Brother Towner,
The members of IAFF Local 289 and myself wish to thank you and the members of Local 668 for the information that you have given to our brother Scott. As you know Scott’s son will have to have major surgery. The information you have already given to Scott has made him feel at ease about going to Duke to have this done. You and your local has placed Scott’s mind at ease by just knowing that you and your membership are waiting with open arms to help he and his wife Elizabeth through this ordeal. We all know how union brothers and sisters take care of each other, but, it is so nice to know that Local 668 goes all out to make their brothers and sisters from other locals feel at home also. Thanks Again.
Carl Eastham, President
Bill and guys,
Just an update on the little man.....definitely surgery soon (in a few weeks). We will keep you updated on when we will be back down there. It sounds like we will be down there for like 1 1/2 to 2 weeks. It is a lot worse then we originally thought. Thanks again for everything that you all did for us. We are very grateful.
Hello my name is Scott I live in Huntington West Virginia and work for the City of Huntington Fire Dept IAFF Local 289. My 10 month old son Ryan Scott Leep and my wife and I are coming to visit Duke Medical Center. We are leaving in the morning 5-12-2003 and he is being prepared for a surgery sometime through the week. The soft spots in his skull have closed up to soon and he has to have his skull opened up and possibly part of it taken out so his brain has room to grow. My question for you is he is going to have to wear a helmet for a while and I am going to put some stickers from are fire dept where I work and I would like to see if I could get a sticker or two from your guys fire dept. I would like to dress his helmet up a little so it wont be so bad for him to wear. Just let me know the cost and I will get it right to you. If you guys could help please let me know.
My address is:
Keep up the good work. I realize that it may have been a set back that you cannot use on-duty personnel for the MDA fund raiser; however, you will survive it. It is amazing the things that people complain about with public employees. Believe me, I had to field many of the concerns and I was always shocked at some of the comments. These concerns always increase whenever there is a discussion about raising taxes. The majority of the people support what you do professionally.
I continue to be proud of all of you.
Don Hanan
Thanks for the opportunity to meet with your group Bill. It was especially
nice to hear the perspective of your group on the whole Josh Early event.
The burn center staff has been very moved by the outpour of support from the
firefighters for Josh and his family. That type of camaraderie helps our
team keep doing the difficult job of caring for the severely injured. Please
extend the offer to any of your group to give us a call at the burn center
anytime someone would like a tour to see first hand what we are all about. I
am attaching an application for camp, because I unfortunately forgot to
bring more than just a few with me. Thanks again Bill, and if you can't make
it to camp for the weekend, we would like to invite you to come to camp on
Sunday, May 19th, about 12:00 for our end of camp family BBQ.
Michele Barr, TRS/CTRS
I received your message that you left my home a week ago in regards to the upcoming burn camp. I certainly look forward to being able to assist you in anyway possible for the camp. My fire company (Engine 3 "A" shift) all want to assist as well. I have also advised our union, Local 668, about the camp and they want to participate as well.
Our shift unfortunately is working on the day of the camp orientation. How important is it that we attend this meeting? Would you be able to come to our fire station and meet with us at your convenience to brief us on what we missed at the meeting?
We are excited about being able to help, and we look forward to hearing from you soon. Also, please feel free to contact Captain Bill Towner, President of Local 668 to let him know how the Union can best assist you.
On a personal note, please relay our sincere gratitude for the excellent care that Firefighter Josh Earley received at your Center. Numerous people have spoken incredibly highly about the professional and caring staff that are at the Burn Center. If you were unable to attend Josh's funeral this weekend, then you missed all the accolades bestowed upon the Burn Center by all of the speakers. Please extend this thanks to your staff. As firefighters, we belong to a Brotherhood to which I am sure that you have witnessed on several occasions. I know that I speak on behalf of the Brotherhood that we consider the staff at the Burn Center to be our brothers and sisters. Just as we come to the aid of a brother or sister in need, we are more than honored to be able to assist the Burn Center at any time, with any need.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Durham Fire Department, or Local 668 for any need that the Center may have. We truly look forward to hearing from you soon about the burn camp.
> "A" Shift-
> Thanks for everyone who volunteered their time at the burn center to
> assist with the family of Josh Earley and the Charlotte Firefighters.
> Here is the schedule that I have, please see if you can help fill in the
> empty slots. If you can help, please contact either station 3-A, or Capt.
> Towner.
> Thursday
> 0700-1000 EMPTY
> 1000-1400 T. Wilson
> 1200-1300 D. Curia
> 1300-1430 K. Rowsey
> 1430-2000 C. Grab
> 2000-0000 S. Boone
> Friday
> 0000-0600 EMPTY
> 0600-0800 E. Renegar
> 0800-1900 EMPTY
> 1900-2100 K. Rowsey
> 2100-2300 J. Ruger
> 2300-0000 EMPTY
> Saturday
> 0000-1200 EMPTY
> 1200-1400 C. Iannuzzi
> 1400-1730 M. Clumpner
> 1400-1900 S. Boone
> 1900-2100 R. Hinchee
> 2100-0000 EMPTY
> Please look at the slots and see if you can help out. Anytime from one
> hour up is greatly appreciated. We look forward to seeing you there!!
> Thanks,
> Sean and Mike
May 17,2003
Huntington Professional
Fire Fighters Association
IAFF Local 289
May 16, 2003
May 7, 2003
July 8, 2002
Pres. Kelly Mac, et al:
March 21, 2002
Therapeutic Recreation Specialist II
North Carolina Jaycee Burn Center
March 10, 2002
Mike Clumpner
Engine 3-A
Vice-President, Durham Firefighter's Council
City of Durham Fire Dept.
(919) 291-8776
March 6, 2002