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My Cats..

hiya and welcome to the page dedicated to my two cats.. PEEKA and PEACHES

these two are just about a year old now .. we got them from the local animal shelter on May 6th 2000.

Peaches is the black and white and Peeka is the tabby...

These two are a handful and a half! *laughs* but we love em!

let me tell you a bit about the two.. they are both girls..

peeka was the last o her litter at 8 weeks old..and had been promisd to another family but at the last minute they changed their mind and didn't take her... so we found her in a cage at teh bottom all alone.. and begging for love.. she actually put her paws out and cried for us when she thought we were ignoring her at the animal shelter!

Peaches on the other hand was only 5 weeks old and so tiny... i remember she fit in the palm of my hand.. with room to spare.. her mother had been hit by a car.. and she was left all alone..

we had only planned to get one kitten but well we couldnt resist!

you must remember we had only been married a few days... so... how better to start a marrige that with a couple babies? *laughs* althogh not human! *w*

heres some pictures of the two now and peaches has long left behind that time when she was tiny!


Update on the cats..

sadly on May 6th 2001 Peeka went missing and we have never been able to find her..

however we do have a new cat and his name is george! In these pages you will find pictures of this michevious ginger lad! he is not quite a year old and is a beautiful ginger and white. We adopted him from Cats Protection!

if your looking for a cat i would seriously suggest looking into Cats Protection!

they are a wonderful bunch!

click below to see the cats!