A Brief History of the American Indian Movement
by Laura Waterman Wittstock and Elaine J. Salinas
In the 30 years of its formal history, the American Indian Movement (AIM) has given witness to a great many changes. We say formal history, because the movement existed for 500 years without a name. The leaders and members of today's AIM never fail to remember all of those who have traveled on before, having given their talent and their lives for the survival of the people.
At the core of the movement is Indian leadership under the direction of NeeGawNwayWeeDun, Clyde H. Bellecourt, and others. Making steady progress, the movement has transformed policy making into programs and organizations that have served Indian people in many communities. These policies have consistently been made in consultation with spiritual leaders and elders.The success of these efforts is indisputable, but perhaps even greater than the accomplishments is the vision defining what AIM stands for.
Indian people were never intended to survive the settlement of Europeans in the Western Hemisphere, our Turtle Island. With the strength of a spiritual base, AIM has been able to clearly articulate the claims of Native Nations and has had the will and intellect to put forth those claims.
movement was founded to turn the attention of Indian people toward a renewal of
spirituality which would impart the strength of resolve needed to reverse the
ruinous policies of the United States, Canada, and other colonialist governments
of Central and South America. At the heart of AIM is deep spirituality and a
belief in the connectedness of all Indian people.
During the past thirty years, The American Indian Movement has organized
communities and created opportunities for people across the Americas and Canada.
AIM is headquartered in Minneapolis with chapters in many other cities, rural
areas and Indian Nations.
AIM has repeatedly brought successful suit against the federal government for the protection of the rights of Native Nations guaranteed in treaties, sovereignty, the United States Constitution, and laws. The philosophy of self-determination upon which the movement is built is deeply rooted in traditional spirituality, culture, language and history. AIM develops partnerships to address the common needs of the people. Its first mandate is to ensure the fulfillment of treaties made with the United States. This is the clear and unwavering vision of The American Indian Movement.
It has not been an easy path. Spiritual leaders and elders foresaw the testing of AIM's strength and stamina. Doubters, infiltrators, those who wished they were in the leadership, and those who didn't want to be but wanted to tear down and take away have had their turns. No one, inside or outside the movement, has so far been able to destroy the will and strength of AIM's solidarity. Men and women, adults and children are continuously urged to stay strong spiritually, and to always remember that the movement is greater than the accomplishments or faults of its leaders.
Inherent in the spiritual heart of AIM is knowing that the work goes on because the need goes on.
Indian people live on Mother Earth with the clear understanding that no one will assure the coming generations except ourselves. No one from the outside will do this for us. And no person among us can do it all for us, either. Self-determination must be the goal of all work. Solidarity must be the first and only defense of the members.
In November, 1972 AIM brought a caravan of Native Nation representatives to Washington, DC, to the place where dealings with Indians have taken place since 1849: the US Department of Interior. AIM put the following claims directly before the President of the United States:
The Preamble and complete text of the Trail of Broken Treaties 20-Point Indian Manifesto
These twenty points, twenty-six years later, state clearly what has to happen if there is to be protection of Native rights, and a future free from the dictates of the country that surrounds the Native Nations. These claims clearly reaffirm that Indian people are sovereign people. Despite the history and the accomplishments, AIM is difficult to identify for some people. It seems to stand for many things at once -- the protection of treaty rights and the preservation of spirituality and culture. But what else? Unlike the American civil rights movement, with which it has been compared, AIM has seen self-determination and racism differently. Desegregation was not a goal. Individual rights were not placed ahead of the preservation of Native Nation sovereignty. At the 1971 AIM national conference it was decided that translating policy to practice meant building organizations -- schools and housing and employment services. In Minnesota, AIM's birthplace, that is exactly what was done.
the years, as the organizations have grown, they have continued to serve the
community from a base of Indian culture. Before AIM in 1968, culture had been
weakened in most Indian communities due to U.S. policy, the American boarding
schools and all the other efforts to extinguish Indian secular and spiritual
life. Now, many groups cannot remember a time without culture. This great
revival has also helped to restore spiritual leaders and elders to their former
positions of esteem for the wisdom and the history they hold.
All of these actions are in concert with the principles of AIM and came into
being at this time in history because Indian people have refused to relinquish
their sovereign right to exist as free and uncolonized people.
1968 MINNEAPOLIS AIM PATROL : created to address issues of extensive police brutality.
ALCATRAZ ISLAND occupied for 19 months. AIM was there when United Indians of All
Tribes reclaimed federal land in the name of Native Nations. First Indian radio
broadcasts--Radio Free Alcatraz--heard in the Bay Area of San Francisco.
