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This Royal Burgh of

Have you ever heard of wick?

no? well dont feel bad.. there are many who hasnt..

me for one!

until i moved here a litte over a year ago i had never heard of this little fishing town.

Greetings and welcome to wick... As an american i have to say that coming here has changed the whole way i look at the world! people here are so friendly and helpful. you dont think twice about speaking to strangers on the streets and you dont worry about keeping your doors bolted 24/7

Wick has a lot of history about it...

and boy does it have some storues to tell...

however wick is starting to catch up with the world and we are loosing the best parts of the past!

do you remember those stories your grandparents told you?

did you know that over 20 people were killed in this little town during the war from bombing?

did you know that Pultneytown where i live is an extension of the town.. so that the fishermen could have homes to come to ..

Wick is a wonderful little town and if you would like to learn more about it a wonderful page to go to is....

also if you would like to see some of my pictures taken near the castle called " the old man of wick" click here



The Harbor