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The wolves howl...
The owl calls.
The air is sweet,
As the evening falls.

Tonight is special...
Can you feel the heat?
Something's gonna happen,
When next, we meet.

I await you, my lover.
In the night, I wait.
I take only what you offer.
Now is the appointed date.

Tonight, you shall be mine.
It is the way it will be.
Tonight you will give
The gift of your life to me.

I have fed you from my veins,
with this cursed blood of mine.
I have taken your life...
And your love, so divine.

Tonight is the turning.
I have awaited the time.
Tonight I will drain you.
Then'll be mine.

Yes, forever, you'll be young.
Forever, you'll be mine.
Feeding our lusts together...
Undead through space and time.

This turning is for you.
This turning is for me.
We embrace the lovely darkside...
Our lustful natures free.

Roaming this world together,
Feeding at a whim.
The mortals must beware...
We may take all of them.

So turn, now, my love.
Turn, so you can see,
The dark is lovely, the night is long.
Turn, my love, be with me.

August 19,2000

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