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Okay, in this pic, this is a garage door to what I THINK is a fire
dept right across from where the trade centers were ... 
look at the reflection in the garage door window ... it almost
looks like the trade center falling ... 
I was taking a pic of the poster things ... didn't even see that
reflection when I took the pic 

and that building ... the one in the reflection, there is NOTHING
wrong with it ... no damage visible to look at it .... 
and it's WAY far away ... like a whole NY City block away!  
there's others .... others that show the damage to the other
buildings .... so sad ... 

Now this is the one I want everyone to pay close attention too..... 
You have to bear with us on the joking around, after 2 hours of discussing
this, we both needed some humor thrown in. These pics just amazed me,
but at the same time, they really move you, make you see up close the
enormity of it all.


Bren: you gotta see this other one ..... 
Bren: I SWEAR it looks like there are GHOSTS in the pic ..
Bren: see all that white stuff ????? I SWEAR those are fire dept ghosts .... cause what the h*ll ..... ?????? .... if not, wouldn't that be in EVERY pic???? 
Mebadgurl: k you're freakin me out now 
Bren: lol ... sorry!! 

Mebadgurl: and that little head on the left..what is that? 

Bren: HEAD??????????????????? 
Bren: WHAT?????????????????? 
Bren: Am I missing something????????????? 

Mebadgurl: a guys head in the first that windows? 
Mebadgurl: looks like he has a mustache and a hat on 
Mebadgurl: kinda looks like a chinese guy 
Bren: Kay said .... that's what CRACK will do to ya!! LOL! 
Bren: I don't see it YET 
Bren: first window on left or right 
Mebadgurl: dayum it's so plain - tell kay to kiss my lily white a$$ LOL 
Mebadgurl: your left lookin at pic lol 
Mebadgurl: maybe it's something else and just looks like a head to me 
Mebadgurl: right above that blue square 

Mebadgurl: so u see it??? 
Bren: NO!!!!!!!!!! LOL! 
Bren: Kay said it's CRACK lol :-) 
Mebadgurl: is sooo plain to me 
Mebadgurl: i wish it were crack lmao 
Bren: lmao! 
Mebadgurl: it's directly above that blue square, do u see the blue square??? LOL 
Bren: Beck says she sees it ................... I don't ......... the blue poster BELOW the window? 
Mebadgurl: yes! 
Mebadgurl: if it's not a head, then wtf is it? lol 
Bren: are you talkin about that EMBLEM? 
Bren: on the window? 
Bren: there's a WHITE emblem on the window 
Mebadgurl: it's an emblem? looks like a dayum head to me lol 
Bren: it;s a NYFD emblem 
Mebadgurl: no this is in first window 
Bren: ON MY LEFT???? 
Mebadgurl: i see what looks like two stickers in the 2nd one 
Mebadgurl: left of your f*ckin screen LOL 
Bren: There is a WHITE EMBLEM ............. above that LIGHT BLUE rectangle 
Mebadgurl: i don't see no dayum emblem, this is p*ssing me off LOL, i see a freakin
head!!!! LOL 
Bren: lmao

Mebadgurl: k maybe it IS an emblem but looks like a head to me lol 
Bren: this is FUNNY now! 
Mebadgurl: k get this, 
Bren: WHITE emblem? 
Mebadgurl: i guess...... 
Bren: on the RIGHT side of the FAR LEFT window? 
Mebadgurl: look at the 3rd window...i see another head LOL 
Mebadgurl: far left damnit lol 
Bren: yes, I know ................. 
Mebadgurl: 3rd window looks like a fireman's head, not as clear as first window, looks like a ghost 
Bren: third window freaks me out ............ 

Bren: YES I agree ............ Third is what freaks MY a$$ out! 
Mebadgurl: and the first one doesn't upset u??? lol 
Mebadgurl: i should put this pic on a web page with this whole conversation......add a guest book, see wtf everyone else sees! lol 

Bren: SO DO IT !!! LOL!!! 
Bren: I DO see something in the third window .... 
Bren: what freaks me about it is that there is a story about the RED COW that comes before Christ comes back ................... 
Bren: to ME it looks like the red cow! 
Mebadgurl: huh? never heard that story 
Bren: yeah, its like some prophecy or something 
Bren: chinese or whatever 
Mebadgurl: i have this whole window maximized.....and keep going back to that pic. i'm tellin u that is a head there! 

Mebadgurl: see? and that's a chinese head! 
Mebadgurl: i hate when u do to this to me, now i'll be researching about the dayum
red cow too! 
Mebadgurl: i hate not knowing stuff that everyone else knows!!!! 
Bren: ROFLMAO!!!!!!!! 
Bren: You never know ................ 
Bren: end of time might be today with that chinaman and the red cow! lol 
Bren: Do you see the cows head in the upper part of the third window?

Mebadgurl: huh? let me go look dayummmm 
Bren: lol 
Bren: k 
Bren: looks like a bulls horns and a bulls head *AKA COW* 
Mebadgurl: i don't see no freakin cow, god i'm gonna burn in hell, i see a fireman 
Mebadgurl: something in that 2nd window too, but i can't make it out. 
Bren: Now in the SECOND window, I see a head AND shoulders 
Bren: the WHITE GHOST outline of a person 
Mebadgurl: k i see what looks like horns, but that's my fireman! 
Bren: almost looking upward 
Mebadgurl: k i do see that too! 
Bren: but STILL don't see the china-man 
Mebadgurl: this is too freaky 
Bren: isn't it? 

now i left that one full size so everyone can get the full effect.....what is all
that white stuff??? and is it a head or not? does anyone else see a

Tell us what you think........


Thanks Bren! for sharing your pics with all of us.