1 MAY 2011
~ Osama has met his fate, U.S. Paratroopers sent him to Hell's main gate! ~


GRIFFIN'S LAIR - A COMBAT PTSD WEBSITE HONORING OUR MILITARY AND VETERANS WHILE HELPING THOSE WHO SUFFER FROM PTSD - BROTHER HELPING BROTHER, post traumatic stress disorder, stress, trauma, politics, current events, national security, morals, religion, human rights, civil rights, freedom, freedumb, terrorism, PTSD books, combat, combat trauma, military, coping with PTSD, PTSD books by combat veteran, PTSD help books, WHEN YOU HEAR THE BUGLE CALL, THOUGHTS MEMORIES AND TEARS, PTSD victims, Afghanistan veterans, Iraq veterans, terror victims, warriors, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD, patriotism, military, combat, terrorism, terrorist, paratroopers, airborne, police officer, fireman, rescue, first responders, EMT, PTSD, trauma, Grim Reaper, grief, loss, death, war, psychiatry, Dak To, Operation Hawthorne, green beret, special forces, air assault, ranger, cavalry, infantry, Vietnam, Korea, Korean War, WW II, army, navy, airforce, marines, coast guard, flag waving, maroon beret, 101st Airborne, 82nd Airborne, 11th Airborne, 187 ARCT, 502 infanty, 188 infantry, 327 infantry, general leroy eltinge, poetry, PTSD, war






Political correctness - KILL IT! - before it kills U S All!




"In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success." Proverbs 3:6 TLB




Political correctness - The impious matrix of deception!


for destructive liberal, socialistic and atheistic philosophies and practices that threathen the survival of our nation. Some barbarians are inside our gates! Is their goal righteous, absolute, and unobstructed freedoms for all our people? I doubt it! What if they have a darker motive... perhaps the complete and final destruction of our republic! Adding insult to injury... what if they got us to do it to ourselves by undermining our Constitution and Bill of Rights! They could... by cunningly seducing us to believe, and put into practice, their destructive interpretations of our rights and freedoms! THINK! PLEASE! By "stretching" our "rights" they negatively twist our values! They have put the "id" in idiocy, don't let them put "you" in utensil! When one person's negative, so called, "right" trespasses on another person's life, safety, health and/or welfare, such a "negative right" should and must be declared harmful and prohibited by law. These laws must be strictly enforced! This is undoubtably necessary to protect the general public's health, right and freedom to live without fear. There should be zero tolerance for harmful "alternative" lifestyles or behavior... anything that is destructively and/or despicably wrong that threatens the safety of the general public and the good of our nation. In the great society our fathers rightfully intended, "One nation under God," clearly, these abominations, certainly


"In the congregation of sinners a fire shall be kindled, and in an unbelieving nation wrath shall flame out." (Ecclesiasticus, 16:7)


The following poems on this page appear in “Thoughts, Memories and Tears”, published in 1999. I think the first three are quite prophetic but…you be the judge. They were written to open up the eyes of the liberals in our country. They were not written to inflame or enrage, but hopefully, to enlighten and restructure the liberal philosophies that I believe have put our nation and our freedoms in a position of very high risk. Sadly, I believe that if these attitudes are not changed they very possibly could result in the destruction of our way of life, standard of living, and most tragically, the complete collapse of our nation.

Since the recent cowardly terrorist attacks on our country I have heard many times, “what have we ever done for the them to hate us so?” Think about it… the answer is very simple. The terrorists, and those who support them, are extreme religious fanatics who strongly believe in their own perverted philosophies of the Islamic faith. They believe that our presently accepted liberal moral standards prove that we are a nation of infidels. Are they right in this solitary opinion? I know they are wrong in all their others. But.. please take a good look at the political paths we have followed since the Vietnam War. Again, you be the judge, I know what I think!

