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Treasured Thoughts Poetry William W Chadsey

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Poetry By Others William W Chadsey

{Arranged In Alphabetical Order}

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Sue Anne Aguilera William W Chadsey Joan Clifton Costner
DJ French Marian Jones Agatha Lai
Vickie Lambdin Joyce C Lock Martha Duke Manley
Carol D Meeks Tammy S Pearlie Duncan Walker

Biography of William W. Chadsey

William W Chadsey

I am a native Oregonian, having been raised in the hills of the Blue Mountains of Eastern Oregon.
My career has been in wood products management and international consulting.

Have lived throughout the United States and Canada. Worked in several countries such as New Zealand, Australia, Philippines, Thailand and Guatemala.

I have a wife, four children, eight grandchildren and one great grandchild.

I have written about three hundred poems so far, having started this out of the blue in the year 2001.
Words just flow into my head from my heart, when thinking of a person, place, event, the past, whatever.
I am assisted many times by a Spiritual Angel.

One day I hope to have them all published, at present some are listed on my friends web site, here at Treasured Thoughts

Presently residing in the Mississippi Coastal City of Pascagoula.
Sorry my website destroyed by
They considered their cash-back programs more important than the many people they had with websites.
October 27 2001 ------- Updated March 2 2002

Moved from Mississippi in August 2003 to Gresham Oregon.
I have had heart surgery and many medical appointments but now I am doing great.
August 2003 ------- Updated November 4 2005

Address: 305 E Metolius St, Culver, Oregon 97734

My wife Audrey Diane went to be with the Lord on September 27, 2008.
She died of lung cancer, lasting only six weeks after it was found, she fought COPD for five years prior to this.
My occupation is now baby sitting five grand children daily oh yes too much for this old gent. William
Updated: April 17 2009

"Victor Allen Hester"
Written By William W Chadsey

As a baby boy, Victor came into this world for a reason,
Born December 7, 1966, during the winter season,
(Twenty-five years after the bombing of Pearl Harbor)

He had a precious father, mother, brother and two sister's to greet him,
Sister Vicky, sister Patricia, brother Gene,

(Another ironic and historical factor as Gene was born, September 11, 1957)
(Forty-four years prior to destruction of World Trade Center)

His six year old sister Patricia, taught him how to grin,
In fact she is the one whom gave him the name of Petey,
As Victor grew and grew, he was always a real sweety,
Oh yes!!! he had this dog named Sam,
They would run and play, every thing was so grand,
Victor made many friends, he was full of joy and laughter,
When he walked into a room, all paid attention hereafter,
His sister Patricia gave him so much attention and love,
Surrounding Victor was this radiant glow, certainly from above,
Within his heart was the Spiritual Dove,
As he grew into a young man, Victor, was loved by family and friends,
To be associated with him, was most definitely a sure win,
Victor had many interests, he loved to hunt and fish,
He met this lovely young woman, Donna, she was a real dish,
Together, they were a beautiful couple, there is no maybe,
Before the age of twenty, Victor, was married and father to a precious baby,
This baby was given the name of Kendall, she was so much fun,
Here Victor, had all this responsibility, before his life had really begun,
Within eleven months, a precious baby son, he was named Dustin,
The hardest part of this story, is now about to be told,
Victor is at this point, married, two children, only twenty three years old,
A happy, joyful, hard working young man, Victor, and friends went to a party,
The four of them were having some fun, Victor, needed to get home as he was tardy,
The driver of the car and one in front, Victor, and one in the back,
They were rolling at high speed down the road, the night pitch black,
The driver, very intoxicated, lost control of this Pontiac,
Off the road!!! the car rolls, all were thrown thru the roof, all due to a reckless act,
The car comes crashing down upon Victor, suddenly his life ends,
The only one to meet death, alive were his three friends, 
May 31, 1990, 
Called home to be with the Lord, we ask the question?  Why Victor????
Victor had finished his assigned tasks, here on this earth,
Loved by many, blessed by the Lord, from the day of his birth,
A tragedy for all of his families to bare,
The families were drawn to closeness, Victor's life they shared,
He was a young man, joyful, loving, he was one who really cared.
Victor, had made a comment to his mother, about filling her room with flowers,
This all came to be, at the funeral, room full of beautiful  flowers,
Also a tragedy, sorrow, tears as a bountiful shower,
An ending of life on earth, however, begins eternal life at this hour,

