyce C Lock Martha Duke Manley
Carol D Meeks Tammy S Pearlie Duncan Walker

Biography of Tammy S

Tammy & Husband Jon

This is a picture of me and husband Jon whom the Lord sent to be my lifetime mate, we live in the great state of Indiana. And love the Fall time when we go through out the state visiting the covered bridges of our great state. We have been married 20 years and been faithfully serving the Lord our married life.

We have 2 wonderful children. Joseph who just this August turned 15 and already has plans to attend college. Our daughter loves the trumpet and plays the same one her sister played, What a loving tribute my children gave me this pass Mother's day they both got Baptized. I was in tears and the whole family came to see this joyous occasion. I have been a Christian and serving the Lord all my adult life, I have an email ministry where I share my love of Jesus with other's called Cup Of Joy. Which is separate form my website.

This started almost 2 years ago and I am in awe how the Lord is bring people from all over the world to my in box. I have gained some great treasured friends through the ministry, and had I not listened to the Lord when I was praying Lord how can I serve you? I would have never started the email ministry. And gained these friendships and more importantly my relationship with the Lord has grown,

We raise all kinds of animals right now were doing chickens and we did each have a horse, till our daughter Rachael passed away. But were getting a lot of eggs from the chickens so Laura started her own chicken business this summer. She is very resourceful for just 13!

In Christ, Tammy

By Tammy S. ©

Memories of the times you stayed up Late when I had a fever:
I remember the wash cloth You would place on my fevered brow ...

All along, saying, "This will make you Feel much better, my precious daughter."
Then, you would leave the room, So softly, as not to wake me.

I knew you were there, Mom!
And, how I wish those memories Would last forever.
But, the Lord has called you home.

Now, we're left with memories, Memories of dreams you had for each of us ...
How, each night you prayed For the Lord to bring us a good life ...

And prayed for each of us to live Our lives according to the Lord's will ...
Memories of a child who chased after you, Trying to catch you.

Mom, I could never catch you.
But, the memories are so precious.
We miss you, Mother.
But, we know how you longed ...

To walk those streets of gold, Right now, your home with the Lord.
And, we're left with Precious memories of you.

I went through the photo album, today, Mom, And came across an old photo of you.
It's yellowed with time.
But, the memories it brings back are full Of a mother who loved her children.

We're all grown now, Mom,
Having children of our own, and
All you prayed to the Lord for Has came true.

We have lived our life's for the Lord
And raised our children to love God.
Thank you, dear Mother,
for the precious Memories you have left within our hearts ...

And, someday, we'll all be together;
Walking along the streets of gold,
Chasing each other, once again,
And looking upon the Saviors face.

With Love, Your Children

In loving memory of Mother
March 6th 1924 to March 21st, 2002
~The Loss Of A Child~
By Tammy S © 2002

Emptiness fills my soul,
no longer do I want to go on,
Tears fall down my face
Memories flood my heart,

Lord, I cry out the pain is strangling me, hold me Lord.
Ever so gently I feel a touch upon my shoulder.
I reached through the darkness to find my Lord.

"I never left you my child".
"When you laid in bed and cried",
"I cried with you and wiped your tears",
"When you felt you could no longer pray I prayed for you".

"My precious child I am here, listen to my voice".
Lord, I hear you as I sit here calling me back to the light.

The darkness is so consuming, Lord.
Emptiness fills my very soul,
Hold me my Lord, in your arms of love.

I thought you left me Lord?
Where did you go?
"My precious child I have been carrying you in your pain",
"I have wiped your tears and brought you comfort".

"When you have cried out I have been there with you".
"I will never leave you my child".
"Please don't ever leave me my child for it would break my heart".

Lord It seems too soon to call a child home?
"My dear precious one please know that
I would never do nothing to break your heart
your child is home right here with me"

"No longer do you need to feel abandoned or alone
I have always been with you and will never leave you".
"Please my precious one remember I will always carry you".

"And when you feel you no longer can go on,
call me, I am just a prayer away"
"With love, your Heavenly Father"

This Poem is dedicated to my daughter Rachael who was killed by a drunk driver
July 30,1998 March 31st 1982

Psalm 56:8 "Thou tellest my wanderings put thou my tears into thy bottle: are thy not in thy book?"

How wonderful to know that our tears are precious to the Lord!! He collects each tear and stores them in His bottle and records them in the Book of Life. This verse carried me through it all. To Know our tears matter to the Lord were that important. Never forget just how very Precious you are to the Lord.

~His Hands~
By Tammy S 2003 ©

His hands are gentle to the touch.
Soft as a feather are His hands.
A caressing touch are His Hands,
Gently holding us in our sorrow.

His Hands reaching out so softly,
Touching us with gentle assurance.
His Hands, folded in prayer for us,
Ever so gently reaching for us.

His Hands bring joy and peace,
Surrounding us in His love.
His Hands lift our hearts
When were feeling downhearted.

His Hands, soft as a feather, guiding us;
Journeying along the path with us.
Yes, His Hands have touched our hearts.
Surrounded, in His Hands, are we.

Thank you, Father, for His Hands;
Bringing us joy for sorrow,
Beauty for ashes.
His Hands have bore it all for us.
~Angels Around Us~
By Tammy S © 2003

Angels, around us,
Watching all we do,
Lifting us up when we have fallen;
Carrying us in their arms.

Yes, their must be
Angels around us.
For, I have felt their gentle touch
In times of need ...
Gently carrying me and
Sending prayers up to the Lord;
Angels, all around us,
Carrying us in their arms.

So, when your life is in chaos
And you don't know what to do, sit silently
and listen with your heart and feel
The gentle touch of angels around you.

When troubles of this world
Come crashing down,
The Lord sends His angels
To gentle carry us in their arms.

Angels, around us,
Surrounding us in prayer:
Yes, there are angels around us
And you, my dear friend, are one.

Thank You, Lord, for sending
Your angels to carry us.
Angels, all around us.
Yes, there are angels.

May you always have
Angels by your side,
When your heart is weary;
Carrying you in their arms.



Updated 1/25/2007

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