INDIAN HEALTH BOARD of Minneapolis founded. This is the first Indian urban-based
health care provider in the nation.
1970 LEGAL RIGHTS CENTER : created to assist in alleviating legal issues facing Indian people.(In 1994, over 19,000 clients have had legal representation, thanks to AIM's founding of the Legal Rights Center).
AIM takeover of abandoned property at the naval air station near Minneapolis
focuses attention on Indian education and leads to early grants for Indian
CITIZEN'S ARREST OF JOHN OLD CROW: Takeover of the Bureau of Indian Affairs'
main office in Washington D.C. to show improper BIA policies. 24 arrested for
"trespassing" and released. BIA Commissioner Louis Bruce shows his AIM
membership card at the meeting held after the release of those arrested.
FIRST NATIONAL AIM CONFERENCE: 18 chapters of AIM convened to develop long-range
strategy for future directions of the movement.
TAKEOVER OF DAM: AIM assists the Lac Court Orieles Ojibwa in Wisconsin in taking
over a dam controlled by Northern States Power which flooded much of the
reservation land. This action leads to support by government officials and
eventual settlement, returning over 25,000 acres of land to the tribe and
actually providing significant monies and business opportunities to the tribe.
RED SCHOOL HOUSE : the second survival school to open, offering culturally based
education services to K-12 students in St. Paul, MN.
HEART OF THE EARTH SURVIVAL SCHOOL: a K-12 school established to address the
extremely high drop-out rate among American Indian students and lack of cultural
programming. HOTESS serves as the first model of community-based,
student-centered education with culturally correct curriculum operating under
parental control.
TRAIL OF BROKEN TREATIES : a march on Washington, DC ending in the occupation of
BIA headquarters and resulting in the presentation of a 20-point solution paper
to President Nixon.
LEGAL ACTION FOR SCHOOL FUNDS: In reaction to the Trail of Broken Treaties the
government abruptly canceled education grants to Heart of the Earth Survival
School, Red School House and the Indian Community School of Milwaukee. Through
successful legal action, the US District Court orders the grants restored and
government payment of costs and attorney fees.
WOUNDED KNEE '73: AIM was contacted by Lakota elders for assistance in dealing
with the corruption within the BIA and Tribal Council, which led to the famed
71-day occupation and battle with the US. armed forces.
INTERNATIONAL INDIAN TREATY COUNCIL (IITC): an organization representing Indian
peoples throughout the western hemisphere at the United Nations in Geneva,
WOUNDED KNEE TRIALS: Eight months of trials in Minneapolis resulted from events
which occurred during the 1973 Wounded Knee occupation. This was the longest
Federal trial in the history of the United States. Many instances of government
misconduct were revealed with the result that US District judge Fred Nichol
dismissed all charges due to government "misconduct" which
"formed a pattern throughout the course of the trial" so that
"the waters of justice have been polluted."
FEDERATION OF SURVIVAL SCHOOLS: created to provide advocacy and networking
skills to 16 survival schools throughout the US and Canada.
LITTLE EARTH OF UNITED TRIBES: HUD chose AIM to be the prime sponsor of the
first Indian-run housing project.
MIGIZI Communications founded in Minneapolis. The organization is dedicated to
produce Indian news and information and educate students of all ages as
tomorrow's technical work force.
INTERNATIONAL INDIAN TREATY COUNCIL: establishes Non-government organization
status within United Nations in Geneva and attends the International NGO
conference and presents testimony to the United Nations.
language which is adopted, recognizing State responsibility for Indian education
and culture. This legislation was recognized as a model throughout the country.
AIM establishes the first adult education program at Stillwater Prison in
Minnesota. Programs later established at other state correctional facilities
modeled after the Minnesota program.
CIRCLE OF LIFE SURVIVAL SCHOOL established on the White Earth Indian Reservation
in Minnesota. The school receives funding for three years of operation from the
U.S. Department of Education.
RUN FOR SURVIVAL: AIM youth organize and conduct 500-mile run from Minneapolis
to Lawrence, Kansas to support "The Longest Walk."
THE LONGEST WALK: Indian Nations walk across the US from California to DC to
protest anti-Indian legislation calling for the abrogation of treaties. A tipi
is set up and maintained on the grounds of the White House. The proposed
anti-Indian legislation is defeated.
WOMEN OF ALL RED NATIONS (WARN): established to address issues directly facing
Indian women and their families.
LITTLE EARTH HOUSING PROTECTED: an attempt by the US Department of Housing and
Urban Development to foreclose on the Little Earth of United Tribes housing
project is halted by legal action and the US District Court issues an injunction
against HUD.
training schools to attack the outrageous unemployment issues of Indian people.
