The Memorial Wall was created May 31 2001 on Victor's eleventh anniversary. Since that time, there have been 200 + tributes posted. The amount of tributes has surpassed any expectations I may have had. It continues to grow as others find their way here. Whether it be from just passing through, word of mouth or completly by accident, whatever the reason you found yourself here at the wall, we hope you will take a moment of silence to pay respect and to share your loved one(s) with us before you leave.
Due to the large volumn of tributes, it has become necessary to divide the wall into sections. There are 51 tributes per section.
Not sure which section of the memorial wall your loved one's tribute is in? Click here to search through a list of names.

Want to link back to your loved ones tribute? Take this plaque with you when you leave. Link it back to the section in which your loved one appears.

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Click Here To Submit A Memorial Tribute

 Gregory Ridgway February 8 1990 February 9 1990 Back to Top
To my loving brother who lived only a day and I never met but meant the world to me for I have seen pictures.
He lived for 7 and a half hours and everyone down here misses hime dearly
MY FAITH Dear Lord, sometimes we don't listen, or don't comprehend, or almost subconsciously tune out Your words, thinking, "those words must be for someone else." ... Forgive us Lord, for often being like a flock of ducks that listened to a pastor's sermon, and heard him tell them that they could fly! ... Then on the way out of the church, they said to each other: "Wasn't that a good sermon?" - as they waddled on home. ... Oh Lord, help me to see that unless I listen to Your Word on Sundays, and unless I take it in, seek the Holy Spirit's guidance, and let it penetrate the depths of my spirit, then on Mondays I will be no different than the ducks. If I am to increase my faith, then I must be open to growth, for You have a greater vision for me than to see me aimlessly waddle through my life. ... Open my eyes, Lord, and let me desire all that You have for me. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen
Contact_FullName: Ashala Contact_Email: ashala_ridgway@hotmail.com Contact_City: Regina Contact_State: Sask Contact_Country: Canada
In Loving Memory Of Gregory Ridgway Date Added: August 29, 2005

 Tracy Harmon October 26, 1960 November 15, 2000 Back to Top
To my dearest Mother, we miss you so much. I know you are looking down on us daily and I know you see your precious grandson and everyday I wish you could be here with him. He looks just like me mom which means he looks just like you. He is beautiful. On December 13 you will have another grandson named Alex. I know they both will see you. You are the one that sent them down here to be with me. I still need you just as much as ever though. I need you through the hard times when I have no one else. You are my guardian angel and I know you are always here with me. I love you so much and miss you. You are always on my mind.
My Faith Dear Lord, sometimes we don't listen, or don't comprehend, or almost subconsciously tune out Your words, thinking, "those words must be for someone else." ... Forgive us Lord, for often being like a flock of ducks that listened to a pastor's sermon, and heard him tell them that they could fly! ... Then on the way out of the church, they said to each other: "Wasn't that a good sermon?" - as they waddled on home. ... Oh Lord, help me to see that unless I listen to Your Word on Sundays, and unless I take it in, seek the Holy Spirit's guidance, and let it penetrate the depths of my spirit, then on Mondays I will be no different than the ducks. If I am to increase my faith, then I must be open to growth, for You have a greater vision for me than to see me aimlessly waddle through my life. ... Open my eyes, Lord, and let me desire all that You have for me. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen
In Loving Memory of Tracy HarmonContact_FullName: Lauri Donathan Contact_Email: goodygoodie2002@yahoo.com Contact_City: Hot Springs Contact_State: AR Contact_ZipCode: 71913 Contact_Country: USA
Date Added: September 27, 2005

 Norbert Brien June 26 2005 Back to Top
You were a great father and a wonderful father-in-law. God called you home only weeks after calling my brother Tracy. I promise, Dad, to always look after my mother-in-law.
You were a kind, loving, understanding man. Sometimes firm, but always in a gentle way.
I miss doing all those puzzles with you and going fishing, drinking coffee and talking together.
You have only been in Heaven 3 months but it seems sooooo long. I miss you.
Now Mom can nestle in your Golden Angel Wings every night when she goes to sleep.
I love you, miss you and will see you when God calls me home too. Until then, good-bye for awhile.
Love your Daughter-in-law, Camilla Mosley
LIFE ETERNAL Dear Lord thank You for Easter -- Your gift to me: the sunrise of my world, victory over pain, conquest of death, flowers reborn and birds rejoicing, acceptance unqualified, strength unlimited, and the promise of LIFE ETERNAL! ... Easter gives my life meaning. Because of You, I too can LIVE! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen In Loving Memory Of Norbert Brien
Contact_FullName: Camilla A. Mosley Contact_Email: magiccats2006@yahoo.com Date Added: September 28, 2005

 Marianne Merry February 1938 December 14 1978 Back to Top
Mom, It has been 27 years now that you have been with Jesus, But I still miss you very much. You have 9 grandchildren now 6 boys and 3 girls. Mom we all love you very much! The day you left this world was very very sad, I never thought I would stop crying! But as the years went on and I got older I accepted the fact that Jesus wanted you for his very own, and now you are finally happy and you are healed with no more cancer pain. I love you my beauiful mom.
THE LORDS PRAYER Our father, who art in heaven; Hollowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from Evil Amen In Loving Memory of Marianne MerryContact_FullName: Janet Contact_City: Phoenix Contact_State: AZ Contact_ZipCode: 85019
Date Added: September 30, 2005

 Anya Michelle Braxley May 29 1980 May 14 2002 Back to Top
This is in memory of our darling, Michelle. She was a loving free spirit, who laughed all of the time, a breath of fresh air. She had so much planned, going back to college, learning the guitar, being with her friends again. She was taken from us by her ex-boyfriend who killed her and then killed himself. They left behind a beautiful lil girl who I'm raising. She looks just like her mom. We miss Michelle so much, our hearts ache constantly, but we know that we'll get to see her again when it's our turn to go to Heaven. Here is a poem my son, Tony, wrote for his sister, his bestfriend.
You Will Never Die A Tribute To My Sister, Anya Michelle Braxley
I can still see your eyes shining as bright as the morning sun. Your smile will always live within my heart and our souls will one day meet again. As Angels we will fly through the distant sky, hand in hand, we will forever be together. I love you more as I loved you before and without you in my life, my life will never be the same. You are and you will always be the one that was there for me. I miss you with all my heart and I wish I could still hold you tight. In my dreams, I dream of you and in my thoughts you will always be. God took you away and I will never know why, but in my heart you will never die.
Your Loving Brother, Tony In Loving Memory of Anya Michelle BraxleyContact_FullName: Brenda Braxley Contact_Email: gizzzimocat@hotmail.com Contact_City: Milledgeville Contact_State: GA Contact_ZipCode: 31061
Date Added: October 13 2005

