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What made Dale Earnhardt such a great man? He was a great racer who made no excuses for racing.
He commanded respect and also gave respect where it was due. Let's remember the great times and fantastic memories he has given us!
He shall forever be alive in our hearts!
If you would like to leave flowers at this memorial for Dale click here and choose your flowers.
Further instructions will be on that page.


I am not that much different from every other Dale Earnhardt fan. I have cried like a baby all week and am not at all ashamed to admit it. His passing felt to me as it did for Uncles and even my Father. The loss is real. I followed Dale’s entire career, and somehow personally shared in his triumphs and his not so good finishes on the track. I paid close attention to what DEI (Dale Earnhardt, Incorporated) was doing, and almost felt the same pride he did when he was able to share in Dale Jr’s Busch Championships and then move him into Winston Cup. He was my idol, the one guy other than my Father, with whom I felt a connection - a bond - I looked up to him and in some small way wanted to conduct my life! in such a way that would have made him proud of me. I read an article recently wherein a Mr. Greg Dowden decided to retire his Dale Earnhardt memorabilia, but chose to place a tattoo to commemorate Dale’s life and career. I commend him for this. I am saddened though, about the many fans who are apparently turning their backs on the sport which, by all measures, Dale created.

I agree with everyone that watching Winston Cup races will forever be difficult without Dale on the track. What compels me to continue to support it is that I know for an absolute fact that Dale would want us to support his Son with as much effort and heart as we did for him. Can you imagine having to personally tell Dale that because he has left us, you are turning your backs on not only the very sport that means Dale Earnhardt, but are turning your back on his Son as well? Would you be honestly willing to tell Dale - to his face, that you do not care enough about him to support his Son - don’t care enough for what he stood for to keep alive his dreams and wishes - the ones he fought so hard for? I for one would never even think of saying that to him - and I most assuredly will say quite the opposite in my thoughts and prayers for him. Dale will be watching. He will be sitting with the likes of Neil Bonnett, Adam Petty, Davie Allison, Alan Kulwicki, and saying, "Hey, that’s MY Son", as Dale Jr wins his first of many Winston Cup Championships.

Just as I cried along with the Earnhardt family at the loss, I want to be right there with them to see Dale Jr continue in his Father’s footsteps (or tire tracks).

I can understand not being quite as happy as before while watching Winston Cup, and I will know along with everyone else the empty feeling at not seeing the Black Number 3 on the track. But I would no more turn my back on anything that Dale stood for than I would turn my back on my Father, or my Father’s memory.

That is what Dale was to me - my other Father - my other Hero - my other inspiration.

God Speed Dale Earnhardt - We will forever carry your banner, and will help bring your Son to victory-just as you would have done it - because you would have done it.

Bob Henderson
Clearwater, Florida.

This is a story that came to mind I hope I can tell it correctly to help ease your pain.

A young girl asked her mama what happens when you die, mama said lord child just look to the sky. The young girl looked at her mama and asked what do you mean? Her mama said when someone dies a new star is born up in the heavens. So tonight if you have a chance just look to the sky, if you¹re lucky you can see old #3 roaring on by..

Just would like to say thank you Dale for that you have done. God bless you and your family.


racing will never be the same. Nascar died that day. when he crashed i waited for him to put his hand out the window and wave to sign that he was ok. but that never happened. he was the reason i started watching racing. i sat down and just cried my eyes cause i couldn't believe he was gone.

Mr. Nascar
You are the one I watched
Every Sunday on the track.
Your the reason I started watching.
You never were slack.

That warm Sunday at Daytona.
I cheered you on.
When you hit the wall.
I never knew you would be gone.

Nascar will never be the same.
To watch everyone on the same trace
As the number 3, The Intimidator
To see you win another race.

To me, Mr Nascar,
You'll win every one.
You won your 8th thats day.
Your business here is done.

Now you will be at each race
To help a friend and your son.
And then tell everyone in heaven
"Hey thats my son that won."

Mr. Nascar is known as Dale Earnhardt.
Will now race with his dad, Neil, Adam, and Davey.
He'll drive heavens number 3 and will carry the
same names, "The Intimidator"
and "The Man In Black."

You will forever live on in my heart
As well as everyone else.
That day I would cry
At the loss of a legend.

Mr. Dale, you'll always be the greatest Nascar
Driver to me.
No one will every replace you.
As you can see.

Dale Earnhardt, you will never
Be forgotten for you will always
Live on and on.

Mr. Nascar, do me a favor please.
Don't crash the gates to bad.
Thank you for all the smiles and race wins you gave me. Tell my granddaddy and my pop I Love them and i miss them.

Mr. Nascar I love you and i'll miss you.

Sheena T. South Carolina

The Man In black,
Words cannot explain how i feel. Mad , hurt, angry , devastated . I'm at a lose for words . I can only say that i will miss him so much . I lived to watch him "INTIMIDATE" Jeff Gordon .

I watched him when he was in his Rookie year . I didn't start pulling for him till he won his second title. He could do things with his #3 Lumina that only a true Nascar driver and natural could do. He was a HERO to all HERO'S and a mentor to all the new drivers comming up.

He was & still is the "Heart &Soul " of racing . He will be missed greatly . Racing won't be the same without you Dale , but we will carry on as you would want us to.

My heart is heavy with sorrow . I have a black void there that will be hard to fill. He will live on in my heart and just like my Dad , he will ride with jr every time he runs a race.

my thoughts and prayers are with Teresa ,Dale jr , Kerry , Kelly & Taylor Nichole . I love you all and may God bless you all and watch over you in the days to come....

Dean Trammell
Newberry S.C.

There was an old joke that I can remember about 3 race fans dying and going to heaven. When they went to the race track of Heaven they saw a number 3 racing around the track. One turned to St. Peter and said I didn't know he passed away. St. Peter said that he hadn't that was just God playing Earnhardt.

Now our hero is there to race his own car. The good Lord knows he will have to get out of that drivers seat for Dale to take his own victory lap. Our thoughts and Prayers are with you and you family. It just wont seem right not seeing that black # 3 on Sunday.

The Shumaker Family
Charlotte, N.C.



You were the man and will be missed.

God Bless
Keith Seelbach

Godspeed #3,
~Laura, in Cheektowaga, NY

Words cannot express the emptiness we feel right now after losing Dale. Our deepest sympathy goes out to the entire Earnhardt family, friends, colleagues and fans...and they will always be in our thoughts and prayers. Dale was and always will be the greatest.....and will be missed very much. God Bless you, Dale.....and may you Rest in Peace.

You'll always be in our hearts,
Edith, Michael and Nanette

2-26-73- -7-2-00

We know he was among the first to welcome Dale home. He is in a better place; keep him in your hearts.

From the Family of Lawrence Michael Thacker
"Intimidators don't get defeated by mere walls, do they? Sadly, we know the answer to that one."

Bob Lipper on Dale Earnhardt, February 18, 2001
We lost the man. The man would want us to go on.

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Yes, I realize there's no page 13. Call me superstitious.

--Article by Dale Jr.-- --Letter to Fans by Teresa Earnhardt-- --Letter From Dale Earnhardt--


--Writings From The Hearts Of Fans--