Over 17,000 Native Americans have been trained for jobs since AIM created the
American Indian Opportunities Industrialization Center in 1979.
ANISHINABE AKEENG Organization is created to regain stolen and tax forfeited
land on the White Earth Reservation in Minnesota.
1984 FEDERATION of NATIVE CONTROLLED SURVIVAL SCHOOLS presents legal education seminars for educators of Indian children at colleges and law schools in Minnesota, Wisconsin, California, South Dakota, Nebraska and Oklahoma. National conference held in San Jose, California, concurrent with the National Indian Education Association Convention.
1986 SCHOOLS LAWSUIT: Heart of the Earth and Red School House--successfully sue the U.S. Department of Education, Indian Education Programs for unfairly ranking the schools' programs below funding recommendation levels. The schools proved bias in the system of ranking by the Department staff.
1987 AIM PATROL: Minneapolis AIM Patrol comes full circle in restarting the Patrol to deal with the serial killings of American Indian women in Minneapolis.
ELAINE STATELY INDIAN YOUTH SERVICES (ESIYS): developed to create alternatives
for youth as a direct diversion to gang-involvement of Indian youth.
FORT SNELLING AIM ANNUAL POW WOW: With the 20th Anniversary of AIM,
an annual pow wow is established at historic Fort Snelling. The event becomes
the largest Labor Day Weekend event in any Minnesota state park.
1989 SPEARFISHING: AIM is requested to provide expertise in dealing with angry protesters on boat landings. Spearfishing continues despite violence, arrests, and threats from white racists. Senator Daniel Inouye calls for a study on the effects of Indian spearfishing. The study shows only 6% of fish taken are by Indians. Sports fishing accounts for the rest.
PEACEMAKER CENTER: with an American Indian spiritual base, AIM houses its AIM
Patrol and ESIYS in a center in the heart of the Indian community.
SUNDANCE RETURNED TO MINNESOTA. With the support of the Dakota communities, a
great spiritual rebirth took place at Pipestone, Minnesota. Ojibwe nations, too,
have helped make the Minnesota Sundance possible. The Pipestone Sundance has
since become an annual event.
In 1991, leaders of the Oglala Lakota, Cheyenne and other nations declared
independence from the United States. The group established a provisional
government and began the other work of developing a separate nation.
of Indians as sports team mascots. AIM led a walk in Minneapolis to the 1992
Superbowl. In 1994, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune agreed to stop using
professional sports team names that refer to Indian people.
1992 THE FOOD CONNECTION: organized summer youth jobs program with an organic garden and spiritual camp (Common Ground) at Tonkawood Farm in Orono MN.
Inc. of Great Britain, a parent of the Pillsbury Corporation merges its job
training program with that of AIOIC and pledges future monies and support.
LITTLE EARTH: after an 18-year struggle, HUD secretary Cisneros rules that
Little Earth of United Tribes housing project shall retain the right to Indian
WOUNDED KNEE ANNIVERSARY: Gathering for a twentieth anniversary of the Wounded
Knee action, Oglala Sioux tribal president thanks AIM for the 1973 actions.
April 3-8, 1996 - As a representative of the American Indian Movement Grand
Governing Council (AIMGGC) and special representative of the International
Indian Treaty Council, Vernon Bellecourt along with William A. Means, President
of IITC, attended the Prepratory Meeting for the Intercontinental Encounter for
Humanity and Against Neo-Liberalism hosted by the Emiliano Zapata Liberation
Movement (EZLN), held in LaRealidad in the Lancondone Rainforest of Eastern
Chiapaz, Mexico
July 27 - August 3, 1996 - The second meeting for the Intercontinental Encounter
for Humanity and Against Neo-Liberalism was again hosted by the EZLN and was
attended by delegates of the International Indian Treaty Council and the
American Indian Movement.
February 27, 1998 - 25th Anniversary of Wounded Knee, an Oglala Lakota Nation
resolution established February 27th as a National Day of Liberation.
July 16-19, 1998 - 25th Annual Lac Courte Oreilles Honor the Earth Homecoming
Celebration to celebrate and honor the people of Lac Courte Oreilles and the
American Indian Movement who participated in the July 31, 1971 takeover of the
Winter Dam and the Birth of Honor the Earth.
August 2-11, 1998 - 30th Anniversary of the American Indian Movement Grand
Governing Council; Sacred Pipestone Quarries in Pipestone, Minnesota. Welcoming
Feast and Celebration/Conference commemorating AIM's 30th Anniversary.