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Athens Drive H.S.

Chapter of Key Club International


             | Check You Hours! | Contact the Board |  Upcoming Events | Key Club International |

Key Club News, Announcements, and features!


The key club board welcomes you to Key Club’s newest resource! From this site you may access information about upcoming events, contact the board, check your hours, or research more information about key club international!

Message from your                   


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“Next years club shall only be as good as YOU make it!”

                                         --Ma’ Ma’ Rippard


“Giving and Service are ways of life!”

Check Your Hours

This is a new feature we are testing this year—check your hours on the Internet. Hours posted on this site are the most current. If you have questions regarding your hours click ‘contact the board’ below and e-mail Megan Barnes.

Contact the Board

Have any questions at all? Contact the board using the link above. If you need rides, have questions, want to give us input, want more projects, or want to know if Mrs. Rippard will date you? Just click the link above!

Upcoming Events

The club’s major events are posted here. This list may not include everything the best bet it so go to Mrs. Rippard’s room and check the listing out side of her door.

Key Club International

Our club is a member of key club international. To get the scoop on the larger club just check out the main key club site.




                                                                                                                This site is a production of ADHS Key Club. Webmaster: First Publish date: 11/24/2001. 13:39.26. Page Revised 2/4/2002.