Make no mistake, they are out to destroy us any way they can, no holds barred! They have proven they have no restrictions on what they will do to gain this end. To them we are all their despised enemies, their great Satan. Innocent civilians, including our women and children are not excluded in their hatred and desire to destroy.

Furthermore, know this, no matter how we react to the recent attacks they are still going to come at us anyway they can. They are hell bent to eradicate us from the face of the earth! We cannot afford to trust them, they are liars and they are beyond trying to reason with. They did not come here to talk, they came here for one purpose and one purpose only. TO DESTROY US! BELIEVE IT! THEY WILL NEVER BACK OFF! NOTHING CAN CHANGE THEIR MINDS OR WILL. WE MUST BRING “THEIR WAR” TO THEM! THE ONLY CHOICE WE HAVE IS TO FIGHT BACK AND CRUSH THEM, ACHIEVING COMPLETE AND UNCONDITIONAL VICTORY! THIS IS THE ONLY THING THEY WILL UNDERSTAND AND THIS IS THE ONLY WAY WE WILL SURVIVE AS A NATION!

It appears their cowardly attacks did not achieve all their goals. They were also designed to divide us and to further weaken us from within. Please know there can be no bipartisan response to their assault on our nation! I thank God we seem to be uniting and supporting our president, congress and military. We cannot destroy this evil if we do not change our self-destructive attitudes and beliefs! We cannot continue to “stretch” our rights to the point that they are unrecognizable to the extent that our forefathers intended! I pray we cease practicing the negative and self-destroying interpretations of our rights and the exploitation of our freedoms to the detriment and possible extinction of our great republic.

I mentioned hemophiliacs in one of the poems; I did so…because I am one of them. I did not know that I suffered from this disease when I was in the military. It was suspected and I was tested before I went to Vietnam, but the tests came back negative. I found out the hard way. I was severely injured in the line of duty when I was a police officer. I did not have to serve in Vietnam because one of my brothers was killed in action in the Korean War. I volunteered to go with my fellow soldiers - my brothers, my unit. I served my nation and community until I could serve no more. I never expected anything in return for this service but it would have been nice to get a “thank you” and a handshake…

In regards to gays - no I am not homophobic. I do not despise them, hate them, or loathe them. They have never trespassed on me, or I on them. In the eyes of the God I believe in, their sexual preferences are wrong; therefore, I believe they are wrong also. I do not believe they should be harassed or bashed! If their sexual practices are a sin, then it is a personal sin. It is not for me to judge them; I leave that up to God. In addition, yes, I would defend them, even unto death.

Please know I do not despise, hate or loathe any person who believes in any liberal philosophy. They have many fine and righteous beliefs and practices. They have promoted, and put into practice, many worthwhile causes and policies to the betterment of our society and nation. I wholeheartedly thank all of them for these improvements and I applaud them for those accomplishments.

In conclusion, I want you to know that even though I may disagree with you on many subjects I will continue to defend my nation and YOU to the utmost of my capabilities, even unto death. Please REMEMBER SEPTEMBER and the fact that “UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL!" God bless you and the United States of America. I will continue to pray for “One nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all”, until it is truly so or I am no more.

Yours Sincerely, Peter S. Griffin


A poem by Peter S. Griffin

Symbolic attacks should warn us, you know,
Reality sets in, where fear begins....
America's enemies will strike anywhere,
They will do anything to instill that fear....

To put you on edge, to walk on the ledge,
To see yourself fall, innocence mauled....
Shock effect will take it's toll,
Destroying us is their goal....

"WAKE UP, AMERICA!", before its too late,
Don't let terrorists seal our fate....
Our indecisions and lack of resolve,
Feeds their ambitions, they have no prohibitions....

To kill many birds, with one stone,
To turn our congregations into war zones....
The destruction of our institutions,
Strengthen their resolutions....

To instill terror, whatever the cost,
Their desired effect, no matter our loss....
The more damage done, the more they have won,
To kill our children, is to destroy our future....

