Pics of myself
Pics of me and Melissa
Hello everyone, today is the 27th of September, and thanks once again for visting my site. As you have probably already read, or know, my name is Brandon. I'm a 20 year old student at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. I'm in my third year, majoring in Computer Science.
About Me....
1.First name:Brandon
2.Middle name: Everrette
3. Last name:
4. Nickname(s):
5. Age: 20
6. Date of Birth:6/23/81
7. Birthplace:Fayetteville,NC
8. Zodiac sign: Cancer
9. Live with:by myself
10. Name of current school:UNC-Pembroke
11. Grade/year: Junior
12. Graduation date/yearfrom high school: 1999
13. GPA: B-
14. Height:5'8"
15. Hair color: Brownish Blonde
16. Highlights/dyed: Was, its groing out finnally lol
17. Hair length: Very short
18. Eye color: Blue
19. Contacts/glasses: No
20. Freckles: Very few
21. Birthmark(s): None
22. Type(s) of clothing: All kinds, mainly khaki's and t-shirt
23. Cologne/Perfume you wear: Cool Water
Family Life....
1.Mom's name: Cathy
2. Dad's name: William
3. Siblings' name(s) and age(s): Had one sister, Melanie who would be 28 now.
4. Closest family member: Mom, shes the ONLY family memeber left lol
5. Family member you could live without: None
6. Last family member you've seen: Mom
7. Oldest: Grandma
8. Youngest: Me
9. Family member who lives the farthest away: Cousin in the Navy
10. Memory you would like to forget: "NONE"
11. Memory you wish you had: More about my dad and sister.
12. What you did yesterday: U DON'T WANNA KNOW!!! IF SO E-MAIL ME!!!
13. What you did so far today: Been through 1/2 a day of school
14. Last person you talked to on the phone: Mom
15. Last person you talked to online: Melissa
16. Last movie you've seen:
The Animal (6/7/01)
EVOLUTION (6/17/01)
The Fast & the Furious (6/26/01) <~That movie was the SHIT!!!!!!!
American Pie II (8/19/01)
17. Last song you heard on the radio: LOVE OF A WOMEN
18. Last Cd you bought: Make my own ;-)
19. Something you said out loud: OH, BABY!!!!
20. Last time you showered: ThisMorning!
21. Last book you read:
22. Last time you went on a date: every night is a date
23. Last time you sang: in my truck this morning
24. Last time you danced: On my cruise over the summer
25. Last thing you ate/drank: Gatorade and doughnuts
26. PETS- one dog, cocoa
Things u believe in!
1. Aliens: I hope theres something smarter than us around here.
2. Angels:Yes
3. Demons: no
4. Heaven & Hell:Yes
5. Your friends: not most of them
6. Yourself: yes
1. Best friend(only ONE): Richard
2. Last friend you talked to: Daniel
3. Funniest: Alex
4. Silliest: Alex
4. Loudest: Daniel
6. Smartest: Me
7. Stupidest: ?
8. Sweetest: Melissa
9. Weirdest: ?
10. Best at keeping secrets: Richard
11. Most hyper: ?
12. Most annoying: I wont call names lol
13. Friend you've known the longest: Richard
14. Friend you haven't known long: ?
Word Association...
