My Virtual Photo Album

Welcome to my online photo album.

This is Chyna, she is a tri-color girl and her registered name is Ang-ki Chi Chyna Miu which means Number One Chyna Doll. She will be joining us from Sacriver kennels tomorrow feb 2 08 i will update site when i learn her personality

This is Prancer. His registered name is Lonestar's Prancin around town. He is a year old and will be joining us from Dee Levine from Holy Shih-tzus. We purchased him for our breeding program and he will be Keya's husband. I will be picking him up tomorrow 2/2/08 when i get Chyna I will update this when i learn our new little mans personality.

This is our little Koco. His registered name is Ang-Ki Chi Senghe Khi which means Number One Lion Dog. He is a deep chocolate color with a black face thats why we named him Koco. He is only 2 lbs right now but he doesn't take any mess. He barely has teeth but when Majik plays to rough with him he barks and growls loud like a big dog! He loves to Kiss you! Gotta love that puppy breath! He is a dollbaby!