 Lawrence Lonnie Sean Jaffe August 22 1964 September 26 2004 Back to Top
Although you're not here to touch, to hug, or to call, I know you're here with me. Dear Brother, in the one year you've been gone the pain of our loss has been greater than all who loved you can bear. You left us so young. I know that you love me because you sent me my precious granddaughter on the same day you left this earth one year ago. That darling baby girl is a gift from God that you asked Him to give us. The kids are so touched and so very happy.
I know you're with Grandma & Grandpa, Daddy, Tony, and all of the people you loved. I will be home soon to be with you, I am your big sister who will forever love you. Peace n' Prayers. Adee
THE LORDS PRAYER Our father, who art in heaven; Hollowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from Evil Amen In Loving Memory of Lawrence Lonnie Sean Jaffe Date Added: October 13, 2005

 Adrian D. Colter Sr. November 8 1928 October 16 2004 Back to Top
It doesn't seem real at times that you have went on to be with Jesus. I know that it was your greatest desire to see Him one day. So much has happened since you've been gone. I Love and Miss you so much. Your wisdom and knowledge of life's trials and blessings is sorely missed. I want to call you and ask you about certain things but then I realize that you are not here anymore and I can't ask you. I'll meet you by the river in Heaven one day Dad. I'll always Love you and remember the happy times we had while you were here.
LIFE ETERNAL Dear Lord thank You for Easter -- Your gift to me: the sunrise of my world, victory over pain, conquest of death, flowers reborn and birds rejoicing, acceptance unqualified, strength unlimited, and the promise of LIFE ETERNAL! ... Easter gives my life meaning. Because of You, I too can LIVE! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen In Loving Memory Of Adrian D. Colter Sr.
Contact_FullName: Cheryle Doyle Date Added: November 3, 2005

 Zachary Herrera November 15 1993 September 14 2003 Back to Top
Zachary was diagnosed June 8, 2002 with a Pontine Glioma. He passed away 15 months later on September 14, 2003 at the age of 9. This day changed our lives forever. He is deeply missed by his Daddy, Momma, Sister, Bubba and his dog, chicarita. Life will never be the same again without our precious baby boy................
In Loving Memory Zachary Allen Herrera A child was born to touch the world and make it a better place. Bringing sunshine and joy to all he met with the smile upon his face. No one could know the heart's he'd touch with his faith, compassion and love, But all who knew Zach could easily tell He was a gift from God above. Zach was a child filled with love - a friend to all he knew Loyal, compassionate, giving and kind - witty and funny too. His smile could brighten the darkest days, he had a heart of gold. His laughter could melt the coldest heart - touching both young and old. Zach is our child, our life, our friend - his death left an empty hole, But God saw a child too good for this world - a child with an angel's soul. He took him home for eternal rest leaving us all to grieve. Promising Zach was just away until it's our own time to leave. A world of sadness, pain and grief to a place of eternal joy; rest and peace, that's filled with love - a place where we'll find our boy. In Loving Memory of Zachary Allen HerreraContact_FullName: Misti Contact_Email: dmherrera@pvtnetworks.net Homepage_URL: http://www.caringbridge.org/nm/zach Contact_City: Artesia Contact_State: NM Contact_ZipCode: 31061 Contact_Country: usa
Date Added: November 13 2005

 Mykael Colter September 10 2001 December 2003 Back to Top
"Little Man" was such a happy and outgoing child. He loved his butterflies and cars. And oh how he loved his MEME's bird that was in her cookoo clock. He would try to "catch" it everytime the hour chimed. His MeMe and Poppy were out of town for the Thanksgiving Holidays and his mom was there with him. They had their picture taken the day of his accident. I was visiting my daughter at the time and she came home and told me that there were police and an ambulence there on the street where my brother and sister-in-law lived. He was left in the bathtub for several minutes while his mom was on the phone with her boss. Eight minutes later she found him in the water sideways. He was revived and took to the hospital where they tried to save him. He lingered for several days and they removed the life support equipment because there was no hope of recovery. My brother and sister-in-law's hearts were broken that day, his mom and dad were in a state of shock, and our lives were changed forever. He's in Heaven chasing his butterflies and laughing with Jesus now.
I urge and plead with everyone with young children to NEVER leave them alone in water. Such a tragic accident that could have been avoided if only he had been watched more carefully. Mikey, I LOVE YOU.
THE CROSS Dear Lord, it all happened on the cross, didn't it? Even then, in the darkness of those hours -- Your suffering, Your bleeding, Your dying, Your separation from the Father -- even then, You were thinking of me! ... You died for my sins, for my diseases, for my healing, and that I might never have to know separation from You. ... Help me, Lord, to live that I may be more worthy of Your sacrifice, and thank You for Your promise of victory in my life! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Contact_FullName: C.D.
In Loving Memory of Mykael Colter Date Added: November 15, 2005

 Adrian D Colter November 8 1928 October 16 2004 Back to Top
This is for my dear Papa. He will always be in my memory. I love him so, and I always will. I miss him so, but we will meet again. Where I will meet him, we will never part, we can talk, laugh and sing in heaven. We won't have to leave each other again.
God needed my Papa in heaven, Papa might be helping God build mine and Grandma's mansion. God has his reasons, I just love my Papa so much. I looked up to him a lot, when he was doing something. I was there wanting to help. I was a Papa's girl. Well I've got to go. Love Jenny Colter
My Faith Dear Lord, sometimes we don't listen, or don't comprehend, or almost subconsciously tune out Your words, thinking, "those words must be for someone else." ... Forgive us Lord, for often being like a flock of ducks that listened to a pastor's sermon, and heard him tell them that they could fly! ... Then on the way out of the church, they said to each other: "Wasn't that a good sermon?" - as they waddled on home. ... Oh Lord, help me to see that unless I listen to Your Word on Sundays, and unless I take it in, seek the Holy Spirit's guidance, and let it penetrate the depths of my spirit, then on Mondays I will be no different than the ducks. If I am to increase my faith, then I must be open to growth, for You have a greater vision for me than to see me aimlessly waddle through my life. ... Open my eyes, Lord, and let me desire all that You have for me. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen
In Loving Memory of Adrian D ColterDate Added: November 17 2005

 Adrian D Colter November 8 1928 October 16 2004 Back to Top
The day that you left me and went home to be with Jesus, will always be the saddest day in my life. Oh! the pain of loosing you, even though I know that you are not suffering anymore, was almost more than I could bear. God in his mercy reached down and helped me and spoke peace to my hurting heart.
I listened to one of your sermons we had recorded, your voice was so rich and so full of hope to those of us left here. I pray that one day the Lord will find me worthy to enter into the gates of pearl. To be able to see and talk with Jesus, you and other family there. I want to hold Mickey, Mom, you, and friends to laugh and sing the songs of Zion in honor to God. My darling husband, even though I miss and love you still, I would not want you to return here to suffer anymore. We had a blessed 53 years, and wonderful children, that I am grateful for. Heaven must surely be worth it all. Your loving wife. Geralsine E. Colter
In Loving Memory of Adrian D Colter Date Added: November 17 2005