1. Bill Clinton: Oral Sex
2. Lollipops: LICK
3. Whipped Cream: Lights off
4. Dreams: The kind you hate to wake up from lol
5. Love: Awsome
6. South Park: I killed kenny
7. Guys: atheletic
8. Girls: tricks
9. Death: When? lol
10. Bubble gum: smackin'
11. Water: Wet
12. Ice Cream: Tongue
13. Oil: Black
14. Phone: Rings at the worst times
15. Food: Time for lunch?
16. Kiss: French
17. Pretzels: weird posistions
18. Britney Spears: ohhhh yeahhhhh
19. Floppy: Disk
20. Shoes: Adidas
Have you ever....(FYI answer yes or no
1. Been on a plane: Yes
2. Cried in public: Yes
3. Eatin Sushi: nope
4. Gotten in a physical fight: yep
5. Drank alcohol: oh yeah
6. Fell asleep in a movie theatre: yep
7. Driven a car: yes
8. Been arrested: no, well there was that one time ... lol j/k
9. Broken curfew: nah, never had anything to do anyway after 12 or so back in those days.
10. Been pulled over when driving: yes
11. Kissed a guy/girl: yes girl only
12. Met a celebrity: no
13. Skipped school: used to alllll the time in HS
14. Went to a pro sports game: nah, waste of money, they come on tv you know? lol
15. Met the president: no
16. Been scared to get shot: couple of times
17. Smoke a cigarette: yep
18. Gotten a cavity: yes
19. Done any drugs: nah
20. Shopped at Abercrombie & Fitch: No
21. Gone skinny-dipping: yes & it was fun
1. Food: Italian
2. Drink: Mt. DEW (non-alchol), Bud Light (Alchol)
3. TV show: Hunting Shows!!
4. Movie: The Fast & The Furious
5. CD: The Free ones i make :-)
6. Song: Alan Jackson.... When Somebody Loves You
7. Color: Blue
8. Day of the week: Friday & Saturday
9. Actor: ?
10. Number: 14
11. Holiday: any of em except Christmas
12. Truck: Nissan 4x4 Frontier
13. Cookie: Choclate chip
14. Toothpaste: Mint
15. Ice Cream: Cookies & Cream
16. Smell: Vanilla
17. Candy bar: Snickers
18. TV channel: MTV
19. Radio station: 99.1 FM
20. Artist/band: Garth Brooks
21. Shampoo/conditioner: Herbal Essence
22. Word: WORD!!!!
23. Website: your already here lol
24. Sport to play: Soccer/Wrestling
25. Sport to watch: soccer
26. Place: On the ocean
27. Vacation spot: cruise!
28. Kind of candle: Vanilla
29. Color eyes: Blue
30. Restaurant/Place to eat: Ruby Tuesday
31. School: UNCW - but guess i'll settle for Pembroke lol
32. Animal: DOG
33. Cartoon: South Park
34. Store: Wal-Mart lol
35. Fruit: Apple
36. Date: 6/23
37. Flower: Roses
38. Subject: Computer Science
39. Season: Summer
This or That....
1. Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
2. Matress or Waterbed: WaterBed
3. Lights On or Off: Off :-)
4. Day-time or Night-time: Night-Time
5. Tickling or No tickling: Tickling
6. Tall or Short: Short
7. Dogs or cats: Dogs
8. Nike or Adidas or Reebok or other: Adidas
9. Top or Bottom: bottom
10. Bikinis or One-pieces: Bikinis!! woooohooo
11. Hard Rock or Planet Hollywood: Hard Rock
12. Cotton or Feather pillows: Feather pillows
13. One or Two or Three or Four pillows: just 1
14. Shorts or Pants: neither!!! lol
15. Nintendo 64 or Playstation: neither
16. Spoon or Fork: Fork
17. Thongs or Panties: Love to see those Thongs!!
18. Boxers or Briefs: Boxers
19. Giving or Receiving: Giving
20. Silver or Gold: Silver
21. Warm or Cold: Cold
22. McDonald's or Taco Bell: Taco Bell
23. Party or Quiet-Time: Party
24. Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
25. Pen or Pencil: Pencil
26. Ice Cream or Sherbert: Ice Cream
You on the Opposite Sex...
1. Boy/girl-friend's name: Melissa
2. Time you've been together: lil over 3 months
3. If you could go out with anyone in the world on a date, who would it be?
Brittany Spears!!!
4. Craziest thing you have ever done: went skinny dipping
5. Ever met anyone of the opposite sex from online?Yes
6. # of people you have met online: meet a bunch of ppl online
7. Longest relationship: Darby
Useless Questions...
1. Do you sleep w/ a stuffed animal? no
2. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? BLUE
3. # of Buddies on your List: 100 +
4. Name(s) of the Buddy List group(s):
Bitchez!, My Baby, Stupid ho's, and family
5. If you were an animal, what would you be? A TIGER
6. How long do you take in the showers? 10 minutes
7. How do you eat a Reese's PB Cup? whole
8. How long does it take you to get ready in the mornings? 30 mins
9. What do your screen name(s) mean? nothing really
10. Rightie, Lefty, or Ambidextrous? Lefty
11. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop? Wanna find out? lol
12. Personal Quote: Whaaassuuppp!!!???
13. Why do you drink milk? sometimes
14. Do you wear hats? yes
15. Do you ever cross your legs? no
1. What are your 3 fave bands? Nelly, Trick Daddy, and Garth Brooks
2. What are your 3 fave colors? Red, White, and Blue Baby!!
3. What are your 3 fave animals? Dogs, Lions, Tigers
6. What peice of clothing can you not live without? Could live w/out any of them!
7. What piece of clothing have you had the longest? ?
8. What are your 3 fave movies? The Fast & The Furious, Tommy Boy, and Happy Gilmore
9. Who are your fave actresses?
Julia Roberts
10. What is the best thing in the whole world? My Baby