Here is a picture of me when I was 8 weeks old. This was a busy time period for me because I was training my daddy basic obedience. He's kinda thick so we got started early on.
This is me all grown up. I have climbed the corporate ladder over the last few years. I am now the Security Director at my Daddy's company. I think I'll do this for two or three more years and then I'm planning on taking early retirement - and living the GOOD LIFE.
If you are ever interested in getting a doberman, talk to my dad about getting a rescued doberman. There are people out there that buy dogs and then abandon them...leave them tied to a tree, in a pen, on the side of the road, etc. (These type of people my Daddy would like to bury alive.) Sometimes these sweet dogs are lucky enough to end up being rescued by caring individuals....such as "Doberman Rescue of North Carolina", for example. So if you are planning on getting a best friend, save his/her life and go to an animal shelter or a rescue organization.
A friend of mine wrote me a letter while he was locked up at the pound last year.
I ask you to please read it.
"How Could You!"
This is me when I hear the computer beep.