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Treasured Thoughts Happy 41th Birthday Dear Brother

Happy 41th Birthday Baby Brother
Two very special and memorable moments with Victor. When he swept me off my feet during a visit to SFOG and the other one was my brother's last Christmas with his children.


Forever in my heart; you will always remain twenty-three
But the years tell a different story; they say that this can't be
I can see you just as clear as the day God called you home
You haven't aged one little bit and I still love you from dusk to dawn

For as long as I am able and even after that
Your memory will never fade; I can promise you that
A year had passed me by; as I sit and think back today
before I could even speak your name without tears getting in my way

Those tears still come from time to time, especially on days like this
When I would rather hold you in my arms and give your cheek a kiss
I've lit those fourty-one candles for this your special day
And no matter the age or the time that has passed, I love you more each day

Happy fourty-first birthday dear baby brother
For today is your special day
And I'll love you with all my heart can stand
Forever And A Day

Written by Patricia Powell ©
In Loving Memory of Victor Allen Hester

My brother no matter how much time passes me by you will always be twenty-three to me. You didn't get to see twenty-four; someone took that away from you. How dare they do that; what gives them that right? Were they trying to play God that night? Did they think at that moment no one else on this earth had more power than they did because that's how I see it. Pleas from the other passengers went unheard for him to slow down or did he just ignore them? I think the latter. Surely he thought he was in total control of the situation but as the events of the night unfolded, he certainly didn't have total control. If he had, you would still be here with your family. He had all the control he wanted inside that car.

I wonder so often about that night. I invision you and your friend in the back seat and although I will never know all the answers, I wished it had been me in that back seat instead of you. You had your whole life ahead of you. Two small children to help grow up and learn what life is all about. To know that daddy was there whenever they needed you or just because. Your children are grown now and finding their way in this world, but there is only one thing missing and that's you dear brother. Dustin is such a handsom young man and possess so many qualities that remind me of you. Kendall is a truly beautiful young woman, now with a child of her own. I can look in her eyes and see you. I can see you in both your childrens eyes and this past Christmas I realized for the first time how deeply they both miss you. We all miss you so much and I for one will never let your memory die. You will remain in my heart for all time and I truly believe that one day in God's time I will see you again. I look forward to holding you in my arms again and this time dear brother, I will absolutly never ever let you go.

Celebrating "41st" Birthday in Heaven
December 7 2007

My Brother, My ANGEL
Were you flying home to me
Or was it in my imagination
If it was you
Would I have to set you free

I sat in the garden and watched you
You were just picking at the grass
I thought to myself were you going to stay
Was this wonderful moment going to last

You have eaten from the bird feeder
I can see you are now ready to fly
Although my eyes are full of tears
Please come back, don't let this be goodbye

You're wings were ready as you flew away
You looked back as if you knew who I was
I have to believe it was you, saying Patricia
This happened for a reason, just because

Please put your FAITH and Trust in GOD
Written For My Eternal Friend
In Memory of her Brother Victor
My Love

Thank you Eternal Friend for this beautiful poem and gift.
4 Ever My Angel

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