My Virtual Photo Album


This is my brother Darryl and his wife Jackie, Don't they still look great after a hard days work! They are nurses and Darryl also is a blacksmith Artisan and Jackie is a very creative artist herself.

This is our precious Sassy-girl. She is a shih-tzu yorkie mix but looks more like the shih-tzus and this is what inspired my love of the shih-tzu breed and also she is what inspired Sassy-Petwear

This is Simba his registered name is Cimba Norbu Dpal Sim-Khyi which means Small wish-fullfilling jewel nobility dog. We got him so Sassy could have a playmate because Fritz and Heidi were to old and didn't want to play with her. Sassy and Simba had a liter of pups 2 years later. She had a total of 8 and we kept 2 which you will see on the following pages.