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~Master Joseph's Rules~

1. i will honor and obey Master. i will show respect in thought and deed.
2. i will listen attentively, and never interrupt when Master speaks.
3. i will finish all assignments in their allotted time, and never rush to complete them.
4. i will love and cherish Master’s tools / toys, for they are an extension of Him. This includes items used for punishment, discipline, and pain.
5. i may tease Master, but in doing so i realize the risk i take of stepping over the line. i can expect to be punished or disciplined for such.
6. i will perform any task Master gives me on a daily basis. Master knows that sometimes i cannot due to outside circumstances, and for those times i will not be held accountable.
7. i consider it an honor and a privilege to serve Master sexually and will do so to the best of my abilities; His cum is a gift and will never be wasted.
8. Master may punish or discipline me as He wishes, and may do so with or without cause. i understand when being punished or disciplined, i have no right to a safe word.
9. i will keep myself clean at all times. My legs and underarms will be shaven daily. My pussy will be shaven prior to visiting with Master.
10. i may not touch myself or others in a sexual manner without prior permission; this includes cyber. When i am allowed to touch myself, i will think only of Master.
11. i will cum only with permission from Master, and will always thank Him for allowing me this privilege.
12. i will speak politely and respectfully to Master at all times, and will never talk back to Him in a disrespectful manner.
13. When directed, i will further explain any thought that i had not stated clearly.
14. i will continue to learn from Master and pass this knowledge on to other subs/slaves to help them on their journey.
15. When visiting with Master, i will not wear underwear. My clothes will be chosen to please Him, and allow easy access to my pussy, ass, and breasts.
16. When lost or confused, i will ask Master for guidance. i will listen attentively and apply myself as He directs.
17. i will never fear Master or anything He does to me, for i trust Him completely.
18. i will not be jealous of others who serve Master, knowing they wish only to please Him as i do.
19. i will not hesitate to obey Master.
20. i am but my Master’s toy, and will make myself available as often as i can.
21. When W/we meet, i will act and position myself as Master specifies and will remain that way until told otherwise. If nothing is specified, i may act on my own within these rules.
22. i will perform any acts with whomever Master deems fit to give me to with enthusiasm. My performance is a direct reflection on Master, and i will do my best to honor Him.
23. i will always be aware of Master, and actively seek ways to please Him.
24. i shall never defy Master. The word “no” will not be used in reference to a command or direction given by Him.
25. Master’s thoughts and views are the only ones that shall matter to me, all others are inconsequential unless Master states otherwise.
26. Master is always right!
27. i may use my safe word, except when being punished or disciplined. The activity may resume after a discussion, and at Master’s discretion.
28. i will never consciously struggle against Master, nor withhold any part of myself, physical or mental.
29. i will continually seek ways to improve myself, mind and body, to better serve Master.
30. i will willingly endure whatever Master wishes in the hopes of pleasing Him. i will endure in silence or vocally, depending on what Master wishes.
31. i will never say or do anything to cause unnecessary worry for Master.
32. i will inform Master if i break any rules. The voluntary telling of my transgression does not preclude punishment or discipline. This is solely up to Master. i can expect harsher penalties if i break a rule, don’t tell, and it is found out.
33. i will inform Master when something is bothering me.
34. i will never touch Master’s Harley unless given permission.
35. i will accept who and what my Master makes of me, and be the best that i can be.
36. Master can change, add, or delete from these rules as He wishes. It is my responsibility to learn all the rules, and i will be held accountable for them. These rules are not set in stone, and Master may modify them as the situation warrants.
37. i will answer Master honestly and openly when questioned.
38. i will remove my clothing as Master directs, no matter who is present.
39. i will do what i am told to do, when i am told to do it.
40. My loyalties are first to my Master, and then to my sister(s).
41. When speaking to Master, my head and eyes will be lowered, unless I am told otherwise.
42. When greeting Master for the first time each day, i will do so from a kneeling position, unless i am told different or when circumstances will not allow.