The shadows come to life at night...
To sing their song, so sweet,
To search and soar for things unknown,
To dance, where dark and light meet.
Between the dusk and dawn of time,
The shadows still compete,
To fill the void of "inbetween",
Amidst where dark and light meet.
Shadows come and shadows go...
Fulfilling their every intent,
To turn to grey, whatever they touch,
Absorbing light, until it's spent.
Shadows are the things we see,
That move within the night...
That trick the eye and quicken our breath,
Until the morning light.
If in the night you think you see...
And your eyes are in disbelief...
Wait a moment, until you blink,
And you should have relief.
The shadows do play tricks on us...
They enjoy their sprite-like play...
'cause come the morn, they go to sleep...
And return not, 'till end of the day.
Lorraine August 26, 2001
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