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Notes on Lancelot Viverette

The Sale of Lancelot Viverett's Estate

Will Book 1824 - 1827


1773 - 1827

In Inventory and amountt of sales of the estate of Lancelot Viverett Dec'd Rep. Henry Viverett Administrator
One Bay mare sold to Polly Viverett for.........................&10.12 1/2
One Black cow and calf " "........................................5.00
One pided and calf " "............................................5.37 1/2
two yearling " "................................................. 3.25
One pided stear " ".............................................. 3.12 1/2
13 head of first choise hogs " "................................. 3.00
5 head of " "to Stephen Wade......................................3.00
5 head of hogs to " ".............................................2.50
One bed stead and furniture John Todd............................10.75
2 bed steads and furniture Balley Vivrett........................10.00
1 chest and tools to " " ........................................10.00
one pot one skillet & one oven(Balley) Vivrett....................1.12 1/2
Shelf ware to " " ..................................................50
One churn and tub and pail one/piggan to " " .......................37 1/2
3 ploughs and one set of gears to " " ..............................37 1/2
2 axes and one grubbing hoe to " " .................................50
2 weeding hoes to " " ..............................................25
a weavers loom to " " ..............................................12 1/2
a iron wedges to " " ...............................................25
wheel and four chains to " " ..................................... .30
1 hone to Dennis Hegerty..........................................1.00


$ 65.62 1/2
The forgoing is a statment of the property and also a true account of sales which came in to my hands as administrator on the Estate of Lancelot Viverett decd June 25 1827

Henry Vivrrett Adm State of Tennessee )
Wilson County Court ) June Term 1827

The within account of sales was produced in open court by the Adm Henry Vivrett and ordered by this court to registered.
Recorded this 28th July 1827.
Test John Allcorn
Clerk of said Court.

WILL BOOK 1827 -1830
p. 369 - 370


Agreeable to an order issued at March Term 1829 appointing John W. Payton, William Moss & John Guthrie commissioners to settle with Henry Vivrett Administrator of Lancelott Vivrret Dec'd & to report to next court after fully examining the amount of the sale of the property of the above dec'd & examining the vouchers presented by the Administrator do report say as follows to wit:

The full amount of sales...............................................$ 65.62 l/2

The vouchers presented by the administrator to wit:
No. 1 proven act. by Elijah ...........................................2.50
No. 2 act. Bullard Weir & Burns .......................................4.75
3rd act. John Powell...................................................5.18 3/4
4th act. by Wyatt H. Scott.............................................4.25
5th act. by Wm Hallmin.................................................2.18 3/4
6th act. by Douglass White & Allcorn...................................4.50
7th Benjamin S. Mabrys act........................................5.64
8th O.S. Finleys act................................................50
9th Mr. Hickmans act..............................................1.50
10th Wm Tohrs act...............................................1.00
11th Anderson Fergurson act.......................................50
12th John Muirheads note...........................................75
13th Stephen Wades act...........................................5.75
14th James Vivretts act............................................ 1.00
15th clerks fees................................................ 1.87 1/2
16th cash paid in bank..............................................9.00
17th cash paid in bank as the bond will show.......................28.00 (?)

The amt of vouchers $ 65.89
The amount of sales $ 65.62 1/2
Balance in favor of Admrs. $ .27
We the undersigned commissioners appointed to settle with Henry Vivrett Administrator of the Estate of Lancelott Vivrett Decd, do hereby certify that the forgoing settlement is correct agreeable to the account of sales and vouchers established before us. Given under our hands this 5th day of June A.D. 1829.
John W. Payton, John Guthrie
William Moss
State of Tennessee
Wilson County Court) June Session 1829
The forgoing settlement made by John W. Payton John Guthrie & William Moss with Henry Vivrett Administrator on the Estate of Lancelot Vivrett Dec'd, was produced in open court & ordered by the court to be recorded.
Test John Stone
Clerk of said court
Recorded 13th June 1828
Test John Stone
Clerk of Wilson County Ct.

Contributed by Norma Thacker of Dallas, Texas.