"Praise The Lord"
"Victor Allen Hester"
"Walking With The Lord, Hand in Hand"

© William W. Chadsey
February 3, 2002
Thank You

By William W. Chadsey ©

Perpetual motion from the galaxies of Orion
Wisdom from the outer reaches of the unknown
Soaring into the minds of those giving of their gifts of words
Must be you sending me messages from the world of spiritual
You are sending me telegraphic messages
Your spirit desires to be near mine
As they soar off into the beauty of enmity
To be entwined with the gifts of radiance of friendship
Of nothing was created the words of enduring existence of beauty as it unfolded into bloom
Exploding into the pages of the unknown poet causing all to be in awe
From the realm of total love come the words of beauty in its brilliance
To be read and embraced by the ones looking for words to endure
The flowing words from the realm of beauty incised themselves into the heart of those reading
Spreading imminent joy among the ones that happened upon the verses
Every letter of the words were aglow with striking semblance penetrating the very depth of the soul

© William W Chadsey
January 01, 2002

"Home Alone"
By William W. Chadsey ©

Here I am on this cold Saturday, home alone,
Everyone has left, went to the Mardi Gras Parade,
The day is cold and dreary, I am sitting here all depressed,
I have a bad cold, am sick and need the rest,
Keep checking my emails on the net, no one has written yet,
Everyone has their own things to do, this I guess,
Maybe, I should just go to bed, get all undressed,
Looking out the window, so still and calm, no one around,
This is Saturday, guess the people went to town,
So I have decided to write this poem, my face a big ole frown,
Maybe I should walk down there by the river, jump in and drown,
Not one person would even care, I would never be found,
Maybe I will just pack up my things,  take the pickup, be northern bound,
Headed out down the road, crossing the railroad tracks, what was that  loud sound?
Looked in my mirror, oh no!!! that train just missed me, westward bound,
Guess I better get my head on, or I will be planted in the ground,
Maybe that would be the best, no one cares about me, anyhow,
Slam on the brakes, run right in front of me, that big ole cow,
I am traveling down the highway, doing about ninty -five,
Just thinking about this day, how will I survive,
Wow!!! hold it there, look!!! at that beauty trying to thumb a ride,
This beautiful young lady climbed up onto the seat, gave me this big smile,
Where ya heading young lady? Just down the road, about five miles,
As she looked at me, smiling with those big deep blue eyes,
I knew right then this beautiful woman dropped in from the sky,
All of a sudden, she had this radiant glow surrounding her, I seighed,
Hey!! she said, there is a country road, lets head out there,
We drove a short distance, got out took a walk in the open air,
You are so down and depressed today she said, you know we love you, we care,
In no time she had me smiling, joking and cryin, I do declare,
This was no ordinary young woman, this was one of them lovin Angels,
Well I am back on the computer, trying to write to my internet friends,
The people that live here, they are still all gone,
But, I am going to keep on truckin, hearing them heavenly songs,
"Home Alone"
© William W. Chadsey
February 9, 2002

