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Treasured Thoughts Memorial Wall Section 6

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Treasured Thoughts Memorial Wall Section 6

Colby Ivey Jack Fenton Wilfredo Rosas
Carl John Ferguson Thomas Ray Vick Angelica Hatchell
Barbara E Eaton Steele John H Eaton Reva N Kibble Bradley
Mary Joyce DeHart Meshael L A Richardson Teresa Young
Tammy Jordan Negron Jajuan Jefferson Hunter Kirkland
J.W. Parker Rebecca Fitzer Groves Dustin Lee Fitzer
Jacob McLeod-Steinmetz Tracy Harmon Algie J Coffman
Robert Scott Walker Judy Darlene Matta Bobby Wayne Harmon
Josie Leto Kanda Jacobs Chuck Edward Donathan
Chuck Donathan Jay Amundson Dae Hon Gonzales
Betty Culley Joseph Fayad Dustin Marshall Rawls
Doyle Eugene Herring Fannie Elizabeth Ledford Shirley Oates
Vickey Giustino Rob Northrop Jr. Anthony Burger
Carlton R Coleson SR Tyler Scott Ables Bobby Twitty
David Broderick Rhonda Faye Harmon Lawrence Jaffe
Michael Games Robin Brunet Martha M Harmon Wood
Jeremy Lee Stamper Bruce Treece Alexis Smith

Remembering Our Angels
The Memorial Wall was created May 31 2001 on Victor's eleventh anniversary. Since that time, there have been 200 + tributes posted. The amount of tributes has surpassed any expectations I may have had. It continues to grow as others find their way here. Whether it be from just passing through, word of mouth or completly by accident, whatever the reason you found yourself here at the wall, we hope you will take a moment of silence to pay respect and to share your loved one(s) with us before you leave.

Due to the large volumn of tributes, it has become necessary to divide the wall into sections.
There are 51 tributes per section.

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In Memory of Colby Ivey
Colby Ivey
September 11 1987 January 11 2003
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In Loving Memory of our beloved son Colby Lee Ivey Gone too soon, With all our hearts and souls we miss you.
You are forever carried in our hearts. Sending you Angel Kisses my Dear Child, died as result of an automobile accident.

Lord Jesus, please come into my heart and take my life and my will into your hands.
Grant me the gifts of the Holy Spirit that I may be inspired today in all that I say,
do and think to achieve harmony with the Will of the Father through living by Your Word.

Contact_FullName: Gala Ivey
Contact_City: Ackerman
Contact_State: MS
Contact_ZipCode: 39735
Contact_Country: USA

In Loving Memory of Colby Ivey

Date Added: January 26 2007

In Memory of Jack Fenton
Jack Fenton
January 6 1967 January 23 1967
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An angel only lent


Dear Lord, it all happened on the cross, didn't it?
Even then, in the darkness of those hours --
Your suffering, Your bleeding, Your dying, Your separation from the Father --
even then, You were thinking of me! ...
You died for my sins, for my diseases, for my healing,
and that I might never have to know separation from You. ...
Help me, Lord, to live that I may be more worthy of Your sacrifice,
and thank You for Your promise of victory in my life!
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Contact_FullName: Kimberlee

In Loving Memory of Jack Fenton
Date Added: February 18, 2007

In Memory of Wilfredo Rosas
Wilfredo Rosas
November 28 1932 April 13 2006
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The night the phone rang, I will never forget. Mom beat me to the phone and I heard her say "I have my daughters here with me, we will be right there." As I rushed to dress, I knew deep inside you were gone. From that moment on, I have not been the same. A part of me went with him the other lives with saddness. My father or "Pop" as I called him was my strength, my protector, the family back bone... His hard working hand, his heart of gold will forever be missed. He taught me to give of myself straight from the heart, he taught me to be strong, and to fight for what I believe in. Above all he taught me to be a good parent and how to truly love. My memories of Pop will continue to live through my children. All he taught me, my children will teach their children. I will forever miss his presence and his voice calling my name.

Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory of Wilfredo Rosas

Contact_FullName: Norma E. Rosas
Contact_City: Brooklyn
Contact_State: NY
Contact_ZipCode: 11217
Contact_Country : USA

Date Added: February 28, 2007

In Memory of Carl John Ferguson
Carl John Ferguson
June 23 1987 March 18 2006
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My only child was a rear seat passanger in a car that failed to negotiate a bend and smashed sideways into a tree. Carl was unconcious and died 2 hours later in hospital of head injuries. My baby had been out celebrating Saint Patricks Day with friends and was walking home when a so called friend stopped and offered him a lift home. I was to never see my baby alive again.

Carl was a bright young man who had decided on a career in the army. He got half way through his basic training and learned that his first posting would be Iraq. At 17 he told me he did not feel mature enough to go straight into a war zone and didn't think he could handle having to possibly kill somebody. I understood and thought he was being very mature he didn't want to let his platoon down and decided to defer training for a year to give him chance to grow up. Little did we know that 6 months later he would be dead. The driver of the car was sentenced to 4 years in prison and a 5 year driving ban for causing Carls death by careless driving whilst under the influence of alcohol.

Carl brought so much joy into my life, he had the biggest eyes and longest eyelashes I had ever seen. Its been 1 year and 12 days since Carl was taken away from me, and I feel my life is over. Never can I celebrate another birthday, I won't see Carl marry and I will never be a grandmother. My sons killer (and that is what he is) got 4 years and I got a life sentence. I blame myself all the time. Wishing that I had given him some money to get a taxi home, he would of spent it on beer though probably.

I last saw Carl one year ago today, just before the lid was placed on his coffin. It broke my heart. I knew he was dead, but just to look at his beautiful face and hold his hand kept me going through the first 2 weeks. Carls favorite song was Heaven by DJ Sammy. We played the candle light version at his funeral, it was so heart breaking. All I remember about that day 31st March 2006 is the girls about 30 of them each with white roses that as leaving they placed the rose ontop of the coffin and kissed it, he had so many friends, I didn't realise that he had touched so many peoples hearts. The stories I have heard since have made me laugh and cry, he definatly was a ladies man they all loved his eyes and cheeky grin.

Carl wasn't perfect I know that, but he was brought up knowing right from wrong, and he cared so much for his family and friends. If carl had of known that the driver had been drinking he would not of got in that car, and he would be here today teasing me, borrowing money from me and doing my ironing (I hated ironing. The army taught him well).

We have a petition running with the UK government where we wish to change the law so that any person found to be over the drink drive limit has their licence suspended with immediate effect until the case is heard. My sons killer was allowed to carry on driving for 10 months till he was sentenced at court even though he had already had a previous drink drive conviction.

My only child my baby of 18 years has gone and I am left with only memories some sad but mostly happy.

