Paratroopers behind enemy lines! Created havoc so sublime!

GRIFFIN'S LAIR - A COMBAT PTSD WEBSITE HONORING OUR MILITARY AND VETERANS WHILE HELPING THOSE WHO SUFFER FROM PTSD - BROTHER HELPING BROTHER, post traumatic stress disorder, stress, trauma, politics, current events, national security, morals, religion, human rights, civil rights, freedom, freedumb, terrorism, PTSD books, combat, combat trauma, military, coping with PTSD, PTSD books by combat veteran, PTSD help books, WHEN YOU HEAR THE BUGLE CALL, THOUGHTS MEMORIES AND TEARS, PTSD victims, Afghanistan veterans, Iraq veterans, terror victims, warriors, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD, patriotism, military, combat, terrorism, terrorist, paratroopers, airborne, police officer, fireman, rescue, first responders, EMT, PTSD, trauma, Grim Reaper, grief, loss, death, war, psychiatry, Dak To, Operation Hawthorne, green beret, special forces, air assault, ranger, cavalry, infantry, Vietnam, Korea, Korean War, WW II, army, navy, airforce, marines, coast guard, flag waving, maroon beret, 101st Airborne, 82nd Airborne, 11th Airborne, 187 ARCT, 502 infanty, 188 infantry, 327 infantry, general leroy eltinge, poetry, PTSD, war



B Company

511th Parachute Infantry Regiment



In loving memory and honor of

U.S. Paratrooper Dale Yee

Los Banos hero and founder of

Airborne Quarterly Magazine

"Liberation at Dawn" and angel/paratrooper artwork by Dale's son, Challen K. Yee.


A poem by Peter S. Griffin

Because of Paratroopers such as Dale Duk Foo Yee,
Countless people enjoy a life thats free....
His personal combat, fought in the Philipines,
He helped shatter, that Japanese, ruthless scheme....

The Japanese military was fulfilling their dreams,
Conquering a people, slavery and torture, their means....
Many innocent people were to die,
So many missing, no markers, where they lie....

Because of troopers, such as Private Dale Yee,
Many survived, to relate their hellish story....
Los Banos, a prison camp, a hell on earth,
Caused so many people, to curse their birth....

Life under such conditions, not fit for a dog,
Horrible sufferings, not recorded or logged....
It was never meant to be known,
Their misery, torture, rapes, names left unknown....

Praying to God, prisoners sought refuge,
Dignity gone, only hope, left to lose....
To many, death was a blessing,
Diseases, infections, no bandages or dressings....

God in his mercy, offered a way,
Brave Paratroopers would save the day....
Dale was one, of only a hundred and thirty,
To undertake this mission, a mission of mercy....

"An Impossible Mission", this "Liberation at Dawn",
Behind enemy lines, nothing must go wrong...!
Six thousand enemy saturated the area,
They must strike fast, cause enemy hysteria...!

Jump in, free the prisoners, be on their way,
Accomplishing the mission, they made history that day....
These Paratroopers saved thousands of souls,
The devil cursing, in his hell far below....

Wounded in combat, Dale helped finish the task,
A free Philipines, liberation at last....
Dale's story, of Paratroopers, daring and bold,
Their valorous deeds will never grow old....

Now, Editor of the "Airborne Quarterly",
Dale invites you to tell your story....
You and your Airborne Spirit must live on,
So many battles, what's your Luzon...?


Dale with his lovely wife, Roberta and #3 son, Challen - September, 1965

A poem by Peter S. Griffin

I was blessed, to come to know a man,
A man whose philosophy, was simply, "I can"....
A man who led an extraordinary life,
A man who stood, for what is right....

Of Chinese orgin, he became an American,
Respected his roots, loved his new land....
Honored his parents, learned by example,
Always worked hard, his body, supple and ample....

Strong enough, to meet any task,
Need a favor?, simply, just ask....
A truer friend, one could never meet,
A friendly word, to all he'd greet....

As a young man, he fought in war,
A patriot, to his very core....
Became a paratrooper, brave and elite,
He accomplished, near impossible feats....

A member of the 11th Airborne Division,
He fought to save lives, under the worst conditions....
In the Philipines, he battled in jungles,
To America's enemies, he brought much trouble....

American civilian prisoners, he helped set free,
To Los Banos prison camp, jumping in, he provided the key....
An impossible mission, ended triumphantly,
Two thousand plus souls, celebrated life and liberty....

Grieviously wounded, fighting the Japanese,
He helped free, the Philipines....
He would always remember, through tearful eyes,
His brother troopers, who gave their lives....

A man of duty, honor, country,
A man who earned, all he achieved....
Love of God, brought him to his knees,
Also Roberta, the girl of his dreams....

In proposal, he pledged his love,
Bonded perfect, like hand in glove....
Throughout life, her love she'd give,
In perfect harmony, they did live....

They were blessed, their children numbered four,
Each one loved, cherished and adored....
They taught them, the values of family life,
Of God, decency, respect, and other's rights....

As a family, they embraced community,
As a family, they celebrated God's divinity....
Setting an example, for all to see,
Shared their blessings, with all in need....

Education, always of great importance,
Friendly advice?, you need no appointment....
They hold their neighbors, in great esteem,
To them brotherhood, "The American Dream"....

For the gift, he gave, to you and me,
Is the gift, of his legacy....
He did it all, FOR LOVE OF FAMILY....

Of whom I speak, is Dale F. Yee,
The founder of "Airborne Quarterly"....
I, for one, will never forget,
Reading his pages, I've laughed and wept....

