Welcome to Heart Talk

~*~ Our Lives..... a journey not a destination...~*~

This page is a result of a journey I have been on the last couple of years. 
I started writing some poetry a few years back and am now trying to 
reach out to others with my writing. I am so glad you visited me today.

For the last month, I have been trying to come up with an idea for this site. 
I sat back and thought what I wanted to happen when you came to visit me..... 
I wanted to touch your heart, touch your soul, touch your spirit and hopefully
 we all could laugh, giggle or cry together ... Though we may be unknown to 
each other, we have one common bond for the time you are here and reading
 my words.  We are in support of each other for that amount of time!

I am looking to do something different... something that is not always easy
nor pleasant for me, but nonetheless has to be done!

About a month ago, I got up enough courage to submit one of my stories 
to an online publication in hopes of finding a forum for what I thought are some 
very important issues. Issues that lots of us have dealt with in our lives. 
But have not often spoken about. Believe me, when I say, it took a great deal of 
courage for me to actually put this story in an email and send it off to someone. 
Someone that I didn't know since it had been something that I had not even 
discussed with people who are very close to me. I submitted it though in
hopes they would see the need for my words to go out to others. 
The following reply came to my mailbox, 

"Powerful story Cheri....
My heart goes out to you over what you have dealt with in your life....
I have saved it for possible use in the future..."

Well, I was just slightly miffed that my story would not be used, but then I got 
to thinking.... I don't want people to feel sorry for me....I want people to know 
that there are others out there that have gone through the same things they
have and are around to talk about it! And talk about it we must!! That was what 
made things so awful as we were growing up, that terrible feeling of being so
 totally alone! Unable to share your misery with another human being, even 
your own family.

So, today through my website and my words, I am going to share that 
story with you....

I hope when you read what I present here, that I hope I am able to speak to your
soul and touch your heart. Please always remember, there is a hand to hold, 
an ear to listen and a shoulder to lean on... right here... For by sharing with
others and in some cases with people we may not have even met, we will find
more love in our lives and in our hearts.

I have!! 

Now let's have some Heart Talk....



Site Updates

October 11 - Updated Urgent Pages with information on ratification of the Women's Rights Treaty

October 7 - Updated Urgent Pages

October 7 - News about Jennifer Short  Saddens Us All - Urgent Pages 

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Proud contributor to Crumbs in the Keyboard
Coming June 2002  

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