Carl I will love you always and forever I will never stop talking about you. I am so very proud of you and the mature decisions you made in your time here on earth, you loved babies I truly hope you are looking after some angel babies up in Heaven.

love you loads and loads mum. xxxxxxxx

Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory of Carl John Ferguson

Contact_FullName: Dawn Ferguson
Contact_City: Pontefract
Contact_State: West Yorkshire
Contact_ZipCode: wf8 2bd
Contact_Country : UK

Date Added: March 30, 2007

In Memory of Thomas Ray Vick
Thomas Ray Vick
December 14 1954 October 21 2003
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You will forever be missed and I will keep you close to my heart always.
I wish I had known the last time I saw you that you wouldn't be around much longer. I would have spent more time with you.
Love always.....Sonya


Dear Lord, it all happened on the cross, didn't it?
Even then, in the darkness of those hours --
Your suffering, Your bleeding, Your dying, Your separation from the Father --
even then, You were thinking of me! ...
You died for my sins, for my diseases, for my healing,
and that I might never have to know separation from You. ...
Help me, Lord, to live that I may be more worthy of Your sacrifice,
and thank You for Your promise of victory in my life!
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Contact_FullName: Sonya Harmon Ashe

In Loving Memory of Thomas Ray Vick
Date Added: April 5, 2007

In Memory of Angelica Hatchell
Angelica Hatchell
January 15 1987 September 9 2002
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My daughter, Angelica Lynn Hatchell, graced this world on January 15, 1987. She weighed 5 pounds and was 17 inches long. She has the biggest brown eyes that you could see her soul through. She was called home on September 9, 2002 following a car accident at the tender age of Fifteen. The day she was born, I looked into her brown eyes and planned her future. I never imagined that I would look into them fifteen years later and plan her funeral. She is forever loved, missed and remembered.

The day that changed my life forever was September 9, 2002. Angelica's boyfriend, Matthew, had came over to eat supper with us. My neighbor asked him if he would pick her son up, because his car had broken down. In a instant Matthew asked me if Angelica could ride with him. I said "Yes", but be careful and hurry back. She never came home. I live, knowing, that If I had said "No" then she would be here with me now. This was the first time she ever left with someone and the last time she walked out the door without me.

Matthew was crossing and intersection and waiting for traffic to pass by. A car, without any lights, hit Matthew's car on Angelica's side-Passenger side. This turned the car 180 degrees. Matthew asked if everyone was okay and all three were. He got out to check on the other driver. Angelica was getting out of the car. She had her right foot out and her head, but a pick-up truck did not see the car in the road. He ran over the front of the car that Angelica was exiting. This turned the car again and slammed the door into her neck. She was thrown 18 feet to the other side of the highway. The Coroner said that she died instantly from a broken neck.

I received a call to come to the hospital. I was told that she had been in a minor accident and needed me with her. I arrived only to find out that she was in Heaven and only her body was lying in that bed.

I immediately began CPR and begged everyone to just give her ONE breath and she would come back to me. She didn't.

She looked so beautiful. She was involved in two wrecks and thrown 18 feet, but all she had on her body was a little carpet burn on her forehead. She was breath taking beautiful. She looked like she was lying there asleep and I kept telling her it was time to wake up, pretty girl.

I received a phone call from her Principal at Lancaster Senior High School one week after we buried her. He had a huge package that contained her school pictures. This was the last picture ever taken of Angelica. She never saw them. I dropped to my knees instantly. She looked just like I saw her in the Hospital that awful night. She was wearing the exact same clothes, necklace, earrings, and bracelets. Angelica looked exactly the same as the night she died. Everything was the same. She left this world and it broke my heart, but I see this beautiful portrait in my Living Room of her wearing what she left this world in and wore for her last picture and I am amazed.

Angelica is my life. She is my only child and the only grand-child. She is loved and missed by so many. Our hearts break everyday. I never imagined that I would never hear the word "Mama" again. I will always be Angelica's Mama, but I will never hear her call me or feel her sweet kisses on my cheek. That hurts so much.

I visit her beautiful resting place many times a day. I go there every morning and tell her, "Good Morning Beautiful~I Love You" and every evening to tell her, "Good~Night Pretty Girl~I love You". I told her this every day for fifteen years and I will tell her this until I am called home and able to kiss her good morning and good night.

I cherish every memory and every I love you that she said to me everyday. I know that "One Sweet Day" she will say, "Mama take my Hand I'm taking you home".

Angelica, you are my heart and soul. I treasure each memory and I am so honored to be your Mama. You inspire me every day and I only live to make you proud.

I Love You, Mama

Today as I sat and stared into space,
I thought of Angelica, I saw her smiling face.

Why she was taken we will never understand
But question it not, for it was God's plan.

She was a lovely young lady that we loved so dear,
So now she will rest in peace and have no fear.

The thoughts of her will be that silly smile,
That makes knowing her worth while.

You will never forget her, she is your thoughts
All the fun and love she brought.

Without her your days will seem long and sad,
But just remember all the good times yall had.

There comes a time when we have to say goodbye,
Sometimes it won't be easy and sometimes you will cry.

But God will lead you and show you the way,
I know it won't be easy, and this I can truly say.

Angelica You Will Always Remain In Our Hearts Forever

~Written and read at Angelica's funeral by her friend Dena Rollins~

Dear Lord
thank You for Easter --
Your gift to me:
the sunrise of my world,
victory over pain,
conquest of death,
flowers reborn
and birds rejoicing,
acceptance unqualified,
strength unlimited,
and the promise of LIFE ETERNAL! ...
Easter gives my life meaning.
Because of You, I too can LIVE!
In Jesus' name I pray.

In Loving Memory Of Angelica Hatchell

Contact_FullName: Tammy Hatchell-Wright
Contact_City: Lancsater
ContactState: SC
Contact_ZipCode: 29720
Contact_Country: US
Date Added: May 21, 2007

In Memory of Barbara E Eaton Steele
Barbara E Eaton (Steele)
September 19 1921 November 1 1985
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She was the mother of three children: Carl, Bonnie, and Karen and grandmother to five children. While it may not be psychological catastrophic, for example, to realize Mom won't see our new home or hear about our latest promotion, or be able to spend time now with my children and my grandchildren, it can be devastating to find out that for the first time in my life, to paraphrase Robert Frost, "have no place to go where they have to take you in". (Death of a Hired Man)

When it comes right down to it, it's not that you really need a given place to go. It's just that everyone has tucked away in their mind a safe place where they can go at Christmas, where someone worries if they have a cold. For most of us, the important thing is not actually the place itself at all, but the feeling we get when we think about it.

It's the same kind of feeling we get when we're sure someone will always remember our birthday, or be embarrassingly proud of our accomplishments, or love our children no matter how many times they leave peanut butter handprints on the wall.

In my own case, it was knowing that I always had a rooting section, even when I failed. It was having someone who gave a darn because she wanted to. It was being accepted as myself in spite of my creative outbursts of insanity and my wild independent forays. It has been a great deal to lose, a great deal to give up.

Perhaps the most significant irony I can identify today is that no one would ever know from looking at me
how much it really does hurt to have her gone.

Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory of Barbara E Eaton (Steele)

Contact_FullName: Karen
Contact_City: Parkersburg
Contact_State: WV
Contact_ZipCode: 26104
Contact_Country : USA

Date Added: October 2, 2007

In Memory of John H Eaton
John H Eaton
March 14 1913 October 5 1989
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John was the father of three children: Carl, Bonnie, and Karen. He was married to Barbara E (Steele) Eaton for 48 years. He enjoyed hunting and cars and his family. He was like a little boy with a new toy when he got a new car ... not necessarily "brand new" but new to him. At the age of 70, he still liked taking his little Honda Civic out in the snow and doing doughnuts in empty parking lots. He lost our Mom, and things were so different. Love him, miss him, and wish we could have some of our old times back. So wish he could have seen my children grown up and know what wonderful people they are ... and now he'd have a new little great babygranddaughter that he would love. I believe God lets both he and mom look down and see our joys and happiness.

Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory of John H Eaton

Contact_FullName: Karen
Contact_City: Parkersburg
Contact_State: WV
Contact_ZipCode: 26104
Contact_Country : USA

Date Added: October 4, 2007

In Memory of Reva N Kibble (Bradley)
Reva N Kibble (Bradley)
April 10 1928 July 9 2007
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She was the mother of five .. and my mother-in-law. She was able to see her childen grow up and marry and have children of their own. Her latest joy was spending time with her great grandchildren. The day before we lost her, she spent the evening with all her family celebrating the 4th of July and family birthdays. She had dinner and talked to all. We had no idea that within just a few hours, she'd slip away from us. I believe that somehow she knew what was happening, but didn't tell us. She couldn't have orchestrated her last few days with us any better if she'd planned it herself.
She had family around who loved her. She is missed.

Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory of Reva N Kibble (Bradley)

Contact_FullName: Karen
Contact_City: Parkersburg
Contact_State: WV
Contact_ZipCode: 26104
Contact_Country : USA

Date Added: October 4, 2007

In Memory of Mary Joyce DeHart
Mary Joyce DeHart
November 13 1945 November 29 2007
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You were the best friend I ever had in my life. Our friendship spanded 34 years. We were like sisters.
I will miss you...everyday. We lived, laughed, cried, joked, kidded each other all the way.

Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory of Mary Joyce DeHart

Contact_FullName: Camilla Mosley
Homepage URL: Tracy M Mosley Memorial Site

Date Added: December 10, 2007

In Memory of Meshael Louise Ali Richardson
Meshael Louise Ali Richardson
June 20 1986 June 18 2001
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Sometimes when I'm sleeping,
You whisper in my ear
And though I long to hold you
I'm content that you are near

Sometimes while I'm speaking
Your words come ringing through
They seem to come from my mouth
But I know that they're from you

Sometimes when I'm lonely
You touch my very heart
And I know you are around me
We will never ever part

Sometimes when I'm happy
I want to tell you so
But I know that you are watching me
You'll never, ever go

Sometimes when I'm missing you
The pain won't go away
Then you send Angel kisses
Till the aching goes away

Sometimes I know I'm lucky
That my Angel stays close by
To hug me and assure me
Until it's my turn to fly

Sometimes I feel I just can't wait
Until we meet once more
But I know that you'll be waiting
To lead me right through Heavens door

Written by Meshael's Mum Gail ©

Dear Lord
thank You for Easter --
Your gift to me:
the sunrise of my world,
victory over pain,
conquest of death,
flowers reborn
and birds rejoicing,
acceptance unqualified,
strength unlimited,
and the promise of LIFE ETERNAL! ...
Easter gives my life meaning.
Because of You, I too can LIVE!
In Jesus' name I pray.

In Loving Memory Of Meshael Louise Ali Richardson

Contact_FullName: Gail Richardson
Contact_City: London
Contact_ZipCode: EN5 2FA
Contact_Country: UK
Date Added: December 14, 2007

In Memory of Teresa Young
Teresa Young
July 12 1967 March 11 1981
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I miss Teresa everyday!
She will always be My Angel and always in my heart!

Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory of Teresa Young

Contact_FullName: Betty Moran
Contact_City: Hiddenite
Contact_State: NC
Contact_ZipCode: 28636
Contact_Country : USA

Date Added: January 11, 2008

In Memory of Tammy Jordan Negron
Tammy Jordan Negron
August 21 1957 February 8 2008
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Tammy was born August 21, 1957 in Lafayette, Louisiana and left this earth to meet our maker on Friday,
February 08, 2008. She will be forever missed by her surviving family and friends.

Spread your wings and fly, Tammy.
Until we can see you again.... We love you.

Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory of Tammy Jordan Negron

Contact_FullName: Glenna Lee

Date Added: February 12, 2008

In Memory of Jajuan Jefferson
Jajuan Jefferson
October 22 1988 March 11 2006
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Jajuan not only were you my child you were my friend. I miss u so much, from the time of your birth, until your death we spent time. Jajuan each day i still cry there's such a great gap where u use to be;
NOW I Fill it with all my fond memories of you and me.
I'll Love u always.

Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory of Jajuan Jefferson

Contact_FullName: Bernadette
Contact_City: Lakewood
Contact_State: CA
Contact_Country : USA

Date Added: February 22, 2008

In Memory of Hunter Kirkland
Hunter Kirkland
October 31 1997 October 12 2005
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My precious angel Hunter, mama loves you and misses you so much. May you know you are always very close to me in my heart and always on my mind. I love you forever and ever.


Dear Lord
thank You for Easter --
Your gift to me:
the sunrise of my world,
victory over pain,
conquest of death,
flowers reborn
and birds rejoicing,
acceptance unqualified,
strength unlimited,
and the promise of LIFE ETERNAL! ...
Easter gives my life meaning.
Because of You, I too can LIVE!
In Jesus' name I pray.

In Loving Memory Of Hunter Kirkland

Contact_FullName: Linda Kirkland
Contact_City: Toone
Contact_State: TN
Contact_ZipCode: 38381
Contact_Country: US
Date Added: March 1, 2008

In Memory of J.W. Parker
J.W. Parker
March 20 1995 May 17 1997
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We were blessed with our Lil Man, J.W., on March 20, 1995, and he entered his Heavenly home on May 17, 1997 at 2 years old. J.W. was our blonde haired blue eye angel here on earth. He was such a wonderful child and brung so much joy to everyone, in his short time here on earth. I know the angels rejoiced in Heaven, when one of their own returned home. He was our Earth Angel and now he is Heavens Angel. We miss and love you so much J.W., and always will until we meet again, beyound those streets of gold.

