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Treasured Thoughts Tribute To My Dad

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Tribute To My Dad

A Tribute To My Dad
Walter Vance Hester
January 10 1936 - October 29 1994

My dad was born January 10 1936. Growing up in a family as large as dad's had to be an awesome experience. He has three brothers and six sisters, making it a family of ten children. Back in the days when dad was growing up, it wasn't unusual at all to have a large family. I remember stories he told of growing up not only of hard times they faced but good times as well. Those were the days dad.

Dad entered the army in 1957 but not before meeting my mother and getting married. Mom was pregnant with my older brother when dad left for the army and I think my brother was almost six or seven months old before dad got to see him for the first time. While dad was over there, he had someone paint his and mom's photos onto silk. If you've seen the photo album, you have seen the photos I am speaking of. Dad only had a black & white photo of mom, but after telling this guy the color of her eyes and hair, he managed to create what I've always considered a master piece because he painted this using his fingers, not a paintbrush. I always loved the painted on silk photo of mom and the picture of dad in his uniform has always been my favorite photo of him.

The first time I ever remember seeing my dad cry was when he lost his mother. This was in 1970 and just a few months later he lost his dad. I always heard that grandpa died from a broken heart because after grandma died he just lost his will to live. Grandpa died from a heart attack "Broken Heart". The second time I remember my day to cry was when we lost Victor. In my eyes my dad died from a "Broken Heart" as well because he had a massive heart attack four years later. Mom and dad were never the same after my brothers death. None of us were the same ever again. The lose of Victor was so tramatic and the way he died was so senseless.

Growing up around dad wasn't always easy for me. He was a little strick with us at times. I remember being caught at the local bowling alley with this guy I liked. I had dad's permission to go only he didn't know my boyfriend was going to be there. When mom and dad came to pick me up earlier than planned, needless to say I was caught. All the way home my dad didn't say anything. Sometimes silence is harder to take than a confrontation would be. The silence was driving me crazy and making me think all kind of crazy thoughts of what was going to happen next. The next morning mom told me that she and dad talked and he told her to tell me he didn't want to see me with that guy ever again. I thought, that's it? Dad used mom to tell me what he was thinking. I think mom played a roll. I think if it hadn't been for her, it could have been alot worse. Thanks mom :-).

I love my dad. I never imagined what it would be like without him around. I always thought that was a long way off. My dad died October 29 1994 just four years after we lost Victor. He was only 58 years young. I miss him terribly. I miss the talks we had together. Dad and I had alot of the same interest. He liked old westerns and war movies, I do too. He liked trying to figure out how things work or happen, I do too. I got alot of my dad in me. His blood runs through my viens and the love I have for him is eternal.

Dad, rest in peace and I know I'll see you again one day. Want it be a glorious day to have my dad and my baby brother come meet me at the gates.
I love you dad, always & forever........

When You Took My Hand

Dear Lord
I knew that heaven
was glorious and grand
But I had no idea
when you took my hand

That the path I would walk
would be covered with gold
So true were the stories
that I had been told

I can feel no more pain
I am free at last
And all the suffering
I have left in the past

For I am in your house
so glorious and grand
I knew I was safe
when you took my hand

When You Took My Hand
Copyright © 2002



Updated 1/23/2007

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