In their minds, terror has no errors,
A desired effect, they can select....
The holiest place is no disgrace,
The safest place, the greater the waste....

Multiple targets, in one location,
Penetration will rattle our nation....
No place safe, no matter our race,
To destroy us all, is their call....

Psychological damage is their tool,
Cunning demons, they are not fools....
To weaken us within, to our chagrin,
Their victory begins, when morale caves in....

They know our weakness,
They know our plight....
Class distinction, racial strife, discrimination,
All will lead to our elimination...!

Let us learn from our mistakes,
Obsession with pleasure, is a disgrace....
"One nation under God", is the call,
If we live by this, we will not fall....

Teach our children, right from wrong,
Preserve tranquillity, support our military....
Following God is where we belong,
With Him on our side, we can't go wrong....

Support our leaders, pray to God,
This is not a faraway war, its on our sod....
Join together, so we are great,
"WAKE UP, AMERICA!", before its too late!


September 11, 2001 - Another day of infamy!

When terrorists attack, murder and obliterate,
Its time for civilized people and nations to retaliate..!
To mercilessly hunt them down, 'till all are found,
To eradicate them all, 'till only their reviled dust and ashes abound..!

Peter S. Griffin 9-14-01

Oh! Oh! Osama!

Your slimy cave will soon become your moldy grave!

To arms, ye stanch defenders of freedom!

The following poem was written by Herman Melville, 1865.

There is sobbing of the strong,
And a pall upon the land;
But the people in their weeping
Bare the iron hand;
Beware the people weeping
When they bare the iron hand!


A poem by Peter S. Griffin

Tomorrow is now today,
The liberal machine has had its way...
An idol fills our dishonored throne,
The brave no longer, feel at home...

For years, combat veterans, put in their place,
Betrayed and cast into cocooned disgrace...
Their voices, stifled, by the vocal majority,
Their sacrifices labeled, misguided disloyalty...

For decades, you liberals, free, to do as you pleased,
Perfunctory worship, won't soil your knees...
Insatiable pleasure seekers, that you are,
Your appetites reach beyond the stars...

This poem, I know, you'll refuse to hear it,
You're not one, to grin and bear it...
But said, it will be done,
Because freedoms, by patriot's blood, have been won...

Unlimited money can not buy them,
But certainly, "FREEDOM IS NOT FREE"...
How then, did you obtain them..?
Simply, inherited, to your glee..!

Possession, just part of your properties,
You think tax dollars, paid your dues,
But their real cost, you don't have a clue..!

The horrors of war, unfleshed, you did not see,
You know naught, the price of victory...
You only understand, "me, myself and I",
Forgotten, unknown soldiers, the only ones to die..!

Free...!, you abort your babies, take your drugs,
Play golf at your country clubs...
Drink your cocktails, play sexual games,
Money, money, your power and fame..!

Top shelf, your only desire,
No manual labor, thats for hire..!
Catered to, from head to toe,
In your limosine, off you go...

Rhodes scholars - slick politicians, the best you could buy,
Thousand dollar words, disguise all lies...
The cycle of poverty, you refuse to break,
Hard working people, won't fill your ranks...

Now, everything is going your way,
The poor , without roots, so easy to sway...
The White House, so elegantly maintained,
Well disguised, hiding your shame...

All is swell, the economy, fine,
Only morality has decayed, in your climb...
But watch your step, for certainly, you'll fall,
When you do, you're going to crawl...

For God, now your enemy, is at your gates,
TERROR will open your eyes, but it's too late...
Retribution, by God, be your fate,
For arrogance and decadence, you did mate...

Thousand dollar words, will no longer sway,
For, justice, now rules the day...
The whole earth, He will not flood,
But you'll drown, in your bitter blood...

First person singular, you do understand,
America, no longer, seems your land...
But in it's new society, you will fit,
On hands and knees, you'll find your niche..!

