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This index page will guide you through my Spirit Pages.  I hope you enjoy your journey....... and please remember to sign my spirit book while you're here! I was a member of the site fights
from Around Oct. of 2000 to March 2002.
I held many positions with the site fights.
I was a fairy, spirit, Team Assistant,
Quill, and a fighter. I have dropped out of 
The Site Fights on March 17,2002.
The pages below have some of the things that 
I got while at the site fights and these pages I will
cherish as I enjoyed doing everything
with the site fights that I did but it was time
for a change. Time for me to spend more time
with my family and time for me to have time
for myself. Yes I may join another fight
somewhere but not sure when or where.


Gifts I got while being a part of The Site Fights.




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