~ I Love You, J.W. ~
Love, Mama

Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory of J.W. Parker

Contact_FullName: Tina Parker
Homepage URL:

Contact_City: Shiloh
Contact_State: GA
Contact_Zip: 31826

Date Added: March 1, 2008

In Memory of Rebecca Fitzer Groves
Rebecca Fitzer Groves
October 20 1970 July 30 2005
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In Loving Memory Of Rebecca Fitzer Groves

Contact_FullName: Reeny - mom to Angel's Rebecca & Dustin Fitzer

Date Added: March 3, 2008

In Memory of Dustin Lee Fitzer
Dustin Lee Fitzer
August 24 1976 July 3 1995
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In Loving Memory Of Dustin Lee Fitzer

Contact_FullName: Reeny - mom to Angel's Rebecca & Dustin Fitzer

Date Added: March 3, 2008

In Memory of Jacob McLeod-Steinmetz
Jacob "Jake" McLeod-Steinmetz
June 17 1991 June 16 2005
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Jacob Michael Scott McLeod-Steinmetz was born in Wagga Wagga NSW Australia a beautiful healthy bundle of energy,
Jacob is the youngest of our four Children he was diognosed with Acute Myloide Leukemia at 12 1/2
he battled the Leukemia with humour and so much strength

he lost his battle 20 months later the day before his 14th Birthday Jacob is my hero he had such a strong faith and trust that God knew what he was doing he had his reasons (Jake's words) we miss him with every beat of our hearts we love him to the moon and back the galaxies and beyond infinity plys 1 xxxxx

Dear Lord
thank You for Easter --
Your gift to me:
the sunrise of my world,
victory over pain,
conquest of death,
flowers reborn
and birds rejoicing,
acceptance unqualified,
strength unlimited,
and the promise of LIFE ETERNAL! ...
Easter gives my life meaning.
Because of You, I too can LIVE!
In Jesus' name I pray.

In Loving Memory Of Jacob "Jake" McLeod-Steinmetz

Contact_FullName: Deanne
Contact Email:
Contact_City: Brisbane
Contact_State: QLD
Contact_ZipCode: 4161
Contact_Country: Australia
Date Added: March 3, 2008

In Memory of Tracy Harmon
Tracy Harmon
October 26 1960 November 15 2000
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My dearest Mother
Here I sit thinking about you and missing you. I want everyone who reads this to know that an Angel was here amongst them even though they may not have known it, now you are an Angel in Heaven looking down on all of us. I miss you so much.

I have five children now. You were here when Ashlyn was born, now there are four little boys, Trace; named for you mama, he is a lucky little fellow, he is 5 years old, also there is Cutter who is 4, Sandler, who is almost 3 and the newest addition is Ehydan who is now 10 weeks old. You would be so proud mom, they talk about you all of the time.

Even though they may not know you in the flesh I believe they knew you before being sent to me. I know you sent them, Thank You so much for them, and for watching over me, I would give anything to have you back, to hold, kiss, and hug. I miss you, I love you, not a day goes by that I don't think about you. I count the days until we shall be reunited.

Until then. I LOVE YOU MOMMY. Mandy

Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory of Tracy Harmon

Contact_FullName: Amanda Coffman

Date Added: April 5, 2008

In Memory of Algie J Coffman
Algie J Coffman
December 9 1942 February 26 2008
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Dear Algie, I hope it is alright by you that I share You with everyone on this site. Anyone who reads this I want you to know this great man as I did. His name is Algie Coffman, a great mind, a genius actually. He is my father-n-law, and we used to sit and talk about everything under the sky. He would ponder everything that life had to offer,
he never let anything slip by without a thought.

I am very blessed to be a part of his family. My life has been changed because I knew him. Anyone who knew him would tell you of what a great friend he was, how he was always looking to help anyone, right down to the last cent in his pocket. He painted signs, and read everything, he also came up with games and riddles in his last days that were printed in a local paper several times. He was the smartest man I know.

I wish everyone who reads this can think of someone in their lives that has touched them like he has me,
I know even people who have had brief encounters with him were.

I Love you Algie and will miss our times together you were a friend I will cherish always.
God has definately gotten back one of his best achievements.

Say Hello to my mom, she will love you too. Love Amanda


Dear Lord, it all happened on the cross, didn't it?
Even then, in the darkness of those hours --
Your suffering, Your bleeding, Your dying, Your separation from the Father --
even then, You were thinking of me! ...
You died for my sins, for my diseases, for my healing,
and that I might never have to know separation from You. ...
Help me, Lord, to live that I may be more worthy of Your sacrifice,
and thank You for Your promise of victory in my life!
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

In Loving Memory of Algie J Coffman

Contact_FullName: Amanda Coffman
Contact_City: Glenwood
Contact_State: AR
Contact_ZipCode: 71943
Contact_Country : USA

Date Added: April 6, 2008

In Memory of Robert Scott Walker
Robert Scott Walker
May 7 1952 February 2 2008
Back to Top

Don't weep for me.
Know that I am now in Heaven looking down on all my family and friends.

Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory of Robert Scott Walker

Contact_FullName: Glenna Lee
Contact_City: Spring
Contact_State: Texas
Zip Code: 77386
Contact_Country: USA

Date Added: April 10, 2008

In Memory of Judy Darlene Matta
Judy Darlene Matta
September 6 1953 December 19 2007
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Judy Darlene Matta passed away December 19, 2007 while in Italy visiting her daughter, Laura, and her two granddaughters, Maya and Elisa Sofia. Judy was born in Abilene, Texas on September 6, 1953. She eventually moved to Houston to and graduated from Cy-Fair High School. Judy attended Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas. Judy married Amine Matta on June 27, 1973 and had 3 children, Laura, Karim (deceased) and Kevin.

We will always remember Judy as a loving, dedicated, supportive mother, friend, wife and sister.

Dear Lord
thank You for Easter --
Your gift to me:
the sunrise of my world,
victory over pain,
conquest of death,
flowers reborn
and birds rejoicing,
acceptance unqualified,
strength unlimited,
and the promise of LIFE ETERNAL! ...
Easter gives my life meaning.
Because of You, I too can LIVE!
In Jesus' name I pray.

In Loving Memory of Judy Darlene Matta

Contact_FullName: Glenna Lee

Date Added: April 12, 2008

In Memory of Bobby Wayne Harmon
Bobby Wayne Harmon
October 10 1936 November 19 2007
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My Uncle Bobby, was diagnosed with colon cancer in October 2007. He had surgery to remove 18 inches of his colon. The doctors found cancer on his stomach when they were doing the colon surgery. He went home from the hospital on Friday, November 16, 2007. Reluctantly, Uncle Bobby was going to go through chemo or whatever treatment he would have to - to save his life. I guess God decided that it would be too much to endure and took his life suddenly and abruptly the morning of November 19, 2007.

Uncle Roy never knew that Uncle Bobby had died on that Monday of the same week. He was a good man. He is survived by his wife of 19 + years, Lawana, his sons, Michael Wayne, Mark Layne and Richard Allen, his sisters, Ouida Brossette, Margie Neer, Charlene Edmonds and his brothers, Charles Dewey and Norris Harmon. He was preceded in death by his brother Jakie Harmon and his brother Roy Harmon died on November 23, 2007. He had many nieces and nephews and we all miss him but know that he is now with our Lord.

Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory of Bobby Wayne Harmon

Contact_FullName: Glenna Harmon Lee

Date Added: April 12, 2008

In Memory of Josie Leto
Josie Leto
November 17 1932 June 2 2006
Back to Top

Two years ago you left this earth to walk with Jesus in Heaven.
Our family still feels your presence everytime we are together.
You were our rock, you were our soul, and now you are our angel.
We love you and miss you dearly.
Your family

In Loving Memory of Josie Leto

Contact_FullName: Denise Webb
Contact_City: Brandon
Contact_State: Florida
Zip Code: 33511
Contact_Country: USA

Date Added: June 1, 2008

In Memory of Kanda Jacobs
Kanda Jacobs
May 24 1973 April 13 2004
Back to Top

MAY 24, 1973 - APRIL 13, 2004


April 13, 2004, our 30 year old daughter drowned while bathing due to a clinical seizure. Because she had not reported to work or called in, I, her mother, received a call to check on her. I kept telling myself, since nobody could reach her by phone, there had to a mix up and she must have taken a vacation day, but even that thought seemed strange since our entire family works at the same place and she would always let me know if she was not coming into work.

Our daughter, KANDA MICHELLE JACOBS, could see so much beauty on this earth. Each spring she would start planting flowers and still be planting into late summer. She had the most beautiful hanging basket of petunias I had ever seen, and her secret was the bumble bee that lived within the flowers. She told me as long as the bumble bee never bothered her, it could live there all summer and fall. And the bumble bee stayed and the petunias grew more and more beautiful all summer and into the fall of 2003. The bee never bothered her and just maybe, I always suspected, the bumble bee knew the home it found was safe.

In the fall, she would purchase an abundance of bulbs for planting and the abundance of bulbs did not even touch the pots and pots of mums she purchased from August through October. We would go shopping for groceries and she would fill her cart completely with mums in every available color. Of course, she never had much room for groceries, but the magnificent beauty of the flowers took priority over what she would be eating the next week. Her yard, house and porch were always decorated for every season of the year with colored lights. My favorite lights were the orange ones she used with the pumpkins, fall colored mums and bunches of dried corn stalks during Halloween and the fall of the year.

During her school years, she was a cheerleader for 6 years and also played a flute in the band through high school. Her appearance had to be to perfection from bathing, lotioning, curling her hair to pressing her outfit. She had her schedule down to a science. Her day started at 4:00 AM to manage everything including all the make up, eyelash curling and lip stick to match her pressed and creased clothing. Lastly , was the chosen perfume of the day and I always woke up without my alarm once the perfume was applied.

She had a love for animals like I had never seen before. She bought medicine for any sick or injured animal in the neighborhood and would try to nurse them back to health. She had two house cats, numerous outside cats and a gorgeous pure white Springer Spaniel. She would stop along the highway to move a turtle from the road to safety. All animals were so special to her and she could not stand to watch an animal suffer. She would worry over an injured animal and try to relieve any suffering as she did for the cat that had walked on hot tar poured in a drive way. She bought antibiotics and cream from the vet for the cat. But to her disappointment, once the cat knew she was going to pump antibiotics down it's throat, the cat did not come near her for a long time.

Kanda was married in 1995 and after having two miscarriages, she went through a divorce so she had lived alone since 1998. Our hometown of Flora, Illinois has a population of 5500 so I never had any cause to worry about her. After all, she only lived five minutes from work. What could possibly happen to her. She was safe. So, I THOUGHT. She lived in a small neat cottage style home and not only did she have considerate and kind neighbors, she also had many animal neighbors since most every family on her street had dogs and cats. But the beauty of all the animals, seasonal decorations and flowers on the outside came together perfectly with the inside of her cozy home. She collected Coca Cola products so she had a Coca Cola utility room, kitchen, dining room and bathroom. After going to many fabric stores, I put the final touches in her Coca Cola rooms by making all the Coca Cola curtains.

I found our beautiful Kanda on April 13, 2004 in a flooded bathroom floating face down on top of the water. The water had been running for hours and was ice cold. I propped her head up on a towel, shut off the water and pulled the plug. I immediately called 911 and it took the operator many times to understand the address I kept screaming at her. I sat on the edge of the tub and held my daughter's head rubbing her ice cold face begging for a miracle which, of course, I knew deep down was not going to happen. My husband, Jack, arrived after the EMTs had removed Kanda from the tub and were trying to pump life back into her. My son, Jerrin, and his two children arrived as Kanda was being loaded into the ambulance. She was not pronounced dead until she had reached the emergency room in Flora.

After the ambulance left, the city police locked her house down so they could investigate the cause of her death. It was later ruled accidental due to a seizure. To our knowledge, she had only one other seizure in 2002 and our family doctor thought it had been brought on from stress of working too much overtime.

Our lives are forever changed. Her brother has two children, Aaron age 7 and Ashley age 3. Ashley looks so much like Kanda and we are so blessed to have our son and grandchildren living so near. They keep us alive and the spirit of Kanda alive for all of our family.

Since I, alone, found my daughter, this nightmare will always be with me. She would have been 31 years old on May 24, 2004. Some days I feel cheated but I think about all the beauty she could see on this earth and I know within my heart she was able to grasp all the world had to offer during her 31 year journey here. What a gift she had.

Our entire family misses her funny wit and bluntness as she always had a quick answer for everything, but we also feel so blessed to have had almost 31 years with her. She was not only my daughter, but also my best friend. She always found time in her busy life for me and her family.


We, the family of Kanda Michelle Jacobs, were very ignorant as to the seriousness of seizures. Kanda could not admit what she suspected might be going on concerning seizure activity, even as she feared it may be increasing as she became more stressed from demanding job responsibilities and many hours of overtime. Kanda was in denial as to what was happening to her body even though she suspected she might be having seizures in her sleep when she would routinely wake up feeling very sore and achy for no other apparent reason. Even then she did not seek medical attention, as she was fearful of losing her driving privileges and her job which allowed her to live alone and support herself.

Kanda did not have to die. With the correct diagnosis and prescribed medication, she could have lived a normal life, retained her drivers license, and most important of all, she could have maintained her work ethics and stayed self supportive.

Since Kanda's death, we have learned of the many dangers related to seizure activity, and number one on the list is water. No one close to Kanda had ever given thought to the danger of something as simple as bathing. As her family, we are saddened by the fact that the seizure itself was not the cause of Kanda's death, but the seizure caused her to drown when she passed out while bathing with the water still running. Prior to this horrible day, Kanda had passed out completely due to a seizure in the spring of 2002 and to our knowledge and to hers, that particular seizure was the first. We now know she had many in her sleep after this initial occurrence.

We do know that on April 13th, sometime after 12:00 PM , Kanda had exercised at Curves and had eaten a salad from Subway as the container for the salad was still sitting on her kitchen table. Her curling iron was plugged in and her clothes that she planned to wear to her second shift job were laid out and ready. Knowing these facts tells us she was evidently feeling fine as she prepared to go to work that afternoon.

We have added this addendum to the original story in hopes that this information may help others suffering from seizure activity. Any type of seizure activity is serious. Maybe this warning will give someone a second chance, the second chance that our 30 year old KANDA MICHELLE did not get.

