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Treasured Thoughts Happy Birthday 2001

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Happy Birthday 2001

Page edited and updated on: January 24 2007

Dearest Brother,
Oh how I miss your beautiful smile and the way you could also make us laugh or cry depending on the situation at the time. Eleven years ago I would never have imagined just how much I could love and miss someone as much as I love & miss you. Spending these special days without you is so hard. We have missed “12” Thanksgiving’s, “12” Christmas’s, “12” Birthday’s, “12” Everything. You are always in my thoughts & forever in my heart. I’ve cried many tears since you left. I try to be brave and I try to be strong, but on days like this, it is so hard for me. Sometimes all I want to do is talk about you to anyone who will listen to me. Remembering when you were born all the way up to that terrible day that you were taken from us. I have some very beautiful memories of you that I hold dear and close to my heart. They always make me smile when I think of them. I also have some sad memories that make me cry. The saddest of them all is the night God called you to be with him.

I am so thankful for the twenty-three years we did have as brother & sister, here on earth. Now, you are in heaven, but we are still brother & sister, I just have an angel brother now. I am so lucky and blessed to have an angel to watch over me. When I’m sad, I know you are there. When I’m happy, I know you are there. You are always here with me. You have never left my side or my heart.

I love you so much and I miss you so bad. Wishing my baby brother a very Happy “35” Birthday today. A very Merry Christmas too. Keep a place reserved for me my brother, cause one day I will be approaching the gates and I know that you will be there to greet me then with a great big smile and a big bear hug.

P.S. Don’t ever forget how much I love and miss you. Until we are reunited in heaven, I’ll keep on missing you still.
Your Loving Sister, Patricia



Updated 1/24/2007

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