Éowyn's Green Gown
The ACS page on Éowyn's Green Gown is the most comprehensive resource for this costume. The Padawan's Guide page has all of the screen caps of this dress from the EE DVD of TTT.
Éowyn's Green Gown is made of a ratty green cotton velvet. The exact shade differs depending on the picture. Remember, at this time, Théoden is still under Wormtongue's power; clothing was probably not well taken care of. The skirt is split on the left side and tied up to reveal an underskirt of leafy brocade fabric. The panel that is cut away from the overskirt is lined in the same material. The sleeves are bell shaped and lined with the leaf brocade that the underskirt is made of. There are also tighter undersleeves that come down to her wrist. The large sleeves are turned back. There is also a yoke at the neckline. It is made out of the same brocade in the sleeves and skirt, but it is quilted. Bullion trim overlays on the edge and the inside. She also wears a gold medallion belt; the same belt is worn with the White Wool gown and the Funeral Gown.
I've just started collecting materials for this! I bought some nice home dec leaf fabric from Ebay seller dotcomsale. It was shipped really quickly and I received it today. I'm planning on getting some green cotton velvet in January when I go to New York with my mom. Here's a picture of my leaf fabric, compared with the original. The original is on the left, mine is on the right:

I ordered my velvet for this costume today! It's 'Cannes Moss' colored cotton velvet from housefabric.com. When it comes, I'll be able to start putting it together. I bought both of the zippers I need (one for the dress and one for the skirt), and I have my muslin almost all figured out; I'm going to shorten the sleeves by a few inches and make the neckline a little deeper so the yoke will be bigger.
The original movie costume is currently on display at FIDM in California! A short report concerning whether or not there is a waist seam came back:
"We defiantly saw a seam in the front panel. The side, the belt is held perfectly in place with the belt loops...however... two of us staring, both with many years of deconstructing costumes... are like 80% sure we saw a line under the connector chain...which would bring the seam all the way around."
After there is a general consensus from people who see it on the construction and assembly, I'll start on mine!
I'm *finally* starting on my green gown. I washed the velvet yesterday. I was very nervous putting it into the washing machine, because I was so afraid that it would crush the pile. I put a couple pairs of shoes in with it to "beat" the fabric a little bit and soften it up, because it was really stiff when I first bought it. I took it out and put it in the dryer before the spin cycle started. It took a lot longer to dry than normal, but it was worth it; the velvet came out much softer than before, and the pile wasn't damaged at all. I'm going to start the bodice part of the dress either this afternoon or tonight. I'm going to have to shorten the length of the sleeves of my muslin by about four inches because my fabric isn't that wide, but that's okay. They were pretty huge to begin with.
I've actually started putting my green gown together. Very exciting :-). So far I have the bodice part of it done, and the yoke is attached. I took a picture of what I have done so far. The color definately looks more brown in the picture than it really is. I think this is probably going to be a hard color to photograph correctly.

(That's some more of my velvet and my partially finished Black Diamonds costume in the background. :-))
Tomorrow I might start on the skirt of it. I need to go to the fabric store sometime to get some fabric to finish off the back of the underskirt and a zipper. The one I got before is too short.