 Tracy Leigh Harmon October 26, 1960 November 15, 2000 Back to Top
God's Door
While playing as children We never knew, What life would deal us, Over the years that we grew.
We laughed, we cried, We fought, we got mad, If we had only known, Our lives could be so sad.
He took you away, In the blink of an eye, Not a whisper, Not a warning, We had to say good-bye.
Although you're in Heaven, And we can't feel your touch, I hope that you know, Each day we miss you so much.
Our family has a part missing, Since you are not here, Our hearts feel such sorrow, We wish you were near.
We don't know why things happen, To those that we love, We can just keep our faith, In the Man from above.
He knows what He's doing, Although we may not, We will someday understand, The things He has taught.
I love you dear Tracy, Each day more and more, You'll be in my thoughts, Until the day I am at God's door.
Author: Glenna Harmon Lee (11/18/05) Dedicated to my sister: Tracy Leigh Harmon October 26, 1960 - November 15, 2000
We will never forget you, dear sister. Love, Your Sister, Glenna
In Loving Memory of Tracy Leigh HarmonContact_FullName: Glenna Harmon Lee Contact_Email: glenna_lee@anadarko.com Contact_City: Spring Contact_State: TX Contact_ZipCode: 77386-2669 Contact_Country: USA
Date Added: November 18 2005

 Donald Doyle January 15 1952 December 8 1995 Back to Top
Don, It's the 10th anniversary of your passing and it seems like it was only a short time ago to me. I still miss your smile, voice, and the caring and thoughtful things you did for me. I went to your gravesite again yesterday and all I could do was sit and wonder about where the time has gone so quickly.
Dad's headstone arrived about 2 days before his birthday. It is beautiful. When you see the name in stone, it brings it home that your loved one is really gone.
You would be amazed at how Shan has grown into a loving and caring daughter. It seems like the old saying is true that love never dies because after all these years, I still Love You. You were the love of my life and I was blessed to be married to you for the short 8 1/2 years we had together.
Rest well My Love, and I will meet you on Heaven's Shores when it's my time to go. Forever your loving wife, Cheryle
LIFE ETERNAL Dear Lord thank You for Easter -- Your gift to me: the sunrise of my world, victory over pain, conquest of death, flowers reborn and birds rejoicing, acceptance unqualified, strength unlimited, and the promise of LIFE ETERNAL! ... Easter gives my life meaning. Because of You, I too can LIVE! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen In Loving Memory Of Donald Doyle
Date Added: December 8 2005

 Robin Brunet December 15 1976 July 31 1999 Back to Top
At the start of this long weekend, at about 2:00 a.m. saturday, July 31, 1999, Robin Brunet crossed the dark highway 31, which runs from Cornwall (US Border) to Ottawa, ON.
Robin had just left the Bears Den, a popular local pub and crossed the road when a friend called to her. As she turned to come back she was struck down by a white 1990-1991 Toyota Camry.
The car stopped briefly on the side of the road and then sped off into the night towards the city of Ottawa.
MORNING PRAYER Lord Jesus, please come into my heart and take my life and my will into your hands. Grant me the gifts of the Holy Spirit that I may be inspired today in all that I say, do and think to achieve harmony with the Will of the Father through living by Your Word. Amen
Homepage_URL: http://www.geocities.com/ldyakg/rdb.html Contact_FullName: AKG Contact_Email: ldyakg@hotmail.com
In Loving Memory of Robin Brunet
Date Added: December 28 2005
  Mary Furlong May 14 1928 January 6 2006 Back to Top
I am so glad that our paths crossed. You were a wonderful person. You will be missed by many. In Loving Memory Of Mary Furlong
Contact_FullName: Camilla Mosley Contact_Email: magiccats2006@yahoo.com Website: https://www.angelfire.com/fl5/tracymmosleymemorial http://www.davidcgross.com/obituary.aspx?MemberId=13524 Contact_City: St. Petersburg Contact_State: Fl Contact_ZipCode: 33702 Contact_Country: US Date Added: January 8, 2006

 John Michael Durdin March 27, 1980 October 22, 2004 Back to Top
John Michael was a very well liked young man. His death came as a complete shock to all of his family. It was only 6 days after his grandfather had passed away, and we had all returned home from Daddy's funeral. No sooner had we unpacked than we got the call that John Micheal was found dead by his younger sister. He had been sick the week before and was not feeling well at his grandpa's funeral. The autopsy report showed that he died of a drug overdose. How ironic that he was trying to get his life straightened up, and had talked about going to church with his grandmother the Sunday before he died. Every time I saw John, he was smiling and trying to encourage others even though he was having his own problems. How sad that drugs and alcohol took his life at such a young age.
Everyone thinks that it won't happen to them, but believe me, it can. His Mom and Dad were in a deep state of shock, and his brothers and sisters could not believe that this nightmare was happening. If this memorial can save one life from drugs and alcohol, John would be pleased about it. The only way to save someone's life is to warn them about the dangers of abusing drugs and alcohol. I have unfortunately known several young people personally that has died from drugs or alcohol. May each family that has lost a loved one to a senseless, avoidable death of this nature warn others and let them know the devastation and helplessness of these situations will never go away or the hurt lessen any time soon. John Michael, I Love and Miss You. Aunt Cheryle
THE CROSS Dear Lord, it all happened on the cross, didn't it? Even then, in the darkness of those hours -- Your suffering, Your bleeding, Your dying, Your separation from the Father -- even then, You were thinking of me! ... You died for my sins, for my diseases, for my healing, and that I might never have to know separation from You. ... Help me, Lord, to live that I may be more worthy of Your sacrifice, and thank You for Your promise of victory in my life! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
In Loving Memory of John Michael Durdin
Date Added: June 7, 2006

 Shirley Reine August 8, 1953 May 9, 2005 Back to Top
Shirley was murdered on May 9, 2005, I pray that justice will be served and she will finally be at peace. We miss her so much and at times it is so hard to comprehend that she is actually gone. Please watch over us Shirley Girl!
LIFE ETERNAL Dear Lord thank You for Easter -- Your gift to me: the sunrise of my world, victory over pain, conquest of death, flowers reborn and birds rejoicing, acceptance unqualified, strength unlimited, and the promise of LIFE ETERNAL! ... Easter gives my life meaning. Because of You, I too can LIVE! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen In Loving Memory Of Shirley Reine
Contact_FullName: Loretta Gilfoy Contact_Email: lgilfoy@adelphia.net Contact City: E. Falmouth Contact State: MA Contact ZipCode: 02536 Contact Country: USA Date Added: June 19, 2006

 Sharrone Lewis November 26, 1942 March 19, 2005 Back to Top
Mom, I miss you so much. Sometimes I still feel like you are still here with me, I guess in some ways you are. You are and always will be my best friend. I know you said for me to not cry for you. All my tears mom were for my loss. Because my loss was Heavens gain. You got your wish, Momma you said you wanted to go home and so you did. I can just see you now, an angel in Heaven watching over all of us. I love you and will miss you until we meet again. My life will never be the same. Daddy, misses you. It breaks my heart for him. He is so lost without you. I know you will meet him by the river. I love you and miss you.
Love you always and forever, Lissa
THE LORDS PRAYER Our father, who art in heaven; Hollowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from Evil Amen In Loving Memory of Sharrone LewisContact_FullName: Lissa England Contact_Email: lissamengland@hotmail.com Contact_City: Buffalo Contact_State: KY Contact_ZipCode: 42716
Date Added: July 19, 2006