"Dance In The Spirit"
By William W. Chadsey ©

Come!!!!! all you beautiful people, let us dance in the Spirit,
The Holy Spirit within you, will lift you up,
Lift your hands, praise our Lord,
Let your whole body move in the Spirit,
Every movement is total beauty, the Spirit within is Love,
Touch those who are ill, let them be healed from the Spirit above,
Praise God!!!!!! join me, let us dance in the Spirit,
Feel the Holy Spirit flowing thru your every vein,
Let us dance through the night, into the sun, into the rain,
This Spirit of Love, takes away all the pain,
Sing and rejoice, let Him hear your voice,
Leave all your burdens behind, The Lord has given you life,
Your hurts have been lifted, The Lord has removed the knife,
Praise God!!!!! join me, let us dance in the Spirit,
Speak out in Praise, speak out in tongues,
That all peoples in the world will understand,
Listen to the music within your mind, Here!! let us all join hands,
Love one another through out all the lands,
Feel the Holy Spirit moving from hand to hand, oh!!!! God is so grand,
Let us dance from the steeple, through the streets, to the ocean sands,
Praise God!!!!! join me, let us dance in the Spirit
The music grows louder, the praises soar, we will live for evermore,
Look!!!!! there yonder, deep blue skies, the eagles soar,
Let the gifts of the Spirit take root within, never will you be bored,
The gift of LOVE, from The One Above, look!! beautiful white Dove,
The gift of Tongues, praising God, Total Love,
The gift of Prophesy, we shall know what will be, from the One above,
The gift of Knowledge, those in pain, those that are ill, come forth,
Pray over these people, the Holy Spirit will reign,
Praise God!!!! join me, let us dance in the Spirit
The gift of Healing, touch those that are ill, the Holy Spirit will flow,
Rise up, you have been healed, to the world, let it show,
Do not be silent, let praises flow, so all the world will know,
The gift of Interpretations, knowing all that is said in tongues,
That we may all know , what is spoken in each language,
Praise God!!!! join me, let us dance in the Spirit
The gift of Discernment, knowing the spirits of good, the spirits of evil,
Pray for those with a spirit of evil,
cast these spirits to the outer recess of time,
Let there be no hate, let there be no crime,
Praise God!!!!! join me, let us dance in the Spirit
The gift of Wisdom, knowing the word of God,
the realm of Heaven, Eternity,
The dimensions of time, seven in all,
listen hear those Heavenly chimes,
Praise God!!!!! join me, let us dance in the Spirit,
Hear these words, understand, LOVE, is the greatest of all,
Without LOVE, there is no chance to join the Lord at the grand ball,
The Wedding Feast, when you are invited, go swiftly, do not linger,
"Praise God"
"Let Us Dance In The Spirit"
© William W. Chadsey

"Wedding Feast"
By William W. Chadsey ©

One night, a few years back,
I was praying to the Lord, as I lie in bed,
as I had many times in the past
Lord, just let me win a lot of money,
I would give to the poor, help those in need
As I drifted off into sleep, I felt a hard slap on my face,
as a vision formed in my head
The Lord was getting my attention
I was called by name, to the Wedding Feast
This is what would happen to me, should I be granted my desires
I was jet setting around the world, having a grand time,
yet, I knew I was called by name to the Wedding Feast
Oh well!!! the door will be open when I get there
I was having the time of my life, all these new riches,
gambling, drinking, carousing, ah!! all these beautiful people
Where is your family? a voice said,
Oh, they are home, they are in good shape, left them well supplied
As I landed in the big sin city, I heard the voice again,
The Wedding Feast is about to begin, the doors will be shut very soon
Go ahead without me, I am having the time of my life
pass the drinks, look at that cutie, wow!!! this was living
All of a sudden!!!!the money ran out
I am busted, and no way home
I have been called by name, I will join the Wedding Feast now,
I have played my game, I am ready
As I approached this beautiful place, heavenly music sounding within,
I knocked on the door, Hey!!!! let me in,
I've been called by name to join this feast
A beautiful dazzeling Angel appeared at the outside of the door,
What is all this noise?? about you wanting in, being called by name?
Yes!! the Lord invited me here
Sorry!!!!!!!! your name is not on the guest list
I became very sick at heart, what have I done??
Another hard slap to the face, I jerked upright in bed,
Now, it was very clear to me, why I could not have my desires
The Lord knew my heart, He showed me why I could never have riches
I would be lost forever, and banned from eternal life
Being called by name, is a gift from God
Do not miss the Wedding Feast
From this day forth, I knew I would never have riches,
I had the best gift of all,
The Love of Jesus Christ
"Praise The Lord"

"Wedding Feast"
© William W. Chadsey

Sight To Behold
By William W. Chadsey ©

Leaning back against a tree,
sitting atop the canyon rim
My view takes in the river far below,
As I gaze out, across the far opposite rim,
The day is dark and grim
My mind is searching in despair,
Of many subjects as I stare
When!!!!! All of a sudden, out of no where
Soaring thru this canyon air,
Three Beautiful White Doves,
A Divine symbol of total love
This dark and dreary day became a brillant light,
It was blinding to my sight
The words I heard so clear,
My precious Lord, was very near
Speaking to me,
As I quickly get upon my knees
Ask, and you shall receive,
These words He gave to me
I asked, then and there,
Lord, take away these pains, I can not bare
My Child, said He, come to me in Prayer
Amen, Alleluia
© William W. Chadsey
April, 2001

