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Station 3 opened in 1911 on W. Main St. In 1957 Engine 3 moved to Driver St. It remained there until 1998 when it moved into its current location on N.Miami Blvd. Station 3 is the home for Engine Co. 3 and Ladder Co. 3. Station 3 covers a very diverse population. The majority of Engine 3's primary area is densely populated low income housing, consisting of a growing number of Hispanic residents. Station 3 also has several commercial taxpayer buildings in their first due area. There are also several industrial manufacturing buildings and warehouse complexes located in their first due area. Ladder 3 is the primary ladder to downtown Durham, Engine 3 responds second due to downtown.

Engine 3 is part of the Hazmat Team. Engine 3 is consistently the busiest fire company in Durham and has a long proud history of service.


822 N. Miami Blvd. Durham, NC 27703




Current Location:



Engine, Ladder



Engine Co. 3 went into service in 1911, at 600 East Main Street. This two story brick firehouse housed Engine 3 for forty-one years.

A 1903 American Lafrance steamer served as the first Engine Co. 3 along with a separate hose wagon.(The steamer is on display at Station 6 in Hope Valley). In 1915, the Department purchased a motorized truck for Engine 3. The White model pumper was known as the "Red Devil" This was a combination hose and pumper rig. Because of the uncertainty of the new pump the Engine pulled the old steamer behind it for back up

In the late 1930's, the city purchased open air Seagrave pumpers for the Department and Engine 3 was issued one. This unit served East Durham until 1952 when Engine 3 received a new Ford pumper that was built by the Fire mechanics. During this time the Department added a second pumper at Station 3. Station 3 housed the two pumpers to cover East Durham until Station 8 opened in 1976 on Holloway Street.

In 1953, Engine 3 moved into a new Station at 101 S. Driver St. This one story brick firehouse would operate for forty-four years. In 1972 Engine 3 received a new Ward LaFrance pumper. This pumper served Engine 3 for twenty-two years and continued on as a reserve Engine for three more years.

In 1976 the 2nd pumper moved out of Station 3 and into new Station 8. With an open bay the Department put a new Ladder Co. in service at Station 3. The Ladder Co. served East Durham until 1989 when it moved to the new Station 12 in south Durham. In 1988, Rescue 11(later renamed Rescue 1) ran out of Station 3 for a short time before moving back to Station 1. This was a result of long response times to west Durham.

In 1994 the Ward LaFrance was replaced by a E-One top mounted pump with a 40 gal foam tank. This pumper served Engine 3 until 1995 when Engine Co. 1 and 3 swapped Rigs. Engine 3 then received a 1991 E-One-Hush pumper that served until 2007 when the station received its current 2007 Sutphen Shield Series Pumper.

In 1998 Engine 3 moved into its new quarters at 822 N. Miami Blvd. This would be the third station in Engine Co. 3's history. Station 8 closed on Holloway Street and Engine Co. 8 moved into Station 3. After 21 years two pumpers would again run out of Station 3. A new station 8 was built on Hwy 98 in the Grove Park area of eastern Durham in 2005.

Since 1911 the "Red Devil" has served East Durham with pride and professionalism. During that time Firefighters have come and gone. But the love for the job has remained the same.