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Treasured Thoughts The Wreck That Killed My Brother

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The Wreck

Wreck Kills One

Written By Patricia Powell

Victor and his friend Joseph were offered a ride home one night after a party by
Scott Charles Jones and his friend Timothy Scott Ingle. Victor and his friend accepted the ride and proceeded to climb into the back seat of the 1980 t-top pontiac. Little did Victor know this would be his last ride. While traveling at a high rate of speed, the driver lost control, throwing all four passengers from the car. Needless to say, Victor was the one to lose his life that night. The car came to rest on top of my brother, taking his precious young life.

The story told to me was that Scott Charles Jones tried to convince his friend which was riding in the front passenger seat to say that he had been driving when the wreak occured. Well, that didn't happen, Scott Charles Jones was the driver. While Victor lay beneath the car still alive and his friend lay in a field some 20 yards away, Scott Charles Jones and his friend walk to the nearby hospital for treatment. What's ironic is that this wreak happened right at the very entrance to our local hospital, so close but yet so far away, atleast that was the case for my brother.

My father and my older brother went to identify Victor. Can you imagine, can you only imagine how hard this was for them. I was awakened by a knock on my door around 1am in the morning, knowing in my heart that whatever it was, it couldn't be good. I looked outside my bedroom window to see my parents car parked in the driveway and rushed to open the door. I wasn't prepared to hear what I heard come from my father's lips. Victor's gone he said and it still had not registered what he meant by "GONE". I said, gone, gone where, where is he, where is he, where has he gone and then my father said Victor's dead. All I remember after that was falling into my fathers arms. Everything after that is a bit blurry. Even to this day there are parts I cannot remember well. The shock of it had set in and I was in another world for the next few days.

The pain of loosing my baby brother was too much for me to comprehend, and on top of that great lose, I could not get his two kids out of my head. Kendall who was four at the time and Dustin who was three. Almost too young to realize what had happened but old enough to know something had changed in their young lives. Their daddy was gone and they did not understand where or why. No one else understood why either, we understood how, but not why, why did this happen, why did this happen to Victor, why did we have to go through this horrific pain and lose, "WHY"? I could ask myself this guestion a million times over and never get an answer.

Sentence Suspended

Heaven Bound

We dream sweet dreams of heavenly souls
soaring above us tonight
And breathe the sweet aroma
of the angels taking flight

This magnificent formation
that they seem to hold so true
Is a beautiful show of heavenly love
that is sent to me and you

We stand in awe of all their glory
amazed by what we see
Their golden light surrounds our souls
for all eternity

Our heavenly father is kneeling
with open arms so wide
To welcome my brother to heaven
and then to lead him inside

Walk down the golden streets my child
walk hand in hand with me
All my glorified beauty
I want you now to see

You are among the Angels
The Father and His Son
With wonder and amazement
your life has just begun

Heaven Bound
Copyright © 2002 Revised 2005



Updated 1/23/2007

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