 Lauren Waller December 12, 1990 April 16, 2000 Back to Top
Dear Lauren, So many things have happened since you left us six years ago. You have a new cousin Asia, and a new brother Ethan. It breaks my heart that they will never know you personally. I promise though that they will know you through your pictures and the memories that all those that love you will share. Your image is etched in my mind forever and you will always be a part of my life. I love you my beautiful, first grandchild!
Love, Nanny
In Loving Memory of Lauren WallerContact_FullName: Joyce Contact_Email: the.nanster@verizon.net Website: http://www.angelsforlauren.com Contact_City: Gibsonton Contact_State: FL Contact_ZipCode: 33534
Date Added: July 20, 2006

 Joey Scarpa September 13, 1971 March 20, 1995 Back to Top
For My son Joey, My Life My World. You have a lot of friends in heaven Joey. So young. 23 forever. I can't thank all the angel moms enough for sharing their angels with you and me. I pray that you are all at peace. You are all with God. I wish you were still here with me. I miss you so much my son .. Its hard. So hard. I thank all my friends here for thinking of Joey on their Memorial tribute. Love to you all.
LIFE ETERNAL Dear Lord thank You for Easter -- Your gift to me: the sunrise of my world, victory over pain, conquest of death, flowers reborn and birds rejoicing, acceptance unqualified, strength unlimited, and the promise of LIFE ETERNAL! ... Easter gives my life meaning. Because of You, I too can LIVE! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen In Loving Memory Of Joey Scarpa
Contact_FullName: Linda Contact_Email: lindajoeysmom@aol.com Homepage_URL: http://www.geocities.com/angelpageschris4/joeyanniv.html Contact_City: Staten Island Contact_State: NY
Contact_Country : USA Date Added: July 26, 2006

 Tracie Lynn Risch Snody October 30, 1973 February 7, 2003 Back to Top
I will miss you forever my babygirl. Not a second passes that you are not on my mind. Forever loving you...Mom
LIFE ETERNAL Dear Lord thank You for Easter -- Your gift to me: the sunrise of my world, victory over pain, conquest of death, flowers reborn and birds rejoicing, acceptance unqualified, strength unlimited, and the promise of LIFE ETERNAL! ... Easter gives my life meaning. Because of You, I too can LIVE! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen In Loving Memory Of Tracie Lynn Risch Snody
Contact_FullName: Lessie Kauffman Contact_Email: traciesmomforever@yahoo.com Homepage_URL: http://www.geocities.com/lmkinbfe Contact_City: Cleveland Contact_State: GA Contact_ZipCode: 30528 Contact_Country:USA Date Added: August 23, 2006

 Chuck Moore April 18 1942 January 9 2006 Back to Top
Last night while I was trying to sleep My dad's voice I did hear I opened my eyes and looked around But he did not appear
He said, "my beautiful daughter, you've got to listen You've got to understand God didn't take me from you He only took my hand
When I called out in pain that night The instant that I died He reached down and took my hand And pulled me to His side
He pulled me up and saved me From the misery and the pain My body hurt so badly I could never be the same
My search is really over now I've found happiness within All the answers to my empty dreams And all that might have been
I love you so and miss you too And I'll always be nearby My body's gone forever But my spirit will never die
And so you must go on now Live one day at a time Just understand God did not take me from you
"He only took my hand" Author Unknown
I Miss You So Much Daddy! In Loving Memory Of Chuck Moore
Contact_FullName: Belinda Contact_Email: crbalb2@yahoo.com Homepage_URL: http://www.geocities.com/missingdaddy2006 Date Added: September 28, 2006

 Brian Scott Moore November 2 1976 November 5 1997 Back to Top
Gone but never forgotten we miss you little Bro mom misses you everyday but she is surviving keep your hands on her as it's hard for her everyday without you. Tammy should be there with you now you and grandma keep a look out for her make sure she stays on Gods good side. Your life was much too short but I guess god needed you more than us take care Love You!!
THE LORDS PRAYER Our father, who art in heaven; Hollowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from Evil Amen In Loving Memory of Brian Scott MooreContact_FullName: Kathy Moore Bryce Contact_Email: katlady927@yahoo.com Contact_City: Columbus Contact_State: OH Contact_ZipCode: 43232
Date Added: October 9, 2006

 Tamara Moore August 11 1977 December 8 2005 Back to Top
In memory of beloved daughter, sister, aunt Tammy murdered by her boyfriend who is currently awaitng trial for her murder. We miss you, Love you and will see you again someday.
THE LORDS PRAYER Our father, who art in heaven; Hollowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from Evil Amen In Loving Memory of Tamara MooreContact_FullName: Kathy Moore Bryce Contact_Email: katlady927@yahoo.com Contact_Website: http://tamara-moore.memory-of.com/ Contact_City: Columbus Contact_State: OH Contact_ZipCode: 43232
Date Added: October 9, 2006

 Hendrik Vanderberg November 10 1956 February 26 2006 Back to Top
Remembering you today on what would have been your 50th birthday my darling. Still can't believe you are gone. I'm learning to live without you but will never forget you till we meet again my love Lorraine XXXX
LIFE ETERNAL Dear Lord thank You for Easter -- Your gift to me: the sunrise of my world, victory over pain, conquest of death, flowers reborn and birds rejoicing, acceptance unqualified, strength unlimited, and the promise of LIFE ETERNAL! ... Easter gives my life meaning. Because of You, I too can LIVE! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen In Loving Memory Of Hendrik Vanderberg
Date Added: October 11, 2006

 Burton Pitt October 17, 1971 February 13, 1981 Back to Top
Burton was an active 9yr old with hopes and dreams like any other child. But his life was cut short when he developed malinoma cancer. We found out when he was 8 and he died a little over a year later. He touched so many people with his smile and his love towards people. I wish everyone could have known him.. You would have loved him as I did. I miss you so much my son. I know you are a perfect angel..
MORNING PRAYER Lord Jesus, please come into my heart and take my life and my will into your hands. Grant me the gifts of the Holy Spirit that I may be inspired today in all that I say, do and think to achieve harmony with the Will of the Father through living by Your Word. Amen
Homepage_URL: http://www.geocities.com/heartland/garden/4314/ Contact_FullName: Kay Pitt Contact_Email: kaypitt@cablelynx.com Contact_City: Kilgore Contact_State: TX Contact_ZipCode: 75662 Contact_Country: USA
In Loving Memory of Burton Pitt
Date Added: October 19, 2006

 Brooklyn Baucom November 7 2000 December 23 2005 Back to Top
She will always be remembered. I miss her so much she will always be my little angel. On the 23 of december, 2005 I was in a bad wreak and hit black ice. I didn't have a car seat and till my death I will always feel guilty not having that car seat. Please buckle kids up for safety. It's hard to go on wihtout her. I just think of her little smile and her little voice but I know she is in heaven. She will always be remembered.
THE LORDS PRAYER Our father, who art in heaven; Hollowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from Evil Amen In Loving Memory of Brooklyn BaucomContact_FullName: Roxanne Contact_Email: r_1979roxy@yahoo.com Website Url: http://brooklyn-baucom.memory-of.com/ Contact_State: IA Contact_Country: USA
Date Added: October 22, 2006