In Dale's life, he touched us all,
For all of us, he answered the call....
A blessing to our Airborne community,
For his brothers-at-arms, FOR LOVE OF FAMILY...!

Dale never had the honor or pleasure of meeting Leona, Challen's beautiful bride. We know he is smiling down on them both, his spirit soaring, for love of family, his happiness, so brightly glowing.

A Personal Note from Dale F. Yee

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those people who wrote cards with many thoughts of support and love.

It becomes more apparent that the AIRBORNE SPIRIT provides a guidance that has played a foundational part in the recoveries of many of our Airborne Troopers and their families from many an ailment and/or other suffering.

The Airborne Spirit has helped many of us defeat the invasion of our physical, mental and/or our spiritual being. The internal invasions are more often than not, the greatest battle we must fight.

My fight is with cancer of the pancreas.

It has given me much comfort and strength through my struggles to hear from the Airborne Community, especially men like: · “Popeye” Cooley who overcame his battle with cancer · Pete Griffin and Mickey Cohen whose Airborne poetry was a great source of uplifting spirit during the early stages of my illness, especially to hear it directly from Grif himself over the phone · My son, Challen, who wrote and read to me a letter of tribute on the morning before I went to the VA to receive the official diagnosis of my illness.

Through the Spirit, others have joined with me in my fight, both from within the Airborne Community and also from without. Those people from our church who have come to the house and have shared their sincere and generous Spirit through prayer and care. Though they are simply Christian folk, we often think of these friends as “spiritual healers.” Though they are not of the Airborne, the spiritual healers personify the Airborne Spirit with their unconditional care, concern and prayer, utilizing the spiritual power and guidance that Jesus Christ has to offer to help us overcome the enemy.

Duty, Honor, Country… Mental, Physical, Spiritual…God, Country and Family.

Kill or be killed. I recall it was I or the enemy when fighting in the war. I never worried that anyone was going to shoot me in the back. It was that part of the Airborne Spirit that cast out any fear of that sort of foolishness, so I could concentrate on battling the enemy. I carried and still carry confidence in my fellow Airborne Troopers.

When I started Airborne Quarterly Magazine, I knew it was going to be a tough job, but I think, Airborne Quarterly magazine has become a publication that has earned some worthy recognition.

Once again, I give my sincere thanks to all the people who have sent their support in various ways to encourage the efforts required to produce Airborne Quarterly Magazine and to me personally in my battle with cancer.


Dale lost his hard fought battle with pancreatic cancer on 1 May 1996. His life and spirit has touched countless people, he will be dearly missed but never forgotten. Though him and troopers like him, the AIRBORNE SPIRIT will live forever! God bless you Dale, and thank you, soldier!

Courtesy of CJ Magro


A poem by Peter S. Griffin

ONE OF THE BOYS, have left our ranks,
One of the troopers, who covered our flanks....
A soldier true, through and through,
One who loved, the red, white and blue....

He loved America, with all his heart,
He loved his buddies, never to part....
His time has come, we will miss him so,
Hearts are broken, spirits are low....

He answered the call, he gave his all,
He saw us through, he paid his dues....
A true friend, rarer than a unicorn,
A soldier who, weathered the storms....

He was there, for all of us,
He fought the battles, fair and just....
By our side, our friend and guide,
The gates of heaven, are open wide....

No better soldier, ever wore the patch,
"The Angels", hard to match....
He passed the test, one of the best,
Silver wings, upon his chest....

Battle after battle, he fought his way,
Side by side, he kept the stride....
Fighting hard, to turn the tide,
Spreading freedom, far and wide....

He was with us, ONE OF THE BOYS,
When the going got tough, he had the right stuff....
A soldier, on which, you could always depend,
A warrior, a brother, and a true friend....

He never wore a frown, he never let us down,
Encouraging us all, always walking tall....
Proud, he was, and rightfully so,
Paving the way, he was always on the go....

After the war, he was never far away,
He was always there, to brighten all our days....
Few men have ever given, quite as much as he,
Serving God and country, in quiet dignity....

It is very hard to stand here,
Fighting back the tears,
My mind is really racing,
Remembering all the years....

Quite hard, my friends, to put into words,
To salute a great soldier, a friend, such as he....
His love will last eternally,
His spirit will always, be with me....

I will never forget, what he meant to me,
His friendship, can't be kept in a diary....
Perhaps it is, enough to say,
ONE OF THE BOYS, still leads the way....


"Airborne's magazine!", full of interest and the spirit,
Around the world, your voice, for all to hear it.
Tis your history, of which it sings,
You brave troopers of silver wings!

It tells your story, proud and true,
Forever faithful to the red, white and blue.
Dedicated to the memory of Dale F. Yee,
Promoting the AIRBORNE SPIRIT, his enduring legacy!

His proud tradition, we'll carry on,
Into the new millennium, you'll hear the SKY SOLDIER'S song!
Bound together, AIRBORNE!, all are we,

"Airborne all ways, always"

Dale, I will never forget your kindness to me,
Nor the friendship of the entire family of Yee...
Your AIRBORNE SPIRIT continues throughout the years,
I thank you, Sir, for our "Thoughts, Memories and Tears"...
Brothers forever, Grif.

You can now order "When You Hear The Bugle Call" from Barnes& by clicking above cover.

Please read THOUGHTS, MEMORIES AND TEARS customer reviews at by clicking the cover above. Without Dale, Challen and the rest of the Yee family this anthology would not exist. Thank you my dear friends. Sincerely, Grif.

The Yee family has passed the torch, AQ's flame still burns brightly...please help keep Dale's dream alive by subscribing to this great AIRBORNE magazine.

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