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My sisters: [Evelyn] [Daisy] [Tiffany]

The Big Doll Contest

For this contest, create any sort of doll on any base that's between 185 & 375 pixels tall. You can find bases that size at Pixel Punks, Av Squad, Bondchickz, Left of Center (yes, I'm accepting KISS Dolls), Faery Grrl, and Mistic Unicorn. Here's the rest of the rules:

  • Of course, this must be your own doll. Completely drawn by you. No using clothes or hair from real pictures or other people's dolls and putting it on your doll. No stealing other people's dolls. You may use other people's base bodies. If you tell me who the base is by and the url, I'll give them credit.
  • No drag and drop dolls or drag and drop parts, please.
  • The doll must be standing.
  • Only one doll please.
  • Keep it clean. If I think your doll is inappropriate, she/he will not be entered.
  • It can't be any taller than 375 pixels and any wider than 275 pixels.
  • E-mail me with your doll, your name, and your url.
  • Please send it as a .gif or .bmp file. If you send it as a .bmp, I will convert it for you. No .jpgs.
  • Enter only once.
  • Please make it transparent and crop out any extra space.
  • No animations, please.
  • Deadline is May 31 or 30 entries.
    Send your entries to and make the subject "big doll." Please make sure you include everything with your e-mail and follow all of the rules. If you do not, I will not enter you.
    There will be 4 awards: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and "Voter's Choice."

    View the Entries

This site is maintained and owned by: Clarissa