 Ray Childree Sr. May 10, 1951 February 20, 2006 Back to Top
"Without You I'm Not Me"
When your not here, something's not quite right. It's like the stars and moon, without the night.
It's something strange, that I can't explain. It's like Tarzen, without Jane.
It's like peanut butter,
without jelly. It's like Santa Claus, without his belly.
It's like a joke, that isn't funny. It's like Easter, without the Bunny.
It's like Grandma's gravy, without the lumps. It's like a camel, without any humps.
It's like a present, without a bow. It's like a planted seed, that doesn't grow.
It's like a King, without a crown. It's like a circus, without a clown.
It's like the birds, without the bees. Without you, I'm just not me.
I MISS YOU!!!!!! Your Loving Wife
I Hope You're Looking After Our Son Who's There With You My Darling Loving You Forever
We'll Say Goodbye No More
When loved ones die, a part of us seems also to pass on... it's almost like our world has stopped, the light within us, gone.
We go through motions, as before, yet feelings seem to fade... searching, groping, in the dark- just drifting on our way.
But somewhere down the winding path, a spark begins to show... someone's kindness brings a smile and suddenly you know,
Your heart begins to stir again, a little more each day... and then you start to realize, you really are "okay."
The sun still shines in the morning, and the stars come out at night... those we love are never gone, just living in the light.
Far beyond the big blue sky on heaven's glorious shore... our loved ones wait with open arms- we'll say goodbye no more!
~Author Unknown~ MORNING PRAYER Lord Jesus, please come into my heart and take my life and my will into your hands. Grant me the gifts of the Holy Spirit that I may be inspired today in all that I say, do and think to achieve harmony with the Will of the Father through living by Your Word. Amen. In Loving Memory of Ray Childree Sr.
Contact_FullName: Melba Childree Homepage_URL: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GScid=1879767&GRid=13659030 Contact_Email: angelmom2380@aol.com Contact_City: Ozark Contact_State: Alabama Contact_ZipCode: 36361 Contact_Country: USA
Date Added: November 8, 2006

 Emily Garcia & Her Unborn Son Emilio July 27, 1977 February 25, 1993 Back to Top
This is in memory of my beautiful niece Emily Jeanette Garcia who was abducted, raped, and murdered in Texas in 1993. Emily was only 15 years old at the time of her murder and pregnant with a little boy that she intended to name Emilio. It has been nearly 14 years now since Emily was taken from our lives and there isn't a day that goes by that she isn't thought of and missed. We still search daily to try to find the person/persons responsible for taking her from us and we know that even if we never know on this earth who did this, they will pay their price one day.
We miss you terribly Emily and know that one day we will all be together again. All My Love, Aunt Theresa
LIFE ETERNAL Dear Lord thank You for Easter -- Your gift to me: the sunrise of my world, victory over pain, conquest of death, flowers reborn and birds rejoicing, acceptance unqualified, strength unlimited, and the promise of LIFE ETERNAL! ... Easter gives my life meaning. Because of You, I too can LIVE! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen In Loving Memory Of Emily Garcia & Her Unborn Son Emilio Contact_Name: Theresa Yeary-Dontrich Contact_Email: tdontrich@socket.net Homepage_URL: http://theresayeary.tripod.com/ Contact_City: Newburg Contact_State: MO Contact_ZipCode: 65550 Contact_Country: USA Contact_HomePhone: 573-762-2327 Date Added: November 13, 2006

 Tayller Cole September 27 1990 May 29 1991 Back to Top
My sweet little baby girl came into my world on September 27th 1990 at 1:50 pm and drifted from my world on May 29th 1991 due to Sudden Infant Syndrome. She's left so many behind that loves and misses her so much. The sadness her death has caused us has been unbearable at times- but we still manage to go on everyday- with heavy hearts.
There isn't a day, a minute, a second that goes by that I don't think about my sweet beautiful red headed baby and wish that she could be hear with me and the rest of her family. I know that we will all be together again someday and we will shed tears of joy instead of tears of pain and loss. Until that day comes Tayller remember mommy loves you and misses you with every breath I take. I love you sweetheart- and I hope that you are not giving God a hard time- Love Mommy.
THE CROSS Dear Lord, it all happened on the cross, didn't it? Even then, in the darkness of those hours -- Your suffering, Your bleeding, Your dying, Your separation from the Father -- even then, You were thinking of me! ... You died for my sins, for my diseases, for my healing, and that I might never have to know separation from You. ... Help me, Lord, to live that I may be more worthy of Your sacrifice, and thank You for Your promise of victory in my life! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Contact_FullName: Angela
In Loving Memory of Tayller Cole Date Added: November 19, 2006

 Joey Scarpa September 13 1971 March 20 1995 Back to Top
My Son Joey is my life. My Joey was murdered. I died that day. I know Joey you are at peace and with our father. But I miss you so much. I keep you alive my son. You live in me. My heart My mind. I will Always Love You my son. You are my world. Mom
My son is my life, my world. I miss you my Joey. When you left that day I went with you. My heart, my mind. I exist now my son keeping you alive. I wait my love for I know one day you will hold out your hand to me and say MA, lets go home. This time my son I will never let you go. I Love You.
THE LORDS PRAYER Our father, who art in heaven; Hollowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from Evil Amen In Loving Memory of Joey ScarpaContact_FullName: Linda Scarpa Contact_Email: lindajoeysmom@aol.com Homepage_URL: http://www.geocities.com/angelpageschris4/joeyanniv.html Contact_City: Staten Island Contact_State: NY Contact_ZipCode: 10307 Contact_Country: USA
Date Added: November 24, 2006 Updated: February 18 2007

 Krystal (Scooby) Mclaughlin Dodge November 24 1985 November 8 2006 Back to Top
I know you're in heaven having fun and being happy just as you always were.. Just like we have always said you're the life of the party when there was no party!! I love you sis and I miss you so much.. I know you're looking out over us and protecting us from everything you can.. I promise I will take care of Jake the best I can and we all know mom will too.. WE all love you and miss you.. The biggest and brightest smile you always had.. The way you could sit in a silent room and have fun.. The way you made us laugh and cry and smile and sometimes fight, but that's ok cause everyone fights.. But atleast we laughed about them..lol.. If I would have known any of this was going to happen I wouldn't have let you leave that night.. I would have told you I love you alot more.. I would hug and kiss you until we were both blue in the face.. I would have done everything to make sure you knew I loved you.. But I know now that you knew I loved you with all my heart.. I will be seeing you again some day..
I love you sis.. your lil sis always!! Jennifer Mclaughlin
THE CROSS Dear Lord, it all happened on the cross, didn't it? Even then, in the darkness of those hours -- Your suffering, Your bleeding, Your dying, Your separation from the Father -- even then, You were thinking of me! ... You died for my sins, for my diseases, for my healing, and that I might never have to know separation from You. ... Help me, Lord, to live that I may be more worthy of Your sacrifice, and thank You for Your promise of victory in my life! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Contact_FullName: Jennifer Contact_Email: urbabygurl20062002@yahoo.com Contact_City: Corryton Contact_State: TN Contact_ZipCode: 37721 Contact_Country:USA
In Loving Memory of Krystal (Scooby) Mclaughlin Dodge Date Added: November 24, 2006