Written by Mom, October 2004

In Loving Memory of Kanda Jacobs

Contact_FullName: Dianna Jacobs
Website URL:
Contact_City: Flora
Contact_State: Illinois
Zip Code: 62839
Contact_Country: USA

Date Added: June 29, 2008

In Memory of Chuck Edward Donathan
Chuck Edward Donathan
October 25 1958 July 3 2005
Back to Top

My dearest son chuck I know the reason the Lord took you, because he needed another great Angel.
Although we miss you, we miss you oh my nobody knows. Our love is stronger now than ever before because you are up there watching us and taking care of us. The hurt is getting easier you know I Love and miss you.
Love MOM

Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory of Chuck Edward Donathan

Contact_FullName: Missy Hendrix

Date Added: July 7, 2008

In Memory of Chuck Donathan
Chuck Donathan
October 25 1958 July 3 2005
Back to Top

My Dearest Uncle Chuck my life was forever changed the day I lost you. You meant so much to me.Although we had our ups and downs my love remained the same. You asked before why I hated you so, I never hated you I was a teenager who balked at authority. I wanted to give you a hard time because I was afraid of change. You gave me love and the stability I needed in my life when I needed it. You always gave your all and never asked for anything but respect.You were the glue that held this family together and honestly we are lost without you. My life was touched by you. And my heart is so broken because you are gone. We don't know why you are gone, but God had to have another angel in his army for whatever reason. We know you are happier and want us to be the same. I love you and miss you everyday. Until we meet again Mandy

Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory of Chuck Donathan

Contact_FullName: Amanda Coffman
Contact_City: Parkersburg
Contact_State: AR
Contact_ZipCode: 71943
Contact_Country : USA

Date Added: July 7, 2008

In Memory of Jay Amundson
Jay Amundson
September 20 1960 July 14 2006
Back to Top

Contact_Name: Tammy Boeshart

In Loving Memory of Jay Amundson

Date Added: July 20 2008

In Memory of Dae Hon Gonzales
Dae Hon Gonzales
December 18 1997 May 1 2008
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My sweet Dae Hon, you will forever be in my heart.
You were and are the most precious grandson a grandma could ever ask for.
My heart is breaking, for when you left us, you took a piece of my heart.

Panda Panda Panda

In Loving Memory of Dae Hon Gonzales

My 10 yr old grandson's Journey fighting a Brain Tumor (DIPG)
(May 1st, 2008 earned his Angel Wings )

Contact_FullName: Cheryl
Contact_City: Elko
Contact_State: NV
Contact_ZipCode: 89801
Contact_Country : USA

Date Added: July 30, 2008

In Memory of Betty Culley
Betty Culley
March 3 1931 July 14 1999
Back to Top

Mom, you have been gone now 9 yrs & 15 days. I miss you so very much.
I feel so alone at times, but I know you are always here with me.
You're always in my heart & always, always in my mind. I Love You. I know you are in heaven with Dae Hon.
I know you were there to greet him when he entered heaven just this past May 1st.
Sending you hugs & kisses.

Who can say for certain
Maybe you're still here
I feel you all around me
Your memories so clear
Deep in the stillness
I can hear you speak
You're still an inspiration
Can it be
That you are mine
Forever love
And you are watching over me from up above
Fly me up to where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile to know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are
Are you gently sleeping
Here inside my dream
And isn't faith believing
All power can't be seen
As my heart holds you
Just one beat away
I cherish all you gave me everyday
Cause you are mine
Forever love
Watching me from up above
And I believe
That angels breathe
And that love will live on and never leave
Fly me up
To where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile
To know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are
I know you're there
A breath aways not far
To where you are

In Loving Memory of Betty Culley

Contact_FullName: Cheryl
Contact_City: Elko
Contact_State: NV
Contact_ZipCode: 89801
Contact_Country : USA

Date Added: July 30, 2008

In Memory of Joseph Fayad
Joseph Fayad
August 24 1979 October 19 2000
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Joe, not a day goes by that I don't think about you.
I miss you so much and everyday my heart hurts because you're not here with us.
You have 3 nephews that you never got to meet, Tyler, Mikey and Caden.
I show them pictures of you and try to explain what a wonderful person you were and how much
you would have loved them. Tyler kind of understands but Mikey and Caden are too small yet.

I visit your grave as much as I can. If anything just to say hello or when I have to cry when things get to be too much.
Alot has changed since you've been gone, some good, some bad. Life will never be the same without you here.
I know you're here in spirit. I wish I would have told you not to go the weekend before you passed.
Had I known that hug you gave me was going to be my last hug from my brother I would have never never let you go!

Joey, you're in my thoughts and my heart everyday and will be until we meet again in heaven.

I love you.

In Loving Memory of Joseph Fayad

Contact_Name: Jim
Contact_City: Monaca
Contact_State: PA
Contact_ZipCode: 15061
Contact_Country : USA

Date Added: August 4, 2008

In Memory of Dustin Marshall Rawls
Dustin Marshall Rawls
September 2 1982 September 27 2007
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My Angel
Dustin Marshall Rawls
1982 - 2007

I want to invite all to see My Star as he watches over thee.
His smile like a magnet and heart of gold
A light so bright for all to see
Please share the joy this star brings to me.

With all my love and my heart,
Love, Mother

In Loving Memory of Dustin Marshall Rawls

Contact_Name: Patti Rawls
Contact_City: Katy
Contact_State: TX
Contact_ZipCode: 77494
Contact_Country : USA

Date Added: August 18, 2008

In Memory of Doyle Eugene Herring
Doyle Eugene Herring
February 9 1944 December 25 2008
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Doyle, wow, what to say, we all were looking forward to christmas, the time of year when everyone is happy go lucky. But this year it was different wasnt it. I can't believe you are gone. The only good thing about you passing is you got the ultimate Christmas Gift, wings you got to hang out with Jesus, and you are no longer suffering. You probably feel like that spry young man you remembered.

You and Algie being best buds and passing in the same year is hard on everyone. You guys left some big shoes for someone to fill, I dont think it can be done. I know I never told you how much I loved you and how special you are, people say you knew, but I should have made a better effort and said it more often. I saw you a week ago and you upbeat, and happy, that is how I will remember you. My heart aches for Pauline your "lula girl" she really needs you, please watch over her.

Craig said you were having a good day on that day, he even said you felt better than you had in a while. Wow what a difference a couple of hours would make. I am proud to be part of your family. You and Algie together in heaven, watch out right. Teach everyone how to play dominoes. My mom is there you can meet her. She will totally love you. Down here right now is really sad time for everyone. Losing you and Algie 10 months apart has really brought everyone to their knees, someone told me I should be glad you are in Heaven, because you are free of pain, and in a better place, well I am only human and I would like more time, my boys, and really all of your grandkids had a special place in their hearts just for you. We are all going to miss you dearly, and maybe you can continue to help us along in this long journey called life.

