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Home Pictures Dog Related Stuff Mouse Care Links

There are a few ways of contacting me. You may contact me by phone or e-mail. If by phone, you are limited to certain times. I'm home during the week after 5 p.m. and on weekends during the afternoon and evening. Sundays you may call after 2 p.m. E-mail has no limitations. I check it every day, and can reply back to you as soon as I receive it!

PLEASE NOTE:Right now I do not have any mice currently for sale, so please check my links page before sending me an e-mail if you want mice. Thank you.

Phone Contact


E-mail Contact

Your Name
E-mail Address
Type of mouse you are interested in
Approximately how much free-time do you have at home daily?
Have you owned small pets before? yes no
Do you own any other pets? If yes, what kind(s)? yes no

Do they stay inside, outside, or both?

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