"Water Lilly"
By William W. Chadsey ©

Water Lilly, floating upon the pond,
nearby a beautiful white swan
Upon the water lilly pad, a flower in full bloom,
beauty is there, even under the full moon
As the waters ripple, water lilly stands firm,
off in the distance, a small boat's stern
Water Lilly is a helpmate to all,
throughout the seasons, into the fall
She provides her lillies, for insects and bugs to rest
she provides her cover for the tiny fish to hide
She provides her unique qualities, for all to see,
a flower in bloom, to feed the bumble bee
Upon the banks, surrounding the pond, many trees,
beautiful colors, admired by you and me
Leaping from leaf to leaf, a tiny green frog,
out here in the country, away from the smog,
Upon the banks, a partly submerged log
Lying back upon the green grass,
A beautiful woman, a long pretty dress,
taking in the beauty, this day she will rest
She has given of herself to all that ask,
now is the time to lie back and brask
This beautiful woman and water lilly, have become one,
This radiant beauty, resting under the sun
"Water Lilly"
© William W. Chadsey
May 2001

"Walk With Me To The Mountains"
By William W. Chadsey ©

Walk with me to the mountains,
let me show you the flowing fountains
Reach out, hold my hand,
as we survey this beautiful land
Look!!!!! these beautiful trees,
Let us sit here, you and me
Wow!!!did you see that?
A beautiful trout playing acrobat
See!!!!!! over there,
that big, standing erect, black bear
Hold it!!! stand up, look up!!!!!!
hundreds of flying ducks
Let's head on, walk awhile,
Oh yes, with that beautiful smile
Up above an eagle soars,
could you ask for any more
Yonder there!!! a cow elk,
A baby calf getting her milk
In the distance, a coyote howls,
An old dead tree, a big horned owl
Beautiful flowers, deep green grass,
Hundreds of mushrooms, all in a mass
Up ahead, a thundering sound,
Quickly , drop to the ground
Listen!!!!! can you hear,
It is water cascading down
Rounding the bend, what do we see???
God's creation for you and me
A gigantic waterfall,
wow, what a sight,
beautiful rainbow formed from rays of light
The sun has gone down,
As we head back with a frown
This day must end
as we head to town
"Walk With Me To The Mountains"
© William W. Chadsey
March 2001

"Do You Hear Me"
By William W. Chadsey ©

Hello!!!!!! William, Do you hear Me???
Yes Lord!!!, I hear you in my heart and mind
Then, why is it you are not on your knees?
Sorry Lord, I am slow to start,
What is it, You want to talk about Lord?
Your two edged sword, William, your tongue
I Love You Lord, You know that
You can't love your neighbor, yet be angry with him
I love everyone, my Lord
Then why is it William, you are cursing those drivers on the road?
Oh!!!!! those are crazy people, Lord
William!!!!!!! you must bless them, not be angry
Yes Lord!!!!!!! I try, but at times I fail
William!!!!!! you have been called by name,
to perform as an instrument of my Love
Thank you Lord, yes I am aware
I will try harder, my Lord
William!!!!! say a prayer for these people, do not curse them
Yes!!!!!!!! my Lord, please forgive me
William!!!!!!! you need to ask forgiveness, from all,
that you have injured with your tongue
Also William!!!!!! you have a problem with your mind
wandering towards lust,
You must stop this, it is a must
Thank you Lord, I am working on that
Also William!!!!! get your mind out of the gutter,
Think of Me, Whom provided you bread and butter
Thank you Lord, I will improve,
I wish to be your instrument of Love
William!!!!!!remember when I gave you all the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
Yes Lord!!!!! You are so Precious, so Loving, so Giving
I Am, all that you say William, now follow my instructions,
Yes Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look!!!!! at all these precious instruments of mine,
I have given you on the internet
Yes Lord, they are wonderful people, filled with Your Holy Spirit
Use you gifts of the Holy Spirit, William
gather my lambs to Me
Yes Lord, I am at your service
Good!!!!!!!! William, now go in peace
"Praise God"
"Our Lord Jesus"
©William W. Chadsey
March 2001

