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let us never forget.....

There are truly angels amongst us....


okay, this pic REALLY moves me ... I know to YOU it may not seem like much 
BUT .... 
You gotta understand .... 
you can't even BEEP YOUR HORN in this area or you get FINED $250.00!!! 

New Yorkers take this place VERY seriously .... 
Now ... I used to play the flute ... LOVE the instrument ... LOVE the sound .... 
so check this out ... this man played CONTINUOUSLY ... Star
Spangled Banner .... America The Beautiful .... you name it ... all those songs ... Tapps ....... 
 soooooooooooooooooooo nice 

Recently, my friend Bren had the chance to visit Ground Zero. We thought we would put up these great pics that she took, so that the ones of us who will never get the chance to actually see it up close; can view them. 
I've added her comments to some of them, so that you kinda get an idea of what you are looking at. Make sure to pay close attention to the last one, and give us your views on the guest book! 

wait till you see how BIG the crater is .... 
look at this pic ... there is a SUBURBAN in the bottom of the pic ...looks like a TOY ... there are SEVEN .... yes 7 DOUBLEWIDE trailers in the middle and it looks like they are the size of your THUMB!!!! 





"This reminds me of what it must have looked like in the first few days to follow 9/11/01 ... I didn't change the exposure or color ... this is the way the pic came out. It makes me think of the ash covered city ... :( " 



Now here's another ...... now, look at the buildings BEHIND the kids ................ 
Those buildings are only about A QUARTER of the size of the trade center!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Those buildings are AT LEAST 100+ stories high!!!! the whole area where the trade centers were are blocked off by fencing ..... 
They are in front of Ground Zero .... 
if 9-11 never happened, the WTC would be right behind them 
sad and weird thing ..... 
those buildings behind them .... 
were NOT visable when the WTC was standing!!! 








Page Two








That building and the one beside it ... it is SOOOO badly damaged!!! 
That heart on the building ... that was shown in the 9-11 memorial services on TV ... it is HUGE Gin ... you just can NOT imagine! 
The heart alone is about 20 stories tall!!!!!!! 
see the damage behind it though?????? SOOOO freakin sad 

These pics are wild aren't they? 
Mebadgurl: yes ...u really do need a page up, this will help people Bren really move them 

"This may not look like much, but to be there ... to see this, it just looked SO unnatural! I mean, you could SEE that there was an "explosion" of sorts that happened right here ... it was EERIE!"