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Welcome to the the Vault!!

If you know just what you're looking for, click on one of the following quick links:

Quick Links


If you don't know what you're looking for yet, below you can read a little bit about what our guild has to offer:


Hidden Vault 4 the Daring is one of the most active guilds in Neopia where we care about our members and we strive to meet our members expectations in all the activities we have to offer. It's a great place to meet new friends, and a great place to have fun with all the contests we have to offer, and even our own stock market! Everyone gets a paycheck every week, there are tons of opportunities to win prizes, and there are even random drawings! On special occassions we have parties that involve great giveaways, too! Everyone has a good time as a member of the Hidden Vault, so if you just happened to stumble along, be sure to give us a try, we're sure you won't regret it!

Here's a description of the quick links:

This is like the message board on the Guild Page in Neopia, where we will tell everyone about what's new in the guild. For example, new contests, new stock updates, or anything else, like new links, etc.

This page gives details as to what's acceptable and what's not from our members. What it takes to be a member of the    Vault.

Blings are the Vault's monetary unit. Click here for more details on how to make Blings and what you can do with them!

Here's how you can get promoted in our guild!

Every Monday is pay day, all you have to do is claim your check!

Have a sick pet?? Let us help! We have two different health plans, find out more about them here!

Here you can find the links to the different contests the Vault offers with the basic rules to each!!! Weekly updates!!

  The Vault Stock Market currently has 20 different companies you can invest in. Click on the link for more details!

The Prize Booth is where you can turn in your profits from the Stock Market, or the Blings you make from donations in for prizes you can sell in your shop! Click on the link for the list of prizes currently in the Booth!

Click here to find out more about the Vault Donation Shop

  Here you can find a directory to all the member shops in the Vault!

Wishes do come true here at the wishing well! Close your eyes, make a wish, and it just might come true!

Member of the Month

This is our guild's newspaper (Coming soon!!)

Getting to know our members. A directory with a little bit of info about everyone

Hidden Vault For The Daring
Created by vickigirl007 in colaboration with alienman53169
©'02, Inc. All Rights Reserved