I love you Doyle, and am sorry I did'nt tell you more. We always believe that you would just always be here, no matter how many losses we have had we are still nieve to think maybe you would'nt have to go. I know everyone who knew and loves you let you know somehow, you were a great man, husband to Pauline, and father, grandfather and friend.

We all love you so much. Please watch over us. We all miss you already. I am happy you are finally out of pain.
Until we meet again. I love you Your daughter in law Amanda

Dear Lord
thank You for Easter --
Your gift to me:
the sunrise of my world,
victory over pain,
conquest of death,
flowers reborn
and birds rejoicing,
acceptance unqualified,
strength unlimited,
and the promise of LIFE ETERNAL! ...
Easter gives my life meaning.
Because of You, I too can LIVE!
In Jesus' name I pray.

In Loving Memory of Doyle Eugene Herring

Contact_FullName: Amanda Coffman
Contact_City: Glenwood
Contact_State: AR
Contact_ZipCode: 71943
Contact_Country: USA

Date Added: December 28, 2008

In Memory of Fannie Elizabeth Carpenter Ledford
Fannie Elizabeth Carpenter Ledford
December 19, 1920 November 22, 2008
Back to Top

wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, great-great grandmother
4 children... 11 grandchildren... 18 great-grandchildren... 4 great-great grandchildren

Grandma, you have the wisdom of a teacher, the sencerity of a true friend and the tenderness of a mother. You are queen mother to us all. A mother to mothers and daughters, sons and their sons. You are an encouraging word and a tender touch. You are warm hugs and sweet memories. You remembered all our accomplishments and forgot all our mistakes. And you are admired, respected and loved very much. You will always have a cherished place in my memories and in my heart. You brought so much joy and happiness into all our lives. I will always remember you fondly and hold you in my heart forever and a day. You are a remarkable woman with a wonderful combination of warmth and kindness, laughter and love and we're going to miss you more than words could ever say.

My grandma, the most special grandmother I could have ever asked for. My life is much richer and fuller for having her in it. There's a piece of my heart missing now because she took it with her when she left, but I know I'll get it back some day when I see her beautiful smile again.

Grandma, I'm very greatful I had the chance to say goodbye. Although I wasn't ready to, I'm very thankful I had that. I love you grandma, so much it hurts. But that's what it's all about isn't it. Love conquers all and you have left a lot of you with us to cherish and treasure and help sustain us until we're all together once again.

Thank you dear Lord for giving me such a precious and loving grandma. She's the best of the best, but I guess you already knew that. You knew we needed a special lady in our lives and I am so proud to be her granddaughter.

I Love You Grandma and until we meet again, beautiful loving memories of you will stay right here with me inside my heart.

Forever And A Day, For All Eternity, your granddaughter Patricia

The Twenty-Third Psalm
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
He leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the
paths of righteousness for His name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the
shadow of death, I will fear no evil:
for thou art with me;
thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the
presence of mine enemies:
thou anointest my head with oil:
my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow
me all the days of my life:
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

In Loving Memory of Fannie Elizabeth Carpenter Ledford

Contact_FullName: Patricia Powell
Contact_State: NC
Contact_Country : USA

Date Added: January 3, 2009

In Memory of Shirley Oates
Shirley Oates
February 17 1956 January 29 2008
Back to Top

In loving memory of my mother, who passed away from complications due to pneumonia at the young age of 51.
You are greatly missed mom.. Home feels empty without you..

Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory of Shirley Oates

Contact_FullName: Trisha
Contact_City: Modesto
Contact_State: CA
Contact_ZipCode: 95350
Contact_Country : USA

Date Added: February 13, 2009

In Memory of Vickey Giustino
Vickey Giustino
March 5 1924 March 16 1997
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This memorial is for my mother, who died of lung cancer just after her 72nd birthday.
My sister Beverly and I miss her very much and know in our hearts that she is in heaven!
She was a single mother that gave all she had to her two children and more!
My world will always be a little empty with her gone, I love you mom!

Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory of Vickey Giustino

Contact_FullName: Joseph J Giustino
Contact_City: Clintonville
Contact_State: WI
Contact_ZipCode: 54929
Contact_Country : USA

Date Added: March 27, 2009

In Memory of Rob Northrop Jr.
Rob Northrop Jr.
October 28 1971 December 23 1997
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When Rob died, a part of me died with him. There lies a hole in my heart that can never be filled,
a knife in my heart that can never be removed, a void in my life that can never be replaced,
an ache that will never stop, and my life was changed forever.

I am so very proud of Rob.
Rob, fought the fight of cancer and taught us don't ever give up. I was so blessed to have Rob in my life.

Dear Lord
thank You for Easter --
Your gift to me:
the sunrise of my world,
victory over pain,
conquest of death,
flowers reborn
and birds rejoicing,
acceptance unqualified,
strength unlimited,
and the promise of LIFE ETERNAL! ...
Easter gives my life meaning.
Because of You, I too can LIVE!
In Jesus' name I pray.

In Loving Memory of Rob Northrop Jr.

Contact_FullName: Marie Spadaccino
Contact_State: CT
Contact_ZipCode: 06611
Contact_Country: USA

Date Added: March 27, 2009

In Memory of Anthony Burger
Anthony Burger
June 5 1961 February 22 2006
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Anthony was one of the greatest piano players in Gospel music

Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory of Anthony Burger

Contact_FullName: Ray Coleson

Date Added: April 19, 2009

In Memory of Carlton R. Coleson SR.
Carlton R. Coleson SR.
October 24 1930 August 10 1968
Back to Top

Daddy worked hard Loved his family Most of all he loved God.

Dear Lord
thank You for Easter --
Your gift to me:
the sunrise of my world,
victory over pain,
conquest of death,
flowers reborn
and birds rejoicing,
acceptance unqualified,
strength unlimited,
and the promise of LIFE ETERNAL! ...
Easter gives my life meaning.
Because of You, I too can LIVE!
In Jesus' name I pray.

In Loving Memory of Carlton R. Coleson SR.

Contact_FullName: Ray Coleson
Contact_City: Norfolk
Contact_State: VA
Contact_ZipCode : 23513
Contact_Country: USA
Date Added: April 19, 2009

In Memory of Tyler Scott Ables
Tyler Scott Ables
April 26 2008 April 26 2008
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Although you were'nt able to be here on earth long you have touched so many lives. We may not understand what God had in mind when he allowed you to be a part of your family's lives briefly but there was a reason and until it is time all we can do is think of you fondly. Sometimes with tears and sometimes with a smile. You are a lucky little boy to have the family you do. I love them dearly.

Dear Lord
thank You for Easter --
Your gift to me:
the sunrise of my world,
victory over pain,
conquest of death,
flowers reborn
and birds rejoicing,
acceptance unqualified,
strength unlimited,
and the promise of LIFE ETERNAL! ...
Easter gives my life meaning.
Because of You, I too can LIVE!
In Jesus' name I pray.