 Hal Christensen August 29 1941 January 1 2006 Back to Top
You were a great man and are truly missed. I am sorry for the disappointment I caused you and I wish you were still here. I pray I see you again some day. Love always, Lori
THE LORDS PRAYER Our father, who art in heaven; Hollowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from Evil Amen In Loving Memory of Hal ChristensenContact_FullName: Lori Encinias
Date Added: December 14, 2006

 Galen Masterson June 9 1991 November 22 2002 Back to Top
My Angel Galen Was hit and killed by a truck on His way to school on 11-22-02. He is very much missed and well loved by all that knew him and even those who didn't. Love To you always son
Love Mom, Dad, Joshua, Aaron and Gavin
THE LORDS PRAYER Our father, who art in heaven; Hollowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from Evil Amen In Loving Memory of Galen MastersonContact_FullName: Jackie Masterson Contact_City: Terlton Contact_State: OK Contact_ZipCode: 74081 Contact_Country: USA
Date Added: December 17, 2006

 Joshua Eugene Hedglin September 13 1978 March 16 1997 Back to Top
Joshua is our only Child he is the light of my life. Adopted at the age of two months he filled our lives with so much love and made our family complete.
For 18 years he was the center of our lives and the wind beneath our wings. Sadly Josh was murdered at the age of 18. In Memory Of Joshua, Please Keep Guns Out of The Hands of Children.
MORNING PRAYER Lord Jesus, please come into my heart and take my life and my will into your hands. Grant me the gifts of the Holy Spirit that I may be inspired today in all that I say, do and think to achieve harmony with the Will of the Father through living by Your Word. Amen
Homepage_URL: http://www.joshuahedglin.com Contact_FullName: Monika Hedglin Contact_Email: ang18jeh@socket.net Contact_City: Sedalia Contact_State: MO Contact_ZipCode: 65301 Contact_Country: USA
In Loving Memory of Joshua Eugene Hedglin Date Added: December 18, 2006

 Tyler Gilman December 28 2000 December 16 2001 Back to Top
Tyler, you were such a little fighter, for such a little baby.. you taught so many people so much about life in such a short amount of time. Even though you couldn't speak, you spoke through your soul, through your eyes.. and you will forever be my hero, my angel, and my little man who never got to grow up and teach people about life, but you taught me the most important thing, and that is how to love un-condidionally.
I love you Tyler. Love mommy
MORNING PRAYER Lord Jesus, please come into my heart and take my life and my will into your hands. Grant me the gifts of the Holy Spirit that I may be inspired today in all that I say, do and think to achieve harmony with the Will of the Father through living by Your Word. Amen
Homepage_URL: http://www.geocities.com/myangelchristopher6/ty1.html Contact_FullName: Amy Gilman Contact_Email: agilman@columbus.rr.com Contact_State: OH
In Loving Memory of Tyler Gilman
Date Added: December 20 2006

 Mindy Clark December 19 1979 May 10 2002 Back to Top
Mindy Leigh Clark Daughter Of Stanley and Brenda
God blessed us Twenty-two years ago, when you were born. Your loving heart and beautiful smile, your amazing ability to never judge others. We learned so much from you.
We can still hear you making up songs about the alligators in Pond River, when you were just a little girl. Taking things apart to see how they were made, before you could even walk. Sprinkling fish food all over my just cleaned floors, because you wanted to feed the bugs! So many memories will always fill our hearts.
Growing up Your first day of school, playing T-Ball, Basketball. Taking piano, violin, guitar and voice lessons. (We were glad you didn't want to play the drums.) Your talent for Art, always ready to learn something new. Fishing and going camping and how much fun you had on the Jet Ski.
God gave you a special love for animals, the time you tried to catch a wounded squirrel to help it, and got bit. The time you tried to save a hurt baby deer, and stayed up with it most of the night trying to get help for it’s pain. Only God can give the kind of love you had for his creatures, you just couldn’t understand why we couldn’t keep them all!
Growing up too soon into a beautiful young lady, who told us every night that you loved us. The Lord must have needed you to sing in his choir and care for his animals, but he took you too soon, we still need you so much! You’ll always be in our hearts no matter how far apart. Though you’ve gone to heaven first, you’ll always be Dads “Doodlebug”, Moms “Min” and Papaw & Mamaws “Monkey”.
Remember as you travel on the streets of Gold, Dad wants you to watch for deer, and Mom wants you to put your seatbelt on, and don’t drive too fast. We love and miss you every minute of every day, we will take care of Chi-Chi for you, and we will be together soon.
Forever Loved and Missed, Mom and Dad
THE LORDS PRAYER Our father, who art in heaven; Hollowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from Evil Amen
Homepage_URL: http://www.mindyclark.com Contact_FullName: Brenda Clark
In Loving Memory of Mindy Clark
Date Added: December 20 2006

 Ray Donaldson November 19 1980 December 16 2005 Back to Top
Magic Ray you were such a joy a truely wonderful boy.
THE LORDS PRAYER Our father, who art in heaven; Hollowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from Evil Amen In Loving Memory of Ray DonaldsonContact_FullName: Denise Donaldson
Date Added: December 20, 2006

 Billy Kayser May 27 1986 April 3 2003 Back to Top
My Love Is With You
My love is with you Oh, sweet son, what can I say? My heart is empty without you each day. The angel wings you wear must be so grand, If only I could reach out and touch your hand. Maybe then we wouldn't say goodbye Which could help dry the tears that I cry. Now I know that is impossible for us to do, So let's make a deal, just me and you. When I look to the stars at night, You look for me with all your might. When you see me just shine real bright, And together we can send our love And say good night. I miss you, son, more every day, And the emptiness I feel will not go away. You are my son and will always be, My angel in heaven looking down on me. You will live in my heart, And I will try to be strong, Because, my son, in my heart is where you belong. I love you, son, sleep well, my son.
(Author unknown)
We Love and Miss You Billy, every day. Love Mom, Dad, Jimmy, Joey and Robert
In Loving Memory of Billy Kayser Homepage_URL: http://www.billykayser.com Contact_FullName: Diane Kayser Contact_Email: dkayser1@verizon.net Contact_City: Pearl River Contact_State: NY Contact_ZipCode: 10965 Contact_Country: USA
Date Added: December 20, 2006