"There is an evil that I have seen under the sun, as it were by an error proceeding from the face of the prince: A fool set in high dignity, and the rich sitting beneath." (Ecclesiastes 10:5,6)


A poem by Peter S. Griffin

What is a liberal?, just what do they say?
They promote individual rights, do it their way...
Question authority, no matter the purpose,
Their self-serving reasons, is moral treason..!

If it feels good, DO IT, create a fad,
Don't really matter, if the outcome is bad...
Religious beliefs are just a constraint,
Forget about God, immorality, not their complaint...

Decadent behavior, a personal right,
Consenting adults, don't wait till the night...
Homosexuals should be most proud,
Get a flag, have a parade, form a crowd..!

Freedom FROM religion, an absolute necessity,
Support atheists, agnostics, thats the remedy...
Stop prayer in school, it's unconstitutional,
The Pledge of Allegiance..., a brainwashing tool..

Patriotic beliefs will get you killed,
Support your country, Liberal Blood, not spilled..!
Disruptive behavior, twisted values,
Gays in the military, lovers are concillatory..!

Capitol punishment, unusual and cruel,
Killers are good people, they merely broke a rule..!
The police, courts, the whole penal system,
Are inept, they are without wisdom...

Freedom of speech, the liberal's battle cry,
Pornography is OK, unbare those thighs..!
No matter the audience, no matter their age,
Stifling expressions, brings their outrage...

Women have rights, it's their body,
Unborn babies, an unwanted commodity...
Abortion is just a birth control,
Taxes should pay, it's obscene toll..!

Entertainment should have no bounds,
Vulgarity, violence, pornography, have legal grounds..!
Liberals have the right to advertise as they please,
Polluting our homes with their television sleeze..

All wars are wrong, theres no reason to die,
No matter atrocities, abuses and lies...
It's over there, we must not interfere,
Our security, not threathened, we must steer clear..!

Human suffering is OK, if it don't affect me in a personal way,
It's OK to rape, rob, and pillage...
The criminials are just so underpriviledged,
No problem, just don't victimize me or my village..!

Cigarette smoking, a most terrible thing,
It pollutes the air, causes suffering...
Smokers shouldn't have rights, such a nasty habit,
Why don't they have sex, act like us rabbits..

Religious beliefs and family values,
Only restrict, they will assail you...
Don't let them tell you what to do,
Pierce your ears, get a tattoo, dye your hair blue..!

Welfare is our fifty first state,
Divorced, one parent family, most commonplace...
Go to Family Court, liberals offer vast support,
Just tax dollars, of no import..!

Join our ranks, there is no evil,
Paint what you want, on our easel...
We know how, NOT, to pay the bill,
Let the taxpayer do it, put us on Capitol Hill..!

Be gay, live life the ACCEPTABLE, alternative way,
Don't let this be! Innocent people suffer needlessly..!
Trauma victims recieve contaminated blood,
EMT's MUST wear gloves..!

Extra precautions waste time and money,
Innocent people ARE DYING, Honey...
The "Golden Hour" slides by fast,
When trauma centers MUST SLOW their tasks..!

You may watch YOUR CHILDREN die,
YOU TOO, should your sex partner, lie..
Six out of ten Hemophiliacs have HIV!,
They didn't catch it, living ALTERNATIVELY..!

Their goal in life, keep their name off "THE QUILT!",
They pay the price, but their free of guilt..!
Ryan White, surely, forced to pay,
Addicts or gays, sure shortened his days..

Liberals, dosen't matter if their wrong or right,
The more of them, the more their might..!
All is OK, don't be afraid of the night,
Keep voting liberal, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT..!

