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June 14, 2000 (David W. Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, XXXX XXXXX XX., XXX XXXXXX, WA 98277, -- While most of the music produced by Majesty Music of Greenville, South Carolina (headed up by Ron and Shelly Hamilton), is excellent, we must warn that some of the newer recordings are moving in a contemporary direction. This is particularly true of the newer Patch the Pirate childrens tapes.
The Mount Zion Marathon
tape for example, has a song titled "Lazy Bones," which
is certainly akin to rock music. It uses a syncopated rhythm with
a heavy, synthesized bass. The music would be right at home in a
nightclub or a sleazy Broadway play and could easily conjure up
such unwholesome images as that of a saucy woman sauntering
across a stage. Though it is tame compared to much of the
standard CCM fare today, Patch the Pirates
"Lazy Bones" will help develop an appetite in children
for worldly music. Other examples of this can be found on their
new tapes. Even so, one can hardly imagine something eliciting
images of nightclubs and a "saucy woman" in the minds of young children...
perhaps because at that age very few young children even know a decent pick-up
If Cloud has problems visualizing such "unwholesome images", perhaps
he should confront them between himself and God instead of what psychologists
call "projecting" his angst against an innocent target. Some will doubtless protest
that I have no right to judge Majesty Music by my own opinion of
what is or is not worldly, that they themselves see absolutely
nothing wrong with the new Patch tapes. I readily admit
that there is much that is subjective about music, and that it is
sometimes difficult to nail down precisely what is and is not
wholesome. Folks, it's way past time we started letting Scripture determine doctrine,
instead of doctrine determining Scripture. Cloud does this chronically.
This being the case,
isnt the wisest approach to avoid all appearance of evil,
to be certain that we offend in nothing? Instead of taking this
wise path of avoiding every semblance of worldliness and
maintaining only the most unquestionable standard for music,
though, Majesty Music is pushing the musical boundaries for the
fundamentalist and Bible-believing Baptist churches that use the Patch
tapes, subtly and gradually moving them into the CCM sphere.
Cloud once again speaks of preserving "the church", as an institution of his design,
rather than having his mind on things heavenly. For it is written...
Books published by Ron
Hamiltons father-in-law, Frank Garlock, plainly condemn the
use of worldly music to serve a holy God. Dr. Garlock observes:
"It is absurd to think that one can unite Christian lyrics
with the medium of the world (rock music) and expect the meaning
and communication to remain the same" (Music in the
Balance, 1992, p. 31). Yet this is exactly what Patch the
Pirate is doing with songs such as "Lazy Bones."
Dr. Garlock says it is absolutely untrue to claim that music is
simply a matter of personal taste (p. 7). He carefully describes
the characteristics of worldly music. He defines rock music by
its rhythm and quotes British sociologist Simon Frith, "The
sexuality of music is usually referred to in terms of its
rhythm--it is the beat that commands a directly physical
response." That is why rock music is so incredibly popular.
It literally feels good; it affects people on a sensual level.