 Melissa Noelle Hanson December 25 1985 April 19 2002 Back to Top
Melissa was my only daughter, my best friend. She was born on Christmas Day, 1985--the most wonderful Christmas present I have ever received. She was the joy of my life. The name Melissa means Honeybee, from the day she was born I sang her a little song--You're my little honeybee, honeybee, honeybee. You're my little honeybee, Yes You Are (tapping her nose on each of the last 3 words). Whenever she was feeling down, even at the age of 16, she would ask me to sing that song to her. When she was very young we also started a routine with each other that whenever we left each other we gave each other a hug and kiss then repeated after each other: Love ya, later, bye.
Melissa grew up to be the most caring, kind, compassionate person I ever met in my life. She always greeted and talked to everyone she met regardless of their race, creed or disability. She brought sunshine into the lives of so many that we heard about after losing her.
Melissa was killed in a car accident the night of April 19, 2002 when she lost control the car and it slammed into a tree. She made poor choices that night in speeding and not wearing her seatbelt and paid the ultimate price for those choices. But her caring and kindness lived on as I followed through with her wishes to be an organ and tissue donor.
There is not one day that I don't think of her and miss her. I have been forever changed. Love ya honeybee, later, bye. Mom
THE LORDS PRAYER Our father, who art in heaven; Hollowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from Evil Amen In Loving Memory of Melissa Noelle HansonHomepage_URL: http://www.geocities.com/angelmelissa85 Contact_Email: slwendt@charter.net Contact_FullName: Loni Wendt Contact_City: Waupun Contact_State: WI Contact_ZipCode: 53963 Contact_Country: USA
Date Added: December 21, 2006

 Little Boy Powell September 3 2006 {Angel Date} Back to Top
My "Little Boy" how mommy misses you so. I remember when you started coming up to the house everyday. I didn't know who owned you and I couldn't understand why they would let you be roaming around the neighborhood all by yourself. So one day I decided to carry you around to every house asking if you belonged to them. Everyone was saying no, you didn't belong there. That's when I decided to take you in until I could find your owner. You were constantly having to run and hide from the big dogs and I wasn't even sure you were getting anything to eat or drink. A few days later we discovered from a neighbor that someone had let you out because they didn't want you any longer. I couldn't understand and I still can't understand how anyone could be so heartless. That's the day you became my "Little Boy".
I miss holding you in my arms and cuddling with you. I miss you not being beside me in bed laying all snuggled up close to mommy. I thank God above for giving you to me for the few short years I had you. If mommy had only known that you were as sick as you were, I would have taken you to the vet. But I had no idea you were even sick baby. You never let me know you needed help. When you woke me up that early September morning crying out, I couldn't get you to the vet fast enough. I was praying to God to not let me lose you. And when I layed you down for the doctor to check you out my heart sank because we lost you for a minute but he was able to revive you. Baby, mommy had no idea that you were wanting to go to rainbow bridge. I didn't want you to go, but I knew it was time. I got to have a few minutes with you before you left to tell you how sorry I was and hug and kiss on you and say I love you a million times. I miss you so so much little one. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you.
I hope that you are happy in your new home and that you have plenty to eat and drink baby. Remember, mommy loves you with all my heart and we will be together again one day. I can't wait to get that little lick/kiss from you and pick you up and hold you close to me again. I miss that and I miss you more than all the stars in the sky baby.
All my love forever and a day, Mommy
IF IT SHOULD BE If it should be that I grow weak, And the pain should keep me from my sleep, Then you must do what must be done, For this last battle cannot be won.
You will be sad, I understand, Don't let your grief then stay your hand, For this day more that all the rest, Your love for me must stand the test.
We've had so many happy years, What is to come can hold no fears, You'd not want me to suffer so, The time has come to let me go.
Take me where my need they'll tend, And please stay with me until the end, I know in time that you will see, The kindness that you have done for me,
Although my tail its last has waved, From pain and suffering I've been saved. Please do not grieve, it must be you, Who had this painful thing to do,
We've been so close, we two, these years, Don't let your heart hold back its tears.
Homepage_URL: Treasured Thoughts Contact_FullName: Patricia Powell Contact_Email: aquasthoughts@usa.com Contact_State: NC Contact_Country: USA
In Loving Memory Of Little Boy Powell Date Added: December 23 2006

 Denise Vaughan July 14 1978 December 28 1984 Back to Top
My precious, only daughter Denise died from cancer at age 6 1/2 yrs. She had a brain tumor and surgery and the Surgeon though wonderful could not get the whole of the tumor so my angel died 6 months later.
Although she suffered greatly throughout the 6 months, she had already suffered a year at home with the Dr. not listening to me....finally I took matters into my own hannds and took her to the City where they instantly found the tumor. But of course it was to late. Denise never complained except she wanted us to go home and it broke my heart to watch her suffer in silence...she just didn't want to talk....she was too weak from fighting to hold on to life.
My heart breaks daily without her and I am so happy that Denise can be remembered here always....thank you so much!! I love you Denise with all my heart and one day I will be happy again when we are together!
God Bless you and keep you til we meet again....Mommy.
THE LORDS PRAYER Our father, who art in heaven; Hollowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from Evil Amen In Loving Memory of Denise VaughanContact_FullName: Rosaleen Bellamy-Vaughan
Date Added: December 23 2006

 Larry Brickman December 8 1972 January 7 2006 Back to Top
My precious son, when you left this earth, you took a big piece of my heart with you. You were my love, my best friend, my confidant and soul mate. You made me so proud with all your scholastic achievements and when you landed a job in Manhattan and became vice president, my heart swelled with pride.
Who knew that while you were on a business trip in London and contracted Bacterial Meningitis that I would never see you again. My heart aches so much for you, and I am finding it very hard to go on without you.
I love you with all my heart and will always grieve for you. I miss your phone calls and visits. I cannot believe I will never see you or hear your voice again. I look forward to the day when I will join you in Heaven.
I hope that Nana and you are taking good care of each other. What will I do without you? Till we meet again, I will always love you and keep your memory alive. Love your broken hearted Mom.
THE LORDS PRAYER Our father, who art in heaven; Hollowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from Evil Amen In Loving Memory Of Larry Brickman
Contact_FullName: Faye Solod Date Added: December 23, 2006

 Jason Ramirez November 3 1984 November 28 2002 Back to Top
In Loving Memory Jason Ramirez You are loved and missed so very much!! You will never be forgotten!! Love your mom Deanna
THE CROSS Dear Lord, it all happened on the cross, didn't it? Even then, in the darkness of those hours -- Your suffering, Your bleeding, Your dying, Your separation from the Father -- even then, You were thinking of me! ... You died for my sins, for my diseases, for my healing, and that I might never have to know separation from You. ... Help me, Lord, to live that I may be more worthy of Your sacrifice, and thank You for Your promise of victory in my life! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Homepage_URL: http://www.jasonramirez.com Contact_FullName: Deanna Fernandez Contact_Email: dfernandez11@cox.net
In Loving Memory of Jason Ramirez Date Added: December 24, 2006