I understand there is an anti-war movement starting up in our country. This saddens me, alarms me and upsets me profoundly. I understand it is mostly made up of people from liberal colleges across our country such as Berkeley and Harvard. Others have been identified as some of the very same people who protested the Vietnam War. The following poem, "WAR, WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR?", is meant for you, all of us, who are against war. Believe me, I am against it too! It is okay to be scared, I am scared too! If it is against your beliefs to fight, then don't fight, you can help in other ways. We have an all volunteer force. You do not have to go to war, except in the case where there is a need to reinstate the draft. I pray it does not come to that for then we are all in very serious trouble. Protesting the upcoming struggle could cause it to happen! Protesting is not going to help things, it will only make them worse! It demoralizes our brave troops, weakens our national will and aids and abets our enemies! The terrorists brutally and viciously attacked our civilian population and our country! WE MUST DEFEND OURSELVES! Lets not repeat our past mistakes! NO MORE VIETNAMS! Support your leaders, your government and most of all, our military. Remember they are the ones putting themselves in harms way. Do not curse them for doing their duty. They do it for you, for me, for all of us. Never forget, some of them will have to make the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our republic. They deserve our support, respect and sincerest gratitude. Lets give it to them! Pray for them, for our recent casualties, for our leaders, for all of us, and for our beloved country. We need to get right with God if we are going to make right prevail. Lets do it! Sincerely, Grif.

In Old Glory's wars, Purple Hearts, are won,
Listen not to protestors as their songs be sung...
Support your warriors, they suffer and die, - FOR YOU!,
God bless them all, their love so true..!



A poem by Peter S. Griffin

How many times, have I heard it before?
Don't these people understand?,
Freedoms the life blood of our land...

"Old Glory" stands for many things,
Most important, letting freedom ring..!
Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing,
But if wrongly applied, our soldiers die..!

Don't these people understand?
When evil strikes, we must take a stand...
Evil empires still persist,
If they conquer, many horrors will exist...

To subdue a race, to destroy a flag,
To conquer a people, to make them beg...
To take their possessions and their lands,
To ravage the work, of their creative hands...

To crush a peaceful people and their dreams,
To rape, to pillage, to make them scream...
To enslave and murder, innocent human beings,
To torture the children, unspeakable things...

Because such horrors do exist,
Many brave people still enlist...
To serve their country and mankind,
To preserve freedom and peace of mind...

When common sense and talking fail...
When diplomats are thrown in jail,
When the strong, abuse the frail...

When wrong overpowers right,
When dictators abuse their might...
When evil stalks both day and night,
Thank God for warriors, unafraid to fight...

Sometimes war is a necessary thing,
To restore dignity to all human beings...
To protect our precious human rights,
To help the oppressed, in their plight..!

So I say, to all who wonder,
How else, can we stop the plunder..?
When evil fails to listen,
Only bravery, will prevent submission..!

The worse thing, you can do,
To tell a soldier, he's a fool..!
He fought the war, so you'd be free,
Your ignorance, may bring you to your knees..!

Now you know, what war is good for,
It protects your freedoms and your rights..!
You're the fool, to curse, this saving might,
The brave people, who protect your life..!

Straight shooters - keep using your 1st amendment right - we don't need the 5th, unlike those on the left! Have you noticed the liberals are hard to find these days? They know their BS put us where we are today and they have gone into hiding! Keep firing away, we'll put them out of their collective, philosophically asinine mentality for the good of all Americans!

President Clinton's campaign slogan was, "Its the economy, stupid!" Now, after eight years of weak-kneed responses to national threats and the nearly complete destruction of our global reputation, we are all in dire straights. Where is his great economy now? Its gone up in smoke and dust like the The World Trade Center!

Instead of protesting the Vietnam War with his fellow cowardly draft dodgers, they should have come to the aid of their country and it's policies. I wonder if he, and they, "loathe" the military now! They should have thought extensively about one of our country's most serious slogans, "Don't tread on me!" Well, he and his liberal flunkies have treaded on us all and now our enemies have passed, unchallenged, through our gates; to tread on our very existence! He, and they, should have always known, "Its OUR national security, STUPID!"

"The heart of a wise man is in his right hand, and the heart of a fool is in his left hand." (Ecclesiastes 10:2)

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