By William W. Chadsey ©

Ah yes!! such a beautiful woman, redhead she is,
Don't ask me, I can not tell you where she lives,
I have known this beautiful woman for many years,
She is always on the go in high gear,
I have never known her to shed one tear,
She has it altogether, she has no fear,
She has a great husband, they have two kids,
They live on a farm, rattlesnakes, heaven forbid,
Oh yes!!!! they have a few cows,
I have much to say, going to say it now,
I like to go there and eat their chow,
One thing I must say, Ginger has made us all proud,
She was just selected Forest Service Employee of the year,
Her official title is Forest Service Technician Engineer,
She is a very special lady, she does not drink beer,
She and her hubby, get to travel to Washington DC,
All expenses paid, tours and sights they will see,
Oh yes!!! I have known this lovely lady, since she were a teen,
Whenever I had a chance to be with her, I was proud to be seen,
She is a super woman, wife and mother, always,
One more thing, her mother is the magnificent grand lady
"We Are All Proud Of You"
© William W. Chadsey
February 24, 2002

"Dimensions of Time"
By William W. Chadsey ©

Into Oblivion I shall go
Where I shall end up only my spiritual Angel knows,
I have hopes of making this journey with another, hand in hand,
Many journeys I had made with her spiritual angel through out the lands,
We have spent many times walking through the pure white sands,
I had listened intently, while she spoke from the grand stands,
A journey into  oblivion is unknown for so many people, 
They fear what they can not see or feel,
Why is it that oblivion for so many, does not appeal,
This is nothing more than another realm or dimension of time,
Beautiful spiritual Angels are there, they are always very fine,
There is never nothing to fear as they are from the Divine,
The brilliance of love, oh how it does shine,
God is Love, Love is God,
Without love, no one shall ever enter into the Kingdom,
The spiritual world is beautiful, let your spirit flow,
I know of one special woman, oh!!! what a radiant glow,
This is one precious person, that everyone should want to know,

Have you heard of the seven dimensions of time?

The first dimension of time is the earthly realm,
This is where each individual thinks they are in control, they take the helm,

The second dimension of time is the realm of departing spirits,
When a person's body has deceased, the spirit begins it's joruney,
Now that you have left this earth, you no longer need your attorney,

The third dimension of time, begins the learning experience,
This is where you learn how you should have lived
and how you should have treated people,
Did you treat everyone with love? Did you forgive others? self?
There is only one way to reach the last realm, that is love,
When you come to an end on this earth, it is best you have the Spiritual Dove,
When you reach the last dimension of time, you will find Total Love,

The fourth dimension of time, is where you are elevated,
Once you have served time for all those you mistreated and abused,
Another learning experience, to serve time for those earthly sins,
That you failed to ask forgiveness for, or tried to keep hidden, the secrets,

The fifth dimension of time, a meeting with those you have known,
All those whom departed prior to you, awaiting of final judgement,
This is where the staircase road becomes a victory or defeat,
This is where your spirit had better be fit and very neat,
The road makes a big Vee here, what shall it be?


The sixth dimension of time, is one you do not want to hear about,
However it is so real, for those who do not want to believe,
For those who just will not give in for all their earthly sins,
This destination is called Hell, the everlasting fire,
Oh!!! all you beautiful people, I sure hope this is not your desire,
There will be no Heavenly music, no Angelic choir,
You will plead and beg, cry out for mercy until you tire,
It is too late now, you would never acknowledge Total Love,

The Seventh dimension of time, this is where we all want to be,
Heaven's Realm, the brilliance of Love for you and me,
God the Father, Jesus the Son, and The Holy Spirit, the trinity,
Where we will meet Radiant Angels, and hear the glorious music,
Where we will meet those whom showed love and gave love on earth,
Where we will meet those whom acknowledged their Creator,
Hand in hand we shall journey into Eternity,
Visit all the beautiful streams, smell the beautiful flowers, lie in the meadows,
Peace, joy, happiness will be ours forever,
Isn't this where you would want to be?
"Dedicated to All"
"Who need to experience and want Love"

© William W. Chadsey
March 27, 2002

(Link above opens in new window)

Dear "Sweet" William,
How beautiful is your heart? As beautiful as a rose.

"Please Take Time To Sign William's Guestbook"
{Added February 8, 2002}

Page Constructed On 1/31/2002
Updated On 11/10/2005
Last Update On 4/17/2009

Dedicated To William W. Chadsey
Thank You My Friend For Sharing Your Beautiful Poetry
With Me & Treasured Thoughts Visitors

This Poetry Is Copyright Material Of William W. Chadsey

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