 Rebecca Fitzer - Groves October 20 1970 July 30 2005 Back to Top
My Youngest Daughter left this world and gained her wings 7/30/05. She joined her Brother Dustin In Heaven after an eight year battle with a brain tumor. She left behind hosts of friends and family Her two sons Briton And Bryson. She was Joined by her Father Ray 7/27/06
MORNING PRAYER Lord Jesus, please come into my heart and take my life and my will into your hands. Grant me the gifts of the Holy Spirit that I may be inspired today in all that I say, do and think to achieve harmony with the Will of the Father through living by Your Word. Amen
Homepage_URL: http://dustinfitzer.net Contact_FullName: Irene Fitzer Contact_Email: reeny@srcaccess.net
Contact_City: Randlett Contact_State: OK Contact_ZipCode: 73562 Contact_Country:U.S.A. In Loving Memory of Rebecca Fitzer - Groves
Date Added: December 26 2006

 Tyler Head February 21 1995 July 15 2004 Back to Top
Dear Child In Heaven
You were a blessing to us all You were a special child. And we're so glad God sent you to be with us awhile.
You filled our home with happiness and made our life complete. The time we had with you was far too short, but oh so sweet.
Some things we don't find easy to accept or understand. Until we realize they're part of our creator's prefect plan.
Now it comforts us to know you're with the angels up above. While in our hearts we hold you close Surrounded by your love.
Author Unknown
I love you so much Tyler and miss you more and more everyday. You will always be in my heart and soul for as long as I live. Hugs to you my sweet angel. Love you forever Your Momma
Homepage_URL: http://www.heavenlyangeltyler.com Contact_FullName: Tammy Contact_Email: reesecup32003@yahoo.com
Contact_City: Seffner Contact_State: FL Contact_ZipCode: 33584 Contact_Country:U.S.A. In Loving Memory of Tyler Head
Date Added: January 6 2007

 Paul Anthony William Waghorne May 5 1977 March 2 2005 Back to Top
Our beloved son and brother was taken from us on the road, it was not his fault. He had spina bifida but through it all he was a fantastic guy and a lesson to us all. In our eyes he was a hero, always smiling, always caring, and forever missed..
THE LORDS PRAYER Our father, who art in heaven; Hollowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from Evil Amen In Loving Memory of Paul Anthony William WaghorneContact_FullName: Gina Contact_Country: UK
Date Added: January 8, 2007

 Eddy Vargas September 12 1988 July 20 2005 Back to Top
Eddy, my beloved son I miss you every minute of every hour of every day. I miss your beautiful smile, your voice and everything of you, but I close my eyes and I can feel your touch. I'll miss you until we meet again. Your life was a blessing for me and now I have your memories in my heart forever. I love you my dear son.
THE LORDS PRAYER Our father, who art in heaven; Hollowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from Evil Amen In Loving Memory of Eddy VargasHomepage_URL: http://eddy-vargas.memory-of.com Contact_FullName: Cristina Vargas Contact_Email: vargascristina@sbcglobal.net Contact_City: El Paso Contact_State: TX Contact_ZipCode: 79902 Contact_Country: USA
Date Added: January 12, 2007

 Christian Victoria Carrigan (Chrissie) November 14 1986 December 6 2001 Back to Top
In Loving Memory of an Angel born too soon and gone too soon. Chrissie suffered from D.I.D. (multiple personalities) and anorexia. Chrissie was 15 years old when she gained her wings. Forever loved and missed.
LIFE ETERNAL Dear Lord thank You for Easter -- Your gift to me: the sunrise of my world, victory over pain, conquest of death, flowers reborn and birds rejoicing, acceptance unqualified, strength unlimited, and the promise of LIFE ETERNAL! ... Easter gives my life meaning. Because of You, I too can LIVE! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen In Loving Memory Of Christian Victoria (Chrissie) Carrigan
Contact_FullName: Kathie Carrigan Homepage_URL: https://www.angelfire.com/amiga2/ourangelboy2/chrissie.html Contact_Email: lonewolfw2000@verizon.net Contact_City: Germanttown Contact_State: MD Contact_ZipCode: 20874 Date Added: January 21, 2007

 Adrian D. Colter Jr. August 17 1952 August 21 2006 Back to Top
Andy, my Bubba, I still cannot believe that you are really gone. Time passes so quickly before you know it. We went to the cemetary when I was in FL., and your headstone was there. It was really nice. Wanda had your picture and truck put on your headstone. Mom wanted a flag pole out there for all of us that were in the military. I have the Air Force flag for me and Don, the Army flag is between you and Mike, and the American Flag is between us all.
I know that we never got a chance to see each other very often since you were on the road a lot before you got sick, and I lived so far away. I'm glad that I was there with you when you took your last breath. Momma, Doreen, LeeAnne and me were in the room when you passed to Glory, and we just about shouted.
You never once doubted that God was going to heal you of liver cancer, and He did. You did get up off of that bed and was made whole when you reached Heaven's Shores. It's funny how all of us started to call you "Bubba" at the last. That's how we all knew you growing up. I know that you and Dad are having such a good time up there in Heaven with Jesus our Lord and Savior.
You expect your parents to go before you, but it is hard to accept that one of your siblings has passed on. You did fight the good fight, and finished your course. Until we meet on Heaven's shores one day, I Love and Miss You Andy.
THE LORDS PRAYER Our father, who art in heaven; Hollowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from Evil Amen In Loving Memory of Adrian D. Colter Jr.Contact_FullName: Cheryle Doyle
Date Added: January 21, 2006

 Dobby Beloved Pet April 1992 November 27 2006 Back to Top
It's hard to say goodbye to such a faithful and loving companion. I know that she was "just a dog" in some peoples eyes, but she was so much more than that to me. Dobby saw me through some of the hardest times of my life. When my Husband, Don, died, she was there. She was there when my Dad, Brother, and other loved ones passed on. She was my "Little Girl Dog".
Oh the reputation she had at the vets office! They said that there was no one like Dobby. As small as you were, you were very fiesty until the last two years of your life. You had mellowed out (I Guess), because you would not fight with them when they had to treat you. Everyone said that I did the right thing in putting you down because you were in pain and could not hardly walk or be touched at times. You were losing you were losing your hearing and eyesight also.
I knew that when I came home from my daughter's house in FL over the Thanksgiving weekend, I had to make that decision. My Mom had kept you while I was gone and she told me that you would hardly eat, and would jump and yelp as if you were in pain when anyone came near you. It was time. Even the vet knew that it was time to end your suffering. If he did not believe that, he would have never put you down.
It was so hard to know that you would never be here with me anymore. I Love and Miss you so, "My Little Baby Girl Dog", and I will never forget you and the joy that you brought to me over the years. Sleep on my faithful and beloved pet.
If it should be that I grow weak, And the pain should keep me from my sleep, Then you must do what must be done, For this last battle cannot be won. You will be sad, I understand, Don't let your grief then stay your hand, For this day more that all the rest, Your love for me must stand the test. We've had so many happy years, What is to come can hold no fears, You'd not want me to suffer so, The time has come to let me go. Take me where my need they'll tend, And please stay with me until the end, I know in time that you will see, The kindness that you have done for me, Although my tail its last has waved, From pain and suffering I've been saved. Please do not grieve, it must be you, Who had this painful thing to do, We've been so close, we two, these years, Don't let your heart hold back its tears.
In Loving Memory of Dobby (Beloved Pet) Contact_FullName: Cheryle D Date Added: January 22, 2007