In Loving Memory of Tyler Scott Ables

Contact_FullName: Amanda Leigh Coffman
Date Added: May 3, 2009

In Memory of Bobby Twitty
Bobby Twitty
September 27 1986 July 22 2007
Back to Top

Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory of Bobby Twitty

Contact_FullName: Tammy Twitty

Date Added: May 24, 2009

In Memory of David Broderick
David Broderick
July 6 1968 December 15 2008
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Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory of David Broderick

Contact_FullName: Tammy Twitty

Date Added: May 24, 2009

In Memory of Rhonda Faye Harmon
Rhonda Faye Harmon
January 3 1956 May 13 2009
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Rhonda Faye Harmon fought a brave 2+ year battle with Stage IV cancer.
She was a loving, caring, and quite a brave soul.
She was a wonderful daughter, sister, mother and friend.
She is dearly missed by all of her family she left behind.
We will see her again in heaven.

Enduring Love

Today I sit thinking,
Of all we had done,
When suddenly I realize,
Our Rhonda is gone.

She touched our hearts so,
Through the past years,
Now we are fighting,
To hold back our tears.

Doctors gave it their best shot,
But God didn�t care,
He held her so tightly,
He wanted her there.

He loves us all dearly,
And loved her no less,
He came down to get her,
He just takes the best.

Our lives will now change,
We�ll be lost for a while,
Then we�ll look at our photos,
And see her sweet smile.

We know she�ll be with us,
Although we can�t see,
She�s here in our hearts,
Where she�ll always be.

We all love you, Rhonda,
You knew that for sure,
Until we�re together,
Our love will endure.

Author: Glenna Harmon Lee
May 2009

Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory of Rhonda Faye Harmon

Contact_FullName: Glenna Harmon-Lee
Contact_City: The Woodlands
Contact_State: Texas
Contact_ZipCode: 77380
Contact_Country: USA

Date Added: June 1, 2009

In Memory of Lawrence Lonnie Sean Jaffe
Lawrence "Lonnie Sean" Jaffe
August 22 1964 September 26 2004
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I cannot believe we would have been celebrating your 45th birthday this yr. I can't believe its almost 5 yrs that your gone. Mommy has never been the same, tho you know she presses on. I wish so many things could have been different, I guess I'm sad that I couldn't do things differently. I feel I failed as a big sister, and even tho I didnt know what happened to you, it doesnt change my sadness. I could have helped had I known.

I was diagnosed with cancer on your birthday in 2006. I picked that day for my biopsy because I knew you would watch over me, and you did. My cancer is in remission, and although I still wish it had been me, and not you, you gave me the purpose in life to go on.

My granddaughter, your great niece, is my reason for living. She was born the same day you died exactly one yr later. You already knew that because I described to you the exact child I wanted to see, and you must have been really close to God that day, because she was sent in on angels wings custom made to order. She'll be 4 the 26th, and I have picked a star in the sky for you, I show it to her all the time. I tell her "Uncle Lonnie" is right there.. It comforts her when she's scared, and it does me too.

I will never stop missing you, and when I come to Heaven, your the first face I want to see.

I love you dearest little brother, and I miss you with all of my heart. Everyone who knew you, is lost without you..

Fly with angels sweet man.. God Bless you always.. Your big Sis.. xoxoxoxo

Lord Jesus, please come into my heart and take my life and my will into your hands.
Grant me the gifts of the Holy Spirit that I may be inspired today in all that I say,
do and think to achieve harmony with the Will of the Father through living by Your Word.

Contact_Name: Angie Sanchez
Contact_State: FL
Contact_Country: USA

In Loving Memory of Lawrence "Lonnie Sean" Jaffe

Date Added: August 11 2009

In Memory of Michael Games
Michael Games
September 27 1979 December 25 2003
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Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory Of Michael Games

Contact_FullName: Pamela

Date Added: December 31, 2009

In Memory of Robin Brunet
Robin Brunet
December 15 1976 July 31 1999
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At the start of this long weekend, at about 2:00 a.m. saturday, July 31, 1999, Robin Brunet crossed the dark highway 31, which runs from Cornwall (US Border) to Ottawa, ON.

Robin had just left the Bears Den, a popular local pub and crossed the road when a friend called to her. As she turned to come back she was struck down by a white 1990-1991 Toyota Camry.

The car stopped briefly on the side of the road and then sped off into the night towards the city of Ottawa.

Lord Jesus, please come into my heart and take my life and my will into your hands.
Grant me the gifts of the Holy Spirit that I may be inspired today in all that I say,
do and think to achieve harmony with the Will of the Father through living by Your Word.

Contact_FullName: Angela Gordon

In Loving Memory of Robin Brunet

Date Added: January 17 2010

In Memory of Martha McClure Harmon Wood
Martha McClure Harmon Wood
October 14 1938 November 28 2009
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Martha fought a brave battle with cancer for the past 2 years but sadly lost the battle in November 2009.
She was a graceful, beautiful, kind and loving woman and she will be deeply missed by all of
the family and friends she left behind.

Our father, who art in heaven;
Hollowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil

In Loving Memory of Martha McClure Harmon Wood

Contact_FullName: Glenna Harmon-Lee

Date Added: January 19, 2010

In Memory of Jeremy Lee Stamper
Jeremy Lee Stamper
December 5 1979 April 2 2009
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May Your Soul Soar High
To The Heavens Above
You're So Greatly Missed
Respected And Loved
Loved By All Who Knew You
You Gave What You Could
Held Open Your Arms
To The Bad And The Good
You Will Never Be Forgotten
In Our Hearts You Will Stay
Still Watching Over Above Us
As We Live Day To Day
Love Mom

In Loving Memory of Jeremy Lee Stamper

Contact_FullName: Jackie King
Contact_City: Portland
Contact_State: OR
Contact_ZipCode: 97206

Date Added: February 23, 2010

In Memory of Bruce Treece
Bruce Treece
June 22 1953 February 8 2008
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Stairway To Heaven

There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
And she's buying the stairway to heaven.
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for.
Ooh, ooh, and she's buying the stairway to heaven.

There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it makes me wonder.

There's a feeling I get when I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who stand looking.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it really makes me wonder.

And it's whispered that soon if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter.

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now,
It's just a spring clean for the May queen.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on.
And it makes me wonder.

Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know,
The piper's calling you to join him,
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.

And she's buying the stairway to heaven.

In Loving Memory of Bruce Treece

Contact_FullName: Missy Davis
Contact_City: Frankfort
Contact_State: IN
Contact_ZipCode: 46041

Date Added: June 16, 2010

In Memory of Alexis Smith
Alexis Smith
December 21 2005 November 18 2009
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In loving memory of Alexis Marie Smith.
She lost her brave battle to Acute Lymphoblasic Leukemia (ALL).
She was the happiest little girl with a beautiful smile.
She touched the hearts of everyone she met.

We all love and miss her so much!! You'll forever be in our hearts.......

In Loving Memory of Alexis Smith

Contact_FullName: Cathy Parsons

Date Added: June 26, 2010



Updated 6/26/2010

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