And let us be reminded that rock music is not defined by how fast
the rhythm moves. Rock music comes in a wide variety of speeds,
but the slow or soft rock of "Lazy Bones" is just as
much rock music as the soft rock of many of the Beatles tunes. Consider the following
warning by Dr. H.T. Spence, president of Foundations Bible
College & Seminary. Dr. Spence is a fundamentalist historian
and teacher who has taught music, history, and theology for 25
years. He received part of his music training at Bob Jones
University: "The simple, soft music of Patch the Pirate
Goes in Space has mutated into an eclectic fashion of
contemporary sounds in The Misterslippi River Race (the
first of the recordings which caused much alarm from many
Fundamentalists.) ... the next recording in the series, The
Calliope Capers, literally increased the eclectic approach
to the music, with just about every song written in a different
style of contemporary music" (Dr. H.T. Spence, Confronting
Contemporary Christian Music, Foundations Bible College
& Seminary, 1997, pp. 138,140). Don Jasmin, editor of the Fundamentalist
Digest, adds this warning: "The Fundamentalist Digest
editor firmly believes that children who become
addicted to Patchs music could
develop a light frivolous approach to Holy Scripture and sacred
Biblical truth. This does not mean that he believes Bible truth
must be presented in a boring and dull manner! He believes that
the strategy of Bill Mason and the Childrens Bible Clubs in
Greenville, SC, is vastly superior in both its Scriptural
teaching approach and musical methodology to that of Ron Hamilton
and the Patch the Pirate clubs" (Don Jasmin, Fundamentalist
Digest, May/June 2000, p. 21, P.O. Box XXXX, XXXXXX, XX
21922. XXX-XXX-XXXX). Also notice the plug for this kind of material these guys do? And how they
have to so "Christian-like" slam anyone not exactly precisely like them? Is it
any wonder why they shouldn't be entrusted with the Gospel message of Jesus
Turns out that Cloud et al. ain't the only ones with a thing about Patch
the Pirate. There's also the dude at, a site that revels in wanting
to "kick the pope" ("And Jesus said, 'kicketh thou enemy when he is well in years,
if thou hateth him with a passion, admonish your brethren to do likewise'"... this
MUST be in the Bible for these "Bible-believers", right? Right???)
If you want to see what another dude who doesn't have just a plank, but a whole
fraggin' lumberyard in his eye, has to say about Patch, you can read
even worse vitriol here. I declare, these guys flare up so much, Preparation-H
can't help them. June 11, 2000 Way Of Strife Literature
Darth Sidious sez:
Uh-oh... "Bruddah Cloud" is gonna warn us about sumthin'...
Darth Sidious sez:
We are presently trying to secure a copy of "Lazy Bones" to compare it to
Cloud's claims. We wouldn't have to do this if Cloud had exercised any
journalistic logic by CITING the actual "questionable" lyrics! This is
either sloppy, or an act of conscionable withholding of facts. In either
case, it shows how shoddy Cloud's efforts have become and how he is ill-suited
to be so highly cited a source of information. By his (in)action, Cloud becomes
less a "reporter", and more a "propogandist". Joseph Goebbels would be proud. Then
again, some of Cloud's diatribes against Catholicism do hearken back a bit to "The
Poison Mushroom" and 1930's German movies like "Die Jud Suss".
Darth Sidious sez:
he can't justify it with Scripture. Now Cloud goes into his "Little Pope" mode
and proscribes according to his own opinion. Cloud does this quite often:
when something goes up against his "Bible believing fundamentalist" mores, he
will justify his attack based on a church-based doctrine and not the Bible.
"So let it be written, so shall it be done"
Darth Sidious sez: if the
"fundamentalist and Bible-believing Baptist churches" are all that's gonna be
hurt, let 'em hurt... and die if necessary. Better to lose a few gangrenous
fingers from the hand, lest the Body of Christ suffer their poisons.
Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in
their shame, who mind earthly things.) For our conversation is in heaven;
from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord
Jesus Christ... (Philippians 3:19-20)
Cloud minds earthly things WAY too much, certainly enough to interfere with
his "ministry". OUR "ministry", on the other hand, is intended to interfere
with HIS interference... while preaching about Christ with a joyful (yet serious)
Darth Sidious sez: but
does Cloud back this up with Scripture??? He's looking to the
counsel of men, against his own prohibitions. Why do this? After all...
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction
in righteousness... (2 Timothy 3:16)
If you can't back this up with SCRIPTURE, Mr. Cloud, then you have proven yourself
quite the hypocrite.Darth Sidious sez: this is WAY
too good!! Cloud cites sociologists describing a psychological reaction...
when Cloud has CONDEMNED psychology on numerous occassions (he calls it
Darth Sidious sez:
again, Cloud's sophomoric journalism skills at work. Why doesn't he cite
the friggin' lyrics???? And where's the Scripture?? He hasn't used ANY
Darth Sidious sez: that's right,
and we wouldn't want to jeopardize creating the next generation of the doctrinally
lock-stepped, do we? "Biblical truth"? Yeah, that would be good if you guys
would actually USE some of that yourself once in awhile.