Words of Inspiration...
Rest in natural great peace
This exhausted mind
Beaten helpless by karma and neurotic thought,
Like the relentless fury of the pounding waves
In the infinite ocean of samsara.
~Nyoshul Khenpo
If this elephant of mind is bound on all sides by the cord of mindfulness,
All fear disappears and complete happiness comes.
All enemies: all the tigers, lions, elephants, bears, and serpents,
(All of our wild and uncontrolled emotions);
And all the keepers of hell; the demons and the horrors,
All of these are bound by the mastery of your mind,
And by the taming of that one mind, all are subdued,
Because from the mind are derived all fears and immeasurable sorrows.
Eighth Century Buddhist Master Shantideva
Sit quietly for a moment
and you realize how you have been
running around.
Learn to keep your mouth shut
and you realize how
you have talked too much.
Avoid getting involved in too many things
and you realize that you have been wasting your time
on unnecessary things.
Close your door and you realize
that you have been mixed up
with too many kinds of people.
Have few desires
and you realize why you have had so many ills.
Be human and you realize that you have been too
of others.
Be humble and there is nothing
beyond your reach.
- Chen Chiju
16th Century China