Now that you have read the section on beam and brigde problems and examined some sample problems, try some of the following problems below. To guess an answer, simply click on the text that says guess answer then type the number you believe to be the answer in the block that will pop up. Pay attention to significant figures as if they are not correct, the answer will be wrong. Also make sure you include the units of your answer. To see the solution for a problem, click on show solution and you will be taken to the solution.
A mass of 2.5 kg is suspended from a beam with a mass of 60 g by a rope with a tension of T and a wall as if shown in the above diagram. If the beam is 3.2 m long and its mass acts at its center, what is the value of T?
A bridge that is 10.0 m long has a mass of 1000 kg and is supported by two pillars A and B. At the present time, two vehicles are on the bridge: a truck with a mass of 2500 kg located 3.20 m away from column B and a car with a mass of 1500 kg located 2.10 m away from column A. If the brigde's mass acts at its center, what force is being exerted by each of the columns at the present time. (Answer should have three significant figures.)
A traffic light with a mass of 50 kg is suspended as shown in the above diagram from a beam that is 4.5 m long and has a mass of 2 kg. If the weight of the beam acts at its center, and the tension in the cable is 5.0 * 10^3 N, what is the value of the angle in the diagram?