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Wolves, Hear My Cry

Silent Paws 

Silent paws trotting
ON a well beaten trail,
Alone in the wilderness,
So young and so frail. 

Little yips go unanswered,
The moon is now his guide,
Looking for ones just like him,
Or have all of them just died? 

He sniffs the dampened ground
And senses man everywhere,
The silence is deafening
No howls in the air. 

Oh why did he venture
So far from his den,
While his pack fell silent
At the hands of men? 

His stomach is growling
But the hunger he’ll endure,
His pack family is out there
It's their blood he smells for sure. 

He stops in his tracks
And raises his head up high,
The terror overwhelms him
As he lets out another cry. 

But still there’s no answer
He can’t understand why,
He'llfollow their trail
Or he surely will die. 

For days now he’s traveled
His spirit and body gone weak,
He lies down in white clover
No more energy left to speak. 

Soon the soul hovers 
Over this tiny, frail pup,
Whose future now will be guarded
As his soul travels up. 

What right does man have
To take life from a living thing,
That has no way to voice its defense
Against a human being? 

The wolf is a symbol,
A brother, a friend.
It's time now for action
Before his existence comes to an end. 
By Gerri K. McCann  

The Cry He stands alone at the top of the hill And sings his mournful cry, His mate and cubs are missing He's not certain why. He had been out hunting Was gone for only a day, And hurried back with empty jaws So scarce now was their prey. He wasn't gone long Eager to get home, But the den was cold and empty And he sensed something was wrong. The smell of man was everywhere With footprints in the dirt, And blood shed from his family He knew they had been hurt. He sat and waited day by day With hopes they would return, There wasn't much he could do Except quietly sit and yearn. Why would man come all this way To hunt and shoot them down, To interrupt their quiet lives When no harm had been done? Their territory plainly marked And not once did they stray, For they would rather starve to death Than to get in man's way. The smell of chickens, cows and sheep Were so tempting at times, But instincts warned not to hunt them Or they would lose their lives. And so they lived a quiet life Existing on small game, Careful it was only wildlife And nothing man had tamed. So he could find no reason For the blood shed on that day, So peacefully they lived here So far out of man's way. Maybe they'd be coming back His cubbies and his mate, Wolves are mated once for life So he would sit and wait. That was many moons ago And they have not come back, But he will not stop hoping For the reunion of his pack. He now knows men are murderers But still does not know why, And every night he climbs his hill And sings his mournful cry. By Karen Evans

The Pair Running Pair He and she Coats of white They live to be A matched set Mates for life Across frozen creeks And fields of white They fear no creature Great or small Side by side They defeat them all Love and devotion Bonded together In this life or the next Always forever Not just bodies But hearts mated too A pair of White Wolves Me...........and you By Robert Ellis

Cheyenne My best friend is truly misunderstood She comes from nature like the earth and wood. All the misconceptions about her, she must defend They can't see, she has the gentleness of the wind. My friend is mischevious; that's not just a rumor But it's only her way of showing a sense of humor. She has love and respect for the human race Which never seems to be returned; what a disgrace. My friend has a heart full of loyalty and love Her grace and beauty were gifts from above. She loves to frolic and run just for fun Otherwise it's shade she seeks, to be out of the sun. There are times you may not see her standing there But, of your presence, you can bet she is aware. When I look into her eyes, I see age old intelligence When others see her, in fear they wince. I love to watch my friend as she runs so free Because my friend is a beautiful Grey wolf, you see. By Marlene Elder

The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness Now halt your minds and listen to their cry From northern alters formed of snow and ice, Beneath celestial curtains in their sky, The wolves give evensong of sacrifice. All creatures stop- transfixed by somber hymns Which rise from frozen mountains to the stars To one whose understanding never dims, Who walked with man and also bears the scars. The howling joins the wind which sweeps the earth Angelic zephyrs sing like flute and fife And reach the ears of one who from his birth Has dared deny the sacredness of life. This man, now trembling, sees upon his wall A young wolf's head he shot- to his distress, That prophet's head brings judgement on us all, Like one who also cried in wilderness. So listen now- we may not have so long; Please listen to the crying voice and care, And pray that we may never end the song Of wolves and wind that fills the arctic air. By John Hubbard Bidwell

Call of the Wild He's been worshiped And he's been feared, He's been pushed from state to state thru the years. But now we know him Now we understand, The fragile balance Between nature and man. He's the call of the wild with a spirit strong and true, And each and every child Should have the chance To listen to the call of the wild. Brother to brother Father to son, Have told the stories Of this nobile one. Proud as an eagle And free as the wind, And you can hear him If you only listen. You'll hear the call of the wild With a spirit strong and true, And each and every child Should have the chance To listen to the call of the wild. Please let them hear The call of the wild.

An old Indian Grandfather said to his grandson who came to him with anger at a friend who had done him an injustice........ "Let me tell you a story. I too, at times, have felt a great hate for those that have taken so much, with no sorrow for what they do. But hate wears you down, and does not hurt your enemy. It is like taking poison and wishing your enemy would die. I have struggled with these feelings many times." He continued...... "It is as if there are two wolves inside me; One is good and does no harm. He lives in harmony with all around him and does not take offense when no offense was intended. He will only fight when it is right to do so, and in the right way. He saves all his energy for the right fight. But the other wolf, ahhh! He is full of anger. The littlest thing will set him into a fit of temper. He fights everyone, all the time, for no reason. He cannot think because his anger and hate are so great. It is helpless anger, for his anger will change nothing. Sometimes it is hard to live with these two wolves inside me, for both of them try to dominate my spirit." The boy looked intently into his Grandfather's eyes and asked... "Which one wins, Grandfather?" The Grandfather smiled and quietly said...... "The one I feed."

"Thanks To Rainwalker1212 For The Awesome Tag"

..I Beg Of You... Do All You Can To

...Help Save The Wolves...



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