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Victor's Christmas 2008

Dearest Brother,
As you know, our dear grandma has come to join you. It's a very sad time without her here with us, but I know you both are rejoicing. We missed out on celebrating both her birthday and Christmas this year. I guess God needed her with him just like he needed you.

We had a family get together planned to celebrate both occasions and I thought it would be canceled this year, but we all talked and decided to carry on with the tradition. Grandma would have wanted it that way. And too, we all realize that it's very important to stay together as a family.

Grandma has left so many wonderful memories with us to treasure and hold dear. Please tell her that I miss her and give her a hug from me. I miss you too dear brother and although time continues to march on, the missing you remains the same as it does for grandma now as well. And, I bet you got a great big "Grandma Hug" too, didn't you? I'm a wee bit jealous of that, but I'm sure I'll get over it soon enough.

"What Does Christmas Mean To Me"

Christmas means many things to me. The birth of our Lord & Saviour. What a wonderful gift we all have in Him. If it were not for Him, we would not be here. Faith in our Father is number one to me.

Christmas is all about family and getting together. Sharing laughs & tears. Sharing ideas, dreams, thoughts, memories. It's all about family. And when we lose someone dear to us, it's very important that we talk and share our thoughts with one another. It's a way to remember and it's also a way to heal.

Christmas is here. I can smell the sweet aroma's coming from the kitchen. I can hear talking & laughing, I can hear the crackling of the fire and most importantly, I can see my family right there with me. And under the Christmas tree are many gifts we have taken the time to shop for and wrap for one another.

What a beautiful time of year.
Happy Birthday Jesus....... You're simply the "BEST"...


The graphic above (minus the bow & text) was created using a tutorial from
Love and Honesty


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