The following is a list of CE dates for 2002-2003 "School Year" as coppied from the "Offical" flyer
Please do remember that dates and times can and do change at the last minute so check your station
for offical flyers and/or call station one to verify.
Also please note that the "Offical" website FINALLY has available an online calandar here.
4 - Wed - ALS refresher-fall
9 - Mon - CE 1830 - Dr Seagraves from PCMH
10 - Tue - CE 1900
14 - A - Tue - CE 1900
15 - B - Wed - DMF Saftey/Orient
16 - C - Thu - DMF Saftey/Orient
20 - A - Mon - ALS Refresher - Spring
21 - B - Tue - DMF Saftey/Orient
28 - C - Tue - CE 1900
8 - B - Sat - ACLS
10 - A - Mon - ALS Refresher - Spring
11 - B - Tue - CE 1900
25 - B - Tue - CE 1900
3 - A - Mon - ALS Refresher - Spring
8 - C - Sat - PALS
11 - C - Tue - CE 1900
24 - A - Mon - ALS Refresher - Spring
25 - B - Tue - CE 1900
8 - A - Tue - CE 1900
14 - A - Mon - ALS Refresher - Spring
22 - C - Tue - CE 1900
3 - B - Sat - BTLS
5 - A - Mon - ALS Refesher - Spring
13 - C - Tue - CE 1900
14 - A - Wed - DMF ACM
15 - B - Thu - DMF ACM
10 - A - Tue - CE 1900
15 - C - Tue - Drivers Ed/HAZMAT
16 - A - Wed - Drivers Ed/HAZMAT
17 - B - Thu - Drivers Ed/HAZMAT
No scheduled CE
Hopefully I got the shifts right, but please do doubble check.
Please remember to be safe out there
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This page updated on October 19, 2003
This page created on November 20, 2002