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In Loving Memory of Victor Nineteen Years

Nineteen Year Anniversary
Victor Allen Hester

No matter how busy my life becomes or what may be going on in my life at any given moment,
you my dear sweet baby brother will always be right here with me. You will never be forgotten, you will always be remembered, you will always be loved and you will always be a part of my conversations with others.


When momma brought you home and I looked at you for the very first time, this is when my heart opened wide and I let you in. Guess what brother!! I locked you up inside there and lost the key. I've never looked for that old key and I never intend to. So, guess you'll just have to be stuck with me and my endless sister's love


Nineteen years.......where has the time gone? I can close my eyes and see you at every stage of your growing up. From baby to young man at 23 years of age. I remember you today....just like I remember you all the yesterdays that have passed....and will continue to remember you through all my tomorrows yet to come.


Life has been hard these past few years and to make things even harder for us, now our mom is sick. I know you know all the details so I won't go into all this at this time, but stay close by and ask our Father to heal our momma with his loving hands so strong, yet so gentle. I pray to God every day to take care of her. Not sure when the surgery will be... still waiting to hear back from the doctor on that, but mom's lymph nodes are clear of any cancer which is truly and answer to our prayers. I pray that she will be strong enough to get through all this ahead of her. It will be a long road, but I pray that God gives her and me the strength we'll need to make it through and come out of it stronger and a better person. I worry about her, but I also know you know this about me. You know momma is worried too, but that's just to be expected with all she's having to deal with. Watch over her brother and give her a sign from time to time that you are close by. I love you with all my heart and I miss you just as much. Wish you were here, but then I think about that for a moment and would have to say... stay right there where you belong baby brother and one day in God's time, I will walk right up to you once again and lock my arms around you like before and just hug you like there's no tomorrow to come.

With all my heart baby brother.
""Happy Nineteen Years an ANGEL"".......
Your Loving Sister, Trisha

L 2 V

Thank you for visiting and sharing in my brother's nineteen year anniversary with me. I would be forever greatful to you if you could take time to sign the guestbook and let me know you came by. Please remember, take time to stop and smell the flowers and appreciate each day and one another for we all know that today will end and tomorrow may never come. God Bless You All, Patricia

In Loving Memory of my beloved baby brother Victor.
"Nineteen Years"

Nineteenth Ann gift

A gift from my Eternal Friend Sue-Anne & her Angel Lee.
Thank you so much. I'll treasure it always.
Love, Patricia
"Angel Victor's Sister Forever"

Thank you Theresa Yearly Dontrich for the 2 beautiful gifts above.
I will treasure them always.
Love, Patricia
"Angel Victor's Sister Forever"

{background music}

Precious memories, unseen angels,
Sent from somewhere to my soul;
How they linger, ever near me,
And the sacred past unfold.

Precious memories, how they linger,
How they ever flood my soul;
In the stillness of the midnight,
Precious, sacred scenes unfold.

Precious father, loving mother,
Fly across the lonely years;
And old homescenes of my childhood,
In fond memory appears.

Precious memories, how they linger,
How they ever flood my soul;
In the stillness of the midnight,
Precious, sacred scenes unfold.
In the stillness of the midnight,
Echoes from the past I hear;
Old time singing, gladness bringing,
From that lovely land somewhere.

Precious memories, how they linger,
How they ever flood my soul;
In the stillness of the midnight,
Precious, sacred scenes unfold.
As I travel on life's pathway,
Know not what the years may hold;
As I ponder, hope grows fonder,
Precious memories flood my soul.

Precious memories, how they linger,
How they ever flood my soul;
In the still ness of the midnight,
Precious, sacred scenes unfold.


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Treasured Thoughts
"